Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 576

Chapter 576

"No, you are not in good health recently. You must have a good rest."

"I'm fine." Suqin shook his head.

Around 3:00, follow him back to the office building. At about 5:30, Suqin left the office at the right time.

At the corner of a corridor, she heard lison's voice.

"Let the convoy be ready, and you will set off for general Lin's mansion."

Suqin's steps stopped, and at this time, Li Sen also turned around, saw her, Zheng for a few seconds, "Xiaoqin, do you get off work?"

"Yes." Su Qin nodded and smiled, and Li Sen nodded to her, then walked to the direction of xuanyuanchen's office.

Suqin steps to the elevator, thinking of what Li Sen said just now, and xuanyuanchen's saying that there is a party in the evening. It turns out that his party is to visit the Lin family.

General Lin's granddaughter, is the lady he's dating!

Suqin's heart was scratched silently. Some of the pain was intended to spread over the apex of the heart.

Xuanyuanchen comes out of the office. Li Sen has told him that Suqin is off work. Xuanyuanchen nods. josei

Suqin sat in the car, she did not leave immediately, she did not start, she saw the presidential palace gate, a team is ready.

After a while, xuanyuanchen, surrounded by Li Sen and bodyguards, came out and sat in one of the cars.

They are about to leave for Lin Zhai. Suqin silently watches the motorcade leave, but she hasn't started the car for a long time.

The forest house, with bright lights, is very classical in Chinese style, retaining a hundred years of heavy historical flavor.

Lin bingyue stood at the door in a long apricot dress, her eyes full of expectation and joy. She looked down at her clothes, and then, with some uncertainty, said to a maid who was accompanying her, "aunt Yang, do you think my clothes are inappropriate?"

"Don't worry, miss. You are beautiful today." Aunt Yang said to her with a happy face.

Lin bingyue chuckled, "I hope I can be more beautiful."

Every woman, in front of the man she likes, will have a kind of self-confidence, afraid that her shortcomings will be found by him.

At half past six, she heard the sound of cars coming from the other side of the gate, and then her father and grandfather came out to meet them.

"Icy moon, please remember to greet Mr. President." Mr. Lin made a careful confession.

"Well! I will. " Lin bingyue answers with a shy voice.

At this time, three black cars from the driveway to the direction of the door, the middle of the car stopped, Lin Fu took the initiative to open the door, and then, xuanyuanchen's figure stepped down. "

"Hello, Mr. President." General Lin came forward and shook hands with xuanyuanchen.

Xuanyuanchen said with a smile, "general Lin, long time no see."

"Yes! I haven't seen you for another year. Last time I saw you, I was at an award ceremony! " General Lin said with a smile, looking at the magnificent young president, he really hoped that his granddaughter would have such a blessing and spend his life with such a man.

"Brother Xuanyuan." Lin bingyue's voice is sweet. Say hello to him.

"Hello, Miss Lin." Xuanyuanchen greets her very politely.

This made Lin bingyue's smile stiff. She thought he would call her bingyue.

General Lin and his son also took a look at each other and walked towards the hall in the direction of xuanyuanchen.

In the hall, two madams also welcome to come over, xuanyuanchen very politely greets with them, then was welcomed to the sofa place to rest.

Lin bingyue comes in, her eyes are looking at the slender and charming figure on the sofa, her heart rate can not help accelerating.

Xuanyuanchen is in her home, which inexplicably makes her have a kind of excitement, eager to have something happened with him in her own home.

Li Sen, xuanyuanchen's assistant, was also greeted. He sat on the sofa next to him and listened to xuanyuanchen and Lin's two heads chatting. He was just polite and chatting about some recent physical matters. However, this evening, they invited Xuanyuan Chen here to give her granddaughter a chance to get closer to Xuanyuan Chen.

After chatting for a while, old general Lin said, "Mr. President, let my granddaughter bingyue show you around! The evening view in this yard is very good. "

"OK!" Xuanyuan Chen nodded and agreed. Lin bingyue, who couldn't put in a word all the time, immediately stood up happily. "Brother Xuanyuan, let's go to the garden."

Xuanyuanchen gets up and leaves the gate with Lin bingyue. Behind him, Lin's father and son are looking forward to him.

In the garden, Lin bingyue and xuanyuanchen walk side by side. The beautiful sunset in the distance makes the ancient and antique garden more beautiful.

In Lin bingyue's eyes, at this moment, there is a more romantic atmosphere.

There was an idea in her heart. Later, xuanyuanchen took a step and looked at his broad shoulders. She immediately planned to kick it. She pretended to kick it onto a bluestone road."Ah..." With a exclamation, Xuanyuan Chen turned around, and she took the initiative to put her arms in his arms. Her arms naturally embraced his waist, and the whole body actively nestled in Xuanyuan Chen's chest.

Xuanyuanchen holds her shoulder with both hands and raises her from his arms, asking. "Are you ok?"

"I I'm fine. " Lin bingyue looked at being helped up, she immediately pretended to bite her lips firmly, "I'm sorry, I'm too careless, I didn't see the way."

Xuanyuanchen's eyes flashed a clear luster. He had already seen Lin bingyue's careful thinking in his eyes, but he didn't tear her down.

Xuanyuanchen's heart, is very dislike the woman to play small mind in front of him.

Xuanyuanchen released his hand and took a step back. "I think we'd better go back!"

"No, Xuanyuan, I'm fine. We can have a good chat." Lin bingyue rarely has time alone with him. How can she let it go?

"What does Miss Lin want to talk to me about?" Xuanyuanchen asked directly.

Lin bingyue is not a shy and ignorant little girl either. She is nearly 27 years old this year. Her eyes are staring at him seriously. "Brother Xuanyuan, I like you."

Xuanyuanchen narrowed his eyes slightly. "Miss Lin, I'm sorry. I think you misunderstood me. I'm just a friend to you."

This is a rejection.

"Brother Xuanyuan, aunt LAN likes me very much. She hopes that we can try to communicate and understand each other. I believe that I am absolutely suitable for your other half." Lin bingyue has already said it. She only hopes xuanyuanchen can understand her heart.

Xuanyuanchen looked at her, and her handsome face was as polite as glass. "Miss Lin, maybe my mother likes you very much, but the feeling is not that simple. I hope Miss Lin doesn't waste time on me."

After that, xuanyuanchen turned around and walked towards the hall. Behind him, Lin bingyue was stunned and lost. He bit his lips unwillingly.

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