Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Clues

"Specter? Undying?" Sun Zhou Yi blurted out in confusion. This was the first time he heard these terms.

"The training is over, you can go now!" Instead of explaining to Sun Zhou Yi, Heero shouted at Butcher Wang before looking back at his smartwatch.

Hearing the shout, Butcher Wang immediately stood up from the ground. Without saying goodbye, he ran away. He was afraid Heero would change his mind and continued the training, so he immediately escaped.

Heero shook his head at Butcher Wang's escaping figure before looking back at the smartwatch. Then he started his lengthy regarding Specter. Undying was a unique Specter amongst the Specter, just like its name, this Specter was hard to kill with its frightening regeneration ability.

It was unique because there were certain conditions needed to be fulfilled to transform into Undying. First, Dark Ki from Abyss Tree. Abyss Tree produced a violent Dark Ki and this violent Dark Ki used by Specter to produce the Undying army.

Second, it was only a beast that could be turned into Undying. The human body could not bear the violent Dark Ki as the body would crumble with an excessive violent Dark Ki. Of course, it was extremely dangerous for living humans as well, the violent Dark Ki was akin to poison for the living human.

With these two conditions, Undying could be produced. Undying Army was one of the most fearful armies that Specter had. The insane regeneration and strong physical power inherited from the beast caused Human Race and Beast Race a headache when they faced the Undying Army.

But of course, Undying was not an unkillable Specter. There was a way to kill Undying, it was to destroy the dark core that formed within Undying's body.

"...you can kill Undying by destroying the dark core inside their bodies…" here, Heero paused as he realized something, "I already taught you Mystical Eyes, right?"

"Urgh!" Sun Zhou Yi stunned for a moment as he did not understand the relation between Mystical Eyes and Undying, but he nodded his head in acknowledgment, "Yes, I have learned Mystical Eyes,"

Heero rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you did not use your eyes to check on Undying. You can discover the dark core with your Mystical Eyes!"

Sun Zhou Yi made a confused look as he replied, "I did use my Mystical Eyes, but I did not find the dark core you are talking about, Master!"

As he replied, he recalled his memories when he encountered the wolf creature. As he met the first Undying, he activated his Mystical Eyes, but he did not find the dark core. Undying's body was only filled by Dark Ki instead.

"Master, what this dark core look like?" Sun Zhou Yi asked right after he gave his answer. He believed his Master never wrong, it might be him who overlooked it.

"The dark core is round and black in color, but it's sparking like a pearl. Look carefully, you must be overlooked it," Heero told Sun Zhou Yi in a certain tone.

He was sure the creature his first disciple encountered was Undying. And Undying had the dark core in their bodies, but because the Dark Ki, Sun Zhou Yi missed it as both had the same color. But because the dark core looked shiny, it was not hard to detect if one looked carefully.

"Master, please wait a minute. I will check it again," Even though he said so, Sun Zhou Yi did not close the video call. He was waiting for Heero's consent.

Heero nodded, "Hmm, go!" With that said, Sun Zhou Yi closed the call.

Because he knew that his Master was reluctant to associate with the people from the core region and the inner region, he had to make the call in a private place, it was his room.

If these people knew that it was Heero who trained him until he got promoted to Gold Class Hero less than a year, the big force of the inner region would swarm toward his Master to recruit him. To avoid his Master got annoyed, he hid his Master's identity even his Master did not ask him to.

After he closed the call, Sun Zhou Yi stood from his bed and get out of the room. As the three scout team encountered Undying, they got back earlier. Sun Zhou Yi decided to find a way to kill Undying first and ventured deeper later.

The other two teams had the same thought as him, so each team brought Undying out of the dungeon to make an experiment.josei

Sun Zhou Yi headed toward the place where Undying locked up. The Undying was locked in Ence Fort's warehouse located in the east of Ence Fort. It took him five minutes running to reach the warehouse.

When he reached the warehouse, he found Executive Park Yong Gi was talking with a few people wore a white coat and had masker covered their face in front of the warehouse. He heard Executive Park invited researchers from Star City to research and find a way to kill Undying.

The warehouse was guarded by twenty Silver Class Heroes and forty soldiers from Central Military. Sun Zhou Yi's figure alerted the guards, but as they found it was Sun Zhou Yi, they gave a nod in greeting.

