Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 100

Chapter 100: Specter Lord

Specter Follower was the people who sought power through the specter. The specter would grand the human a seed that would generate the Dark Ki inside the body and a way to make dense the Dark Ki in their bodies.

These people were known as Specter Followers in Dramonia and they were adept in using this Dark Ki as the Specter. At least, it was what they called on Dramonia and Heero was shocked to find Specter Follower here.

If there was a Specter Follower, then there must be a real specter as well. A specter that could grand this seed at least at Level 8 Specter or was known as Specter Lord on Dramonia.

Hearing the words Specter Follower from Heero's mouth, the twins shocked as well. The term Specter was only known to their circle while the others such as heroes and rankers were oblivious to Specter's existence.

The people on Earth regarded their lord, Specter as zombies which were, in fact, a different being. So it shocked them when Heero mentioned them as Specter Follower. The twins exchanged a glance before they nodded their heads at each other.

With that, the twins pulled their twin short out. After that, their bodies blurred into shadow and blended into the darkness.

"It's shadow…" Heero muttered in a low voice at the sight of the vanished twins. Shadow was one type of specter with an ability to blend in with the shadows. This Specter particularly dangerous at night.

Alas, the twins chose the wrong opponent. As the man who had killed the pet of Specter God which was equivalent to Level 10 Specter, Specter Emperor. The twins' trick was a child play to Heero.


There was a movement that whistled through the air and aimed toward Heero's neck. The twins appeared from Heero's left and right, sandwiching him while delivering their daggers at Heero's neck.

However, just as the daggers almost sliced through Heero's neck, Heero's figure disappeared and the daggers which were supposed to cut Heero's neck sliced through the empty air as their target vanished.

Heero used his stealth and it shocked both assassins. The two assassins looked at each other in confusion. The twins had a lot of experiences in the underworld, but an awakened ability like this was unheard.

"Watch out!" one of the twins saw Heero appeared behind his brother. What surprised him was Heero appeared with a longsword in his hand. The longsword slashed horizontally to the assassins' neck.


The twin daggers met with the sword while the assassin who had his back on Heero rolled down to make a distance between him and Heero. The one who met the sword was pushed back from the impact of the clash against Heero's sword.

The little brother who rolled down blended into shadows once again and appeared behind Heero. He brandished his twin daggers at Heero's back but only met an empty air as Heero already vanished into stealth once again.

On the top of the building, one could see two flurried shadows fought against Heero who actively using Stealth. It was two against one, but the twins could not find any advantage. Instead, Heero was the one cornered them on each swing of his sword.

The clash between daggers and sword resounded and attracted the people below them. Yes, the stream of people stopped their steps around the building and looked up. They wondered what happened on the top.

Sensing the crowd below, the twins stopped their futile flurry attack against Heero and Heero also stopped attacking the twin as he appeared eight meters away from the twins. They stared at each other, the twins stared at Heero with their callous stares while Heero appeared calm, unperturbed by the gaze.

"We have to leave now," the big brother said in a flat yet cold tone which the little brother nodded in agreement. They never planned to make a move tonight, but they were caught off guard as Heero found them,

"Clean your neck, we will kill in our next meeting," the little brother left his last words before he left. However, to the shock of the twins, they realized they could not activate their ability. The ability to blend with the shadows was disabled for unknown reasons.

"Heh heh, do you think I will let you escape before my nose? Stupid!" Heero snickered in mockery. The shocked and panicked twins looked at Heero with their eyes wide open.

They were shocked to find someone who could disable their ability, but the shock did not stop here. Just as the two decided to run, they noticed Heero's figure blurred, leaving an afterimage and afterimage. Then, they were surrounded by these mirages and the twins rooted on the spot as their instinct told them they would die if they made a reckless move.

The twin looked at the flurry of Heero's afterimage. They did not know the exact number, but one thing was sure, the number of mirages kept increasing. They were unsure which was the real one.

They were unsure what to do, suddenly the little brother's vision flipped over. It shocked him as he did not know what had happened. But then, he saw his lower body, from waist to toe was still standing at the same spot.

He looked at his big brother and found his big brother also suffered the same fate as him. Even though their bodies were sliced up into two, there was no blood, but only thick black gas came out of their bodies.

