Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Specter Follower

"It's Ronin's second in command, Ono Arakiri…"

"I heard they just defeated Kaen Ken, the seventh in Martial Alliance…"

"So this is Ronin…"

The small crowd that had gathered around broke into a small discussion. The guy with over two meters tall was smiling proudly as he heard the discussion amongst the crowd.

However, Heero only glanced at the man with over two meters before turning around and told the two girls in a whisper, "Ignore them,"

At first, the two girls were intimidated by the man's statue which reached over two meters. Heero's words eased their restless feeling. They had witnessed Heero fought once, against the people from the Iron Fist Martial House. Despite the brutal result, but with Heero with them, it gave them a sense of security they never had before Hero's appearance.

The two girls turned around, waiting for their names called. Despite the rude manner of the big guy, Heero did not intend to make an issue of it. He decided to ignore these guys as he did not want this pleasant trip turned unpleasant because of these guys.

However, the big guy thought otherwise. Being ignored by these lowborn infuriated him, but upon seeing the pretty sisters, the big guy licked his lips with a big smile.

"Kid! Do you hear what I said? Scram! This Young Master wants to eat ramen!" Ono Arakiri yelled once again, this time he yelled louder.

There was the plan in Ono Arakiri's mind. The plan was simple and straightforward, humiliating the man with his prowess and the two pretty girls would follow him voluntarily. On this day women sought a capable man with high status and he believed this plan would work.

He, Ono Arakiri had all of it. He was Silver Class Ranker - Rank 23, second in command of Ronin Dojo who was on the rise, and soon he would enter the inner region to stay there. With his big contribution to Ronin Dojo, the main association would give him this special privilege.

However, to everyone's surprise, the man and the two girls completely ignored Ono Arakiri. The most infuriated him was, of course, Ono Arakiri himself. He never expected there was someone who dared to ignore him.

He spared no more words as his hand moved to Heero's shoulder. His irrational feeling took him over as he immediately made his move.

Just before the hand could reach the shoulder, Heero turned around which shocked Ono Arakiri. With such a quick reaction, it certainly surprised him. Even so, Ono Arakiri did stop his motion, instead, a cruel smile formed on his lips.

There was a reason for this, because of Heero's age. Heero looked at his twenty, Ono Arakiri felt this young man was weaker than him despite the quick reaction. His thought was simple, this was commerce region, not inner region or even core region where the talented young monsters dwelled.

But that superior thought instantly vanished when the young man caught his wrist. With his wrist caught, it rendered his hand immovable. He tried to push his hand, but it was futile. He tried to pull it off from the young man's grasp, but it was also futile.

The hand who caught his wrist was far stronger than his own strength. It panicked Ono Arakiri as a thought appeared in his mind, "Don't tell me this is the young monster who comes from the inner region,"

If it was truly so, then his luck was truly awful. In terms of power, he certainly could not be compared to the young master from the inner region, let alone the background.

Han Ying watched all of this and she released out of sigh upon this scene that unfolded before her. This trip was supposed to be an enjoyable trip, but the group of Ronin seemed to be coming to ruin their enjoyable trip.

"Let's leave!" Han Ying pulled Heero's lower clothes. She was excited to taste the famous ramen earlier, but because of this group, she no longer had an appetite to eat ramen. Violent was something she disliked the most, if this continued, without doubt, violent would be involved.

She would rather not eat ramen than watching Heero fought these guys. The same for Hong Yu, she knew Heero could handle these hoodlums with ease, but she did not want their trips were ruined by these people.

After all, the two sisters were used to live in the outer region. People in the outer region tended to avoid a conflict like this despite Heero was here with him.

Heero merely frowned for a moment before he pushed the wrist away. The over two meters Ono Arakiri took a few steps back and had his back collided to his underlings. Giving a last cold stare to big Ono, Heero turned away, intending to leave this place.

Ono Arakiri also did not want to mess with Heero as the guy backed down. Heero's background was unknown to him and he did not dare act recklessly. Moreover, the guy's surpassed him, he was not sure if he could win against Heero.

Alas, Ono Arakiri's underlings thought otherwise. As soon as Heero pushed him back, his underlings blocked Heero's path and the two girls.

"Young Master Ono, this petite boy dares to push you, we should teach him who is the Boss here!"

"Yeah, Young Master Ono, we can't let this kid leave unscathed or it will spoil your reputation!"

Ono Arakiri's seven underlings echoed in agreement. As they spoke, their gazes never Hong Yu's face. It was clear Ono's underlings lusted over Hong Yu. Hong Yu turned even prettier after she married Heero, the elder in the district said it was the charm of a married woman.

Ono Arakiri was put in a tough spot by his underlings. He was so reluctant to face Heero, but his underlings made a situation where he could not turn around. If he ignored his underlings and left, he would lose his face as many witnessed his action. It was not weird if tomorrow his name appeared on Star Web.

In the end, his irrational feeling took over him and took a step forward. His hand moved to Heero's shoulder to pull him off. However, just like before, his wrist was grabbed in an instant. And then, a fist shot toward his face.