Obviously, Sun Zhou Yi's movement attracted people's attention, including the researcher who currently talked to Park Yong Gi.

Noticing the researchers were distracted with things behind him, Park Yong Gi found Sun Zhou Yi rushed toward them.

"Sun Zhou Yi! What's wrong?" He noticed Sun Zhou Yi seemed to be in a hurry, so he asked him in a puzzled tone.

"Executive Park, I found a way to kill those creatures. I come here to confirm my… discovery!" Despite the pause at the end of his sentence, Sun Zhou Yi declared it in a confident tone.

He believed his Master never wrong and there must be a dark core inside Undying. So he said it confidently before Executive Park and the researchers.

Park Yong Gi was pleasantly surprised by the statement that came from Sun Zhou Yi's mouth. He immediately led the way as he opened the automatic gate of the warehouse and ignored the researchers he invited.

Sun Zhou Yi followed inside the warehouse as the researchers looked at each other. They were invited here to investigate a discovery from the second dungeon. As they exchanged glances, the researchers nodded their heads and followed inside.

The big warehouse was filled with frozen monsters, from lizardmen, the wolf creature, and buffalo-like creature. The shortest one was a 2.5 meters lizardmen while the biggest and tallest was a buffalo-like creature with a huge horn that reached 6 meters in height.

Even though the three Undying had various sizes and shapes, but there was a similarity between the three creatures. It was their eyes, these creature's eyes were hollow. The researchers were stunned upon the sight of these monsters and their feet went weak as they froze at the entrance.

As the three teams found they had no way to kill Undying, they captured and brought the monster out. With Bai Xin Yue's Ice Magic, she froze the monster and put it in the warehouse. The gate opened, Sun Zhou Yi immediately approached the closest Undying. It was the wolf creature he met inside the dungeon.

He immediately activated Mystical Eyes to search the dark core. As the dark core was crucial to Undying, he thought the dark core must be placed in a vital part. He scanned the wolf creature from its head and down.

Sun Zhou Yi realized that his conjecture was wrong, from head to the belly, he did not find this dark core. But he kept scanned down until the feet then he stopped as he found what he was looking for.

The dark core was placed in wolf creature's shin, a place where he never expected. The dark core was glistening amidst the Dark Ki. The dark core was twice in size as the golden sweet his Master gave to the children every day and it indeed appeared like a pearl.

"No wonder we can't kill them…" Sun Zhou Yi muttered in a low voice. With the experiment he had done with the others, they tried to kill the creature by attacking the vital part. But Unfortunately, the dark core was not located in the vital part.

"What? Do you find anything?" Park Yong Gi asked as he heard an unclear murmur from Sun Zhou Yi.

Instead of replying to Park Yong Gi, Sun Zhou Yi formed a Ki Sword. As Sun Zhou Yi made an abrupt action, it surprised Park Yong Gi. He took a few steps back in shock, but then he saw the sword shot toward the wolf's right shin.

Not only Sun Zhou Yi's action shocked him, but it also confused as he did not understand Gold Class Hero - Rank 1's action. However, soon he found out that there was a big change happened on the wolf creature inside the ice.

There was black gas coming out of the gap made by the Ki Sword. Not only that, but the crystal clear ice also started turning black.

Sun Zhou Yi took a few steps back and reminded Park Yong Gi, "Step back and hold your breath, that black gas is harmful!"

Park Yong Gi followed Sun Zhou Yi's words as he kept a safe distance from the frozen monster. The black gas lasted for twenty seconds before it dispersed into nothingness. The ice that had turned black also returned to normal and showed the wolf creature.

The wolf creature was dead, but it left a weird dead body. The wolf creature's body was dried up, leaving only bone and skin. The wolf creature's dead body was deflated within the visible rate, it became smaller.

*** ***

Meanwhile, Heero had not left the training spot yet. He was sitting under a tree with a thoughtful look plastered on his face. He was in deep thought, thinking about how he ended up on this Earth.

Dungeon that was similar to a beast's territory on Dramonia. The Specter Territory that could only be found on Dramonia and lastly, it was his best friend descendant. With all these clues bared before him, Heero felt there was a connection between Earth and Dramonia.

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