They also did not die, but the pain was visible from their eyes. However, there was another thing that dominated their pain. It was the shock, this truly shook them to the core as their target's strength was unimaginable.josei

As Specter Follower, they had given up as a human. The seed planted in their body would suck the blood and replace the blood with the thick black gas that would regenerate the Dark Ki. Blood was the source of this Dark Ki, more blood meant they would get stronger.

Heero looked down at the struggling twins, the thick black gas from the lower body and the thick gas from the upper fused. If he did nothing, the twins would get their body attached back.

There was only one way to kill the Shadow Specter, destroyed the core. In the case of the Specter Follower, he only needed to destroy the seed planted inside their bodies. He scanned the twins' upper body with his Mystical Eyes.

Despite the shock they received from Heero's strength, the twins practically still calm. The main reason was that they were unkillable as long as the seed inside their bodies were intact. They only needed to fake their deaths and escaped later when Heero lowered his guard.

Indeed, with their eyes wide open, the twins pretended to be dead as soon as their upper body touched the ground.

At first, Heero surprised as he found the twins no longer moving. He furrowed his brow, then he realized what the twins were doing.

'They faked their dead…'

It was a brilliant idea, for people who did not know about Shadow Specter would think these two truly died. Heero smirked as he raised his long sword. He had found where the seed located.


The sword pierced the little brother's right shoulder, right at where the seed.

"GRAAAARRRRGHHHH!" The little brother let out a bestial roar as the sword pierced the seed. It shocked the big brother who currently faked his death. His eyes rolled to the right and found his little brother's black gas evaporated.

"You…" having not finished his words, the sword in Heero's hand pierced his belly.

"GRAAAARRRRGHHHH!" another bestial roar rang with a similar voice.

After that, Heero vanished into stealth and left the rooftop, leaving the dead bodies behind. His intention of leaving the dead bodies was to tell the Hero League that their city had been infiltrated by Specter.

As soon as Heero left the rooftop, there were three figures approached the rooftop. The three figures were Gold Class Heroes and from the opposite side, five rankers also approached the rooftop. These heroes and rankers happened to be in the commerce region and heard the twins' bestial roar, so they hurriedly came over.

As the eight people landed on the rooftop, they nodded at each other as a greeting. Then, they were stunned by their discoveries. They found two bodies sliced apart, but what stunned them was not this. It was the dead bodies' condition.

With the black gas evaporated and their blood dried up, the twins only left with skin and bone. Not even chunk of meat was left behind as well, it completely only bone and skin.

The heroes and rankers exchanged looks and nodded at each other. One Hero and one Ranker immediately made a call. They had to report this bizarre event to HQ.

*** ***

Heero back to the hotel, he told Hong Yu and Han Ying that he went to the toilet. He entered the lift and pressed number six.


The lift door opened and Heero walked to room 625. He knocked on the door and it opened almost in an instant. Hong Yu's worried face came into his sight.

She dashed toward Heero and complained in her sweet voice, "What took you so long? I thought the thugs are coming after you again. I thought the assassin…"

Heero tapped his wife back as both entered the room. Inside the room, Han Ying sat on a couch with a concerned look as well. Upon finding Heero hugged her little sister, she relieved, nothing happened to Heero.

Heero brought his wife to the couch as he listened to her wife's grumbled. As for why it took him so long to finish the twins, it because he wanted to test the power of the Specter Follower. Measuring their strength, he could make an estimation of the Shadow Specter's strength that planted the seed.

Based on the fight earlier, he was sure the Specter was not strong, Level 8 Specter, Specter Lord. At least, Specter Lord was weak before his eyes, but it was different for the heroes on Earth. Even Sun Zhou Yi could not beat this Specter Lord yet.

After half an hour grumbling, Hong Yu grew tired. Then, Heero brought her to their room as this was Han Ying's room.

'Hmm, Hirata knows more about Shadow Fang, I can ask him Shadow Fang's base and kill this Specter,' His hate toward Specter had not faded yet.

Meanwhile, Han Ying gazed at the couple with a melancholic gaze. Then, her sweet memories with Guo Shan resurfaced once again. Even though her ex-husband left an everlasting scar on her, the sweet memories with him also stayed in her heart.

'Should I remarry…'

At this thought, Han Ying shook her head, she stood up and walked to the bed.

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