Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Undying

Sun Zhou Yi led the team into the forest. Inside the dungeon, not only the soil was pitch black, the trees and its leaves also pitch black in color.

As they entered the forest, the gush of cold air assaulted their faces. Not only the temperature turned lower, but the uncomfortable feeling also grew. Sun Zhou Yi scanned the surroundings with his Mystical Eyes and found out the trees also released the same dark energy from the soil.

He looked back to check his teammates. Sure enough, these people's faces turned even more uncomfortable than before.

"Fortunately, I reminded them to set a time limit…" Sun Zhou Yi muttered in a low voice.

'I have to move fast.'

With that thought in his mind, he picked up his pace. Bai Xin Yue followed him closely while Kang Seo Yeon acted as a scout in the front. After a few minutes ventured deeper into the forest, Kang Seo Yeon signaled the team to stop.

She made a signal with her hand, telling the team to make a little noise as she asked Sun Zhou Yi and Bai Xin Yue to follow her. The three advanced and only stopped after twenty meters.

Kang Seo Yeon signaled Bai Xin Yue and Sun Zhou Yi to stop as she pointed her finger forward. About thirty meters ahead of them, there was a creature with black fur walked with its back on them.

The black-furred creature walked just like a normal human with its feet. It had two pointy animal ears, a long claw that reached almost half of a meter, and it was much taller than an adult, almost three meters.

This was the first creature Sun Zhou Yi's team encountered inside the dungeon. Based on the appearance that visible to Sun Zhou Yi, he found this creature had similarity to a wolf, a standing wolf.

If this creature truly a humanoid wolf, then this creature was a new monster. But they were not sure about that as they could only see the creature's back.

"I never across such creatures…" Bai Xin Yue mumbled in a low voice. Kang Seo Yeon also nodded her head as this was also her first time encountered this creature.

As the two girls exchanged their thoughts, Sun Zhou Yi focused his eyes on the creature. He found the creature's body was filled by the dark energy that released out by the soil and trees.

At the same time Bai Xin Yue spoke, he noticed the creature's ears twitched. It was as if the creature heard Bai Xin Yue's voice which had been lowered to a certain extent.

Sun Zhou Yi surprised as he guessed right. The creature turned its head toward their direction. The creature was indeed resemblances to a wolf. As the creature turned around, they got a clear look at the creature.

It had a wolf head with six canines teeth protruded out its mouth. What surprised them was its eyes, its eyes were hollow. But in Sun Zhou Yi's eyes, he saw a whirlpool of dark energy in its socket.

As the creature turned around, it found the three. The creature rushed toward the three with extremely fast movement. In a few seconds, it already half-way to reach the three.

Unfortunately, the creature met an experienced hero. As the creature reached the half-way to the three, Kang Seo Yeon released a flame arrow. The arrow covered in a flame shot toward the incoming creature and its pierced through the creature's head.

As the flame arrow pierced the creature's head, the flame burst out to the creature's body. The flame engulfed the creature in an instant.

"Heh, it seems this new creature is stupid. It just ran straight to us…" Kang Seo Yeon's complacent remark stopped halfway as she noticed something unbelievable.

The creature was still running toward them despite its body engulfed by the flame. That was not the only thing that stunned the three, but the fact that the creature was still alive despite an arrow pierced its head. It shocked the three.

With the arrow hit its head, the creature was supposed to be dead by now. Head was a vital part of every creature, even the zombie would be dead when its head pierced by an arrow. But this wolf creature was still running despite an arrow impaled its head and it also not slowing down.

Sun Zhou Yi was the first one to snap out of his shock. He summoned the four Ki Swords, the four Ki Swords shot in the same direction, the wolf creature's chest.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The four swords punctured the wolf creature's chest. As the sword hit its chest, the wolf creature was blown back from the impact. It fell with its back on the ground.

However, the result was the same as before. The four Ki Swords had no effect on the wolf creature as it stood again. Then it ran toward the three once again.

The creature reached ten meters distance. Just as Sun Zhou Yi wanted to summon more swords, Bai Xin Yue raised her right hand. At the same time Bai Xin Yue raised her right hand, the wolf creature's rush halted.

The wolf creature had its feet froze. From its waist to its feet was covered by ice. An arrow in its forehead, four Ki Swords in its chest, a flame blazed on its upper body, and its lower body frozen by ice.

Even so, the creature was still alive and kicking. The wolf creature brandished its long claw toward Sun Zhou Yi and the two girls. Of course, with eight meters distance that separated them, its claw was bound to never reach its target.

"Even though this creature is hard to kill, this wolf creature does not have intelligence," Bai Xin Yue concluded. If the creature was smart, it should brandish its claw to the ice that froze its feet to regain its mobility.

After saying that, Bai Xin Yue approached the wolf creature. She took his spear from her back. When she reached the range of attack, she swept her spear horizontally toward the wolf's creature neck.


The wolf creature's head separated from its body and fell to the ground. Here, Sun Zhou Yi, Kang Seo Yeon, and Sun Zhou Yi were shocked once again.