This action was too fast for him to dodge. In a stunned state, the punch landed on his big nose and blood spurted out of his nose. The impact of the punch that supposed to be sending him to fly, but the hand that held his wrist holding him tight.

It did not stop here, his feet was kicked, causing Ono Arakiri lost his footing. Before he fell, there was a big palm covered his fast and pushed him down.


His back head clashed against the paved street and blood gushed out of his head. Despite receiving such an impact, Ono was still alive. It could be heard from his disorganized and ragged breathing. After all, Heero did not intend to kill the man.

All of this action was less than five seconds as it shocked the surrounding people included Ono Arakiri's underlings. They were rooted on the spot as they witnessed their undefeatable boss knocked down in such a short time.

They realized they just met an expert that stronger than their boss. Not only stronger, but the man before them might also have a deeper background than their boss. Here they tried to snatch the woman from this young man. It as the same as seeking for death.

Coming into realization, Ono's underlings tried to run away. However, it was too late as soon a pitiful cry filled the street as Heero already made his move.

Finishing the last Ono's underling, Heero took the two sisters away from this place. These guys just ruined their appetite and they intended to look for a new restaurant for their dinner.

The fight was finished as it started. Even the onlookers were dumbstruck at this scene. They even forgot to take a video as it just happened too fast. In the end, these people were taking pictures of Ono Arakiri and his underlings.

Meanwhile, Heero and the two sisters found another restaurant for their dinner. South Region was not only famous for their noodles, but their seafood was even more famous than their noodles.

South Region close to the sea and many people made of living from capturing the sea beast. Sea beast could fetch more price than the beast on the land albeit harder to catch. However, the price was twice the normal beast on the land.

Heero, Hong Yu, and Han Ying visited a place called Seafood Dynasty. The most famous seafood restaurant in the south. This restaurant was backed by a big family, they had their specialists to catch the sea beast, and only sold their catch in seafood which amplified price by three times to five times rather than selling it raw.

The restaurant served King Crab, King Shrimp, and more. The King Crab was gargantuan in size, the smallest one filled took half of a table of ten people. Heero ordered this King Crab and everything with King.

Maybe because of the earlier incident, both girls were less enthusiastic than before. They left the restaurant as soon as they finished. As it seemed the two girls had no mood to stroll around, they decided to go back to the hotel.

Not long after they left the Seafood Dynasty, Heero halted his steps and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Hong Yu was the first one to notice as she was holding her husband's hand and asked in a concerned tone upon finding the frown on Heero's face.

"Keep walking!" Heero instructed the two girls and both nodded. After a moment Heero told them his discovery, "We are being followed!"

Han Ying and Hong Yu were stunned for a moment. They subconsciously turned around to see the people who followed them. However, Heero stopped them and said, "Don't look back! they are assassins after me,"

Actually, he already felt it since leaving Bemen. He thought it was someone related to the man he had beaten. They were tailing him to get their revenge as the other called the helpers. However, these did not show up and the feeling of being watched was still there.

If they came for revenge, then these people should be surrounding him at Seafood Dynasty. But it did not happen. The one who watched him was so patient, it meant they were from a different group than the people he had beaten earlier. These people might be assassins sent by Shadow Fang.

Musashi Hirata already told him Shadow Fang was targeting him and they won't give up until they achieved their target, killing him.

The two girls' heartbeat quickened upon hearing this. If it was an assassin, it meant they were more fearful compared to the group they encountered earlier.

"It's okay, everything is under my control. The assassins are weak, there's nothing to be afraid of," Heero smiled to reassure the two girls. Indeed, Heero's words eased the two girls fluttered heart a little.

The three walked to the hotel in silence. When they reached the hotel's entrance, Heero stopped for a moment and gave a glance toward a certain direction. After that, he entered the hotel.

Meanwhile, on top of building that two hundred meters away from the hotel Heero stay overnight, two men in black watched the hotel. Their outfit blended with the dark of the night and people would fail to notice them if they looked from belowjosei

"Brother, it seems he noticed us," one of them said uncertainty.

"No, there's no way he could notice our presence. We are keeping a safe distance…"

The words abruptly stopped as both of them sensed a fatal danger came from behind. The two men in black immediately ducked forward, avoiding the life-threatening danger. Just as the two gained their footings and looked back, a fist greeted them.

The two men made the same move as they crossed their hands to block the incoming punch.


The punch landed on the assassin's crossed hand caused a spark of Ki and Dark Ki. The man in black grunted in pain as they were pushed back from the impact.

They were shocked to see Heero who just entered the hotel was here with them. However, they also found Heero had a shocked look as well which confused the twins.

"Is it because the surprise attack failed?" both brothers had the same thought.

They were completely wrong. Heero was shocked not because these two managed to fend his sneak attack, but it was because of the Dark Ki. For the first time, he found Dark Ki on Earth.

He immediately activated his Mystical Eyes and scanned the twins. He was shocked upon his discovery as the twin body's filled with Dark Ki. Only Specter had Dark Ki and…

"You are Specter Follower!"

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