The expected blood did not come out from the wolf creature, but black gas escaped through its neck. What shocked them was the fact that the creature still brandished its hand randomly.

Yes, even though Bai Xin Yue cut its head, the wolf creature did not die. The shock did not stop here, the wolf creature's head that fell to the ground dissolved into black gas. Then, the wolf creature's regenerated a new head.

Witnessing this scene, the three exchanged glances. The wolf creature's regeneration ability shocked them. Even after what they did to the wolf creature, they failed to kill it, then how supposed they kill this wolf creature?

Kang Seo Yeon rubbed her clean forehead and said in a solemn tone, "This creature is unkillable…"

Even she said so, she pulled her two short swords from her waist. Then she performed a quick sword technique, cutting the wolf creature's upper body into pieces.

But all she did was in vain, the wolf creature regenerated its upper body again. As Kang Seo Yeon did this, the three made another discovery. This wolf creature did not have organs or even blood, its body was filled with black gas.

"It's weak, but unkillable at the same time. Facing a few of them is not a problem, we can just run away after a few bouts of the fight. But if we get surrounded by these creatures, we are done for…" Bai Xin Yue remarked in a somber tone.

They, humans would get exhausted after a long battle, they had limits while this wolf creature did not have limits. It seemed it also did not feel pain and if they got surrounded by thousands of these wolves creatures, their only choice was to escape.

"We have to find a way to kill them…" Bai Xin Yue said in a determined tone, "Seo Yeon, cut its upper body again!"

Kang Seo Yeon did the same thing as before, cut the wolf creature's upper body into pieces. This time, Bai Xin Yue did not let the wolf creature to regenerate its body. She used her ice to freeze the wolf creature.

With its body frozen inside the ice, the wolf creature could not regenerate again. At this time, Sun Zhou Yi got Bai Xin Yue's idea. He summoned the Ki Swords and destroyed the ice. He cut the wolf creature into pieces.

But all their efforts were in vain, from a chunk of black gas, the wolf creature regenerated a new body. Freezing its body was useless. After that attempt, they experimented more with the wolf creature's body to find a way to kill this wolf creature.

At this time, the team arrived at this place. They noticed their leaders were tormenting the unkillable creature.

In another place, Musashi Naizen also encountered the same creature. The creature had the resemblance of lizard, this creature had a similar appearance of lizardmen in a fantasy story.

With his sword technique, Musashi Naizen could kill the lizardmen with ease. However, just like the wolf creature Sun Zhou Yi encountered, the lizardmen would regenerate their lost parts.

*** ***

Meanwhile, at an open field in the north of Star City

Butcher Wang had his face kissed on the ground. He immediately rose and turned around as he pointed his finger toward Heero, "It's not fair, don't use your Ki if you dare!"

Heero smirked in response, but he still nodded his head, "Good, good, I will not use Ki. In the first place, I don't need to use Ki against you. Come, Bearded Wang!"josei

Heero gestured his hand toward Butcher Wang to come at him with a smirk on his face. Stand, after teaching his disciples how to use Ki, now he taught them to stand. The same training he experienced before, they had to stand as long as possible under his assault.


Butcher Wang rushed forward with his unique movement. He rushed with his four limbs, just like a beast. Not only his movement was fast and agile, but his movement was also unpredictable. It was just a pity his opponent was Heero, his movement was still too slow in Heero's eyes.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just like a leopard, he moved here and there. He did not directly attack Heero, he moved around Heero, waiting for a chance to pounce on his prey.

Heero just stayed on his spot after a moment, Butcher Wang made his move. He pounced toward Heero from the blindspot. To his surprise, he was greeted with a shoe right before his face.

He slanted his head to the right, the shoe did not hit face but his shoulder.

"Urgh!" Butcher Wang let out a pained groan. Even though the shoe hit his shoulder, he did not fall as he landed with his feet.

But just as he landed on the ground, he immediately lost his footing and he felt his body was floating in the air. Soon, he was greeted by the ground. The same as before, he had his face kissed the ground as he fell.

"You are still far from Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata, you can't even hold more than ten seconds," Heero commented from the side.

"Don't compare me with those two monsters!" Butcher Wang turned his body and faced the blue sky as he responded in an annoyed tone.

Just as Heero wanted to rebuke the lazy Bearded Wang, his wrist vibrated. He looked down and found his first disciple requested a video call.

"Ten minutes break!" After saying that, Heero turned around and accepted the video call. Soon, Sun Zhou Yi's solemn face appeared on the screen.

Without greeting, Sun Zhou Yi spoke in a somber tone, "Master, I encountered trouble and need your help!"

From the way Sun Zhou Yi's speak, it seemed the expedition team encountered a serious problem. Heero nodded and motioned his first disciple to continue.

"I met a creature can't be killed inside the dungeon…" Sun Zhou Yi narrated his encounter with the wolf creature. He also told Heero everything about the dungeon and the fishy dark energy.

A frown appeared on Heero as Sun Zhou Yi finished with his words. He held his chin and replied, "If I am not wrong, that dungeon should be Specter's territory and the creature you encountered is a Specter called Undying!"

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