Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Shadow Fang (2)

As Heero interrogated the Shadow Fang's minion, Butcher Wang did not join the interrogation. Instead, he guarded the door, but from time to time, he would hear screams from inside, a scream that made his back hair stand.

Since Heero started, it had been three hours and currently, he was in the last confinement. The last four people were in the confinement right behind him. However, there was something different this time.

He had been standing for half an hour in the third confinement's door, but there were no screams that could be heard from inside. The pattern was somewhat different than before and it piqued his curiosity.

'Does he kill them?' a thought appeared in Butcher Wang's mind, but he immediately shook his head, 'He is not that ruthless to kill them, what is he doing inside? Should I take a look?'

Butcher Wang wanted to open the door a little and looked at what Heero did through the small gap. Just as his hand almost reached the door handle, his left's vibrated. He looked down and saw his smartwatch brightened up, there was a call and it was from his friend, Fatty Liang.

He tapped the smartwatch and Fatty Liang's face appeared on the screen, "Fatty Liang, what's wrong?"

Fatty Liang rarely called him while they were at work as he often met. If Fatty Liang wanted to say something, fatty would meet him in person.

"Wang, the suspicious people are coming again, what shall I do? Catch them?" Sure enough, Fatty Liang reported something important. The suspicious people were seven men dressed in casual shirts.

Fatty Liang and Butcher Wang had been watching these people since three days ago. At first, nothing suspicious about them. Just like other normal visitors.

They visited the district and bought some snacks at the stall, until yesterday, Butcher Wang found something odd about these people. Three days straight, they visited the Xing District, but these people only lingered around at the same place.

These seven people visited the snack stall in front of the closed Xing Auction House. They visited three different snack stalls and stayed there from noon to night. Butcher Wang watched the footage and found out these people seemed to watch two shops.

Xiao Xi's shop and Han Ying's shop. But after looking carefully at the three days footage, Butcher Wang noticed these people were watching over Xiao Xi's florist.

"Where are they going? The snack stall again?" Butcher Wang immediately asked.

"They just entered… Wait a minute, I will check them up through the CCTV." As Fatty Liang said that, the image on Butcher Wang's smartwatch was moving to another room.

"Ayi… track yesterday's people…" Fatty Liang's voice resounded from the smartwatch. It did not take a long time and then, Butcher Wang got the answer.

"Yes, they visited My sister's stall…" Here, Fatty Liang sounded nervous as he realized these people might have a hidden motive and they now visited his sister's stall, "Should I catch them?"

"There's no need. If they come from the inner region, they are likely rankers or even heroes. You guys are not their match, just get ready to ring the bell, I will take action after my matter is done here," Butcher Wang swiftly made a decision.

In the first month, Xing District was often visited by people like these suspicious people. Mostly were coming with an ill intention, to acquire a secret from every shop that opened in the Xing District.

As money could not move the people who opened the shop in the Xing District. The people from the inner region would use a hard to threaten the Xing District's people. These people used to fill the dungeon, but after the first month, this kind of people stopped coming.

Butcher Wang thought these seven suspicious were the same. He thought these people were after Xiao Xi's secret as Xiao Xi's flowers were known with its fragrance and not easy to wither.

"Don't they know, Xiao Xi is Sun Zhou Yi's girlfriend? That guy is certainly quite famous in the inner region and the core region, but why are they still targeting Xiao Xi? Do they want to anger Sun Zhou Yi?" Butcher Wang muttered in a low voice.

"Nah, whatever, as that guy is not here, then I will help him to protect his girl. My job is to catch these people, it's not my job to think…"

"What's wrong?"

Hearing the voice, Butcher Wang was startled as he jumped out in fright. Then he looked back and saw Heero just coming out of the confinement. The door was still open and he tilted his head to see what happened with the four people inside.

A scene where four people spasmed on the ground appeared in vision. He saw the four people releasing foam from their mouths as the four people were convulsing on the ground.

Ngeek! Bang!

The steel door closed, then Butcher Wang looked back to Heero who was still waiting for an answer from him.

"What did you do to them?" Butcher Wang blurted out.

"Them?" Heero pointed his thumb back to the closed door. Butcher Wang nodded his head.

"Oh, lately I watched a video about hypnotic. So I tried to hypnotize them, but the dose is too big. They can't take it, that was what happened," Heero answered truthfully. Yes, he concocted a drug that could be used to hypnotize.

But the dose was too high, so after ten minutes, they convulsed on the ground as foam came out from their mouth.

Butcher Wang rolled his eyes at Heero as he almost blurted out, "Hypnotic your ass!", but he did not say it. He did not dare to say it lest Heero would beat him more in the training. After all, there was a trick for hypnotic and the hypnotized people would not end up convulsed and foamed like the four people inside the confinement.

He did not ask more and told Heero about the seven suspicious people.

"Let's go, we catch them, I need more mice to test my new product, 'Hypnotized Drug'," Heero's eyes brightened as he heard this. Even though the hypnotized drug worked, it still did not achieve the result he wanted.

Ten minutes later, the bell that had not been ringing for a long time, ringing. Five minutes later, Heero and Butcher Wang came back to the dungeon with seven unconscious people.

*** ***

An hour later, Heero and Butcher Wang left the dungeon. Both had a complicated yet also confused look at the same time.

After reducing the dose, the hypnotized drug worked properly and Heero managed to dig the seven people's identity. They were heroes from the Hero League, one unranked Gold Class Hero and six Silver Class Heroes.

They got a task from the Hero League to guard Xiao Xi. Yes, they were tasked to protect Xiao Xi. As for protecting Xiao Xi from what, they also did not know. Moreover, this task came directly from an executive, Executive Park Yong Gi.

Heero had a complicated look as they caught these people wrongly and he was confused why Park Yong Gi sent heroes to protect Xiao Xi, why now? If it was a Gold Class Hero - Rank 1 privilege, but why did they only send these people now?

"Is there a force targeting Sun Zhou Yi?" Butcher Wang blurted out. Heero also thought the same thing. This Park Yong Gi must know insider information that there someone would make a move to Sun Zhou Yi's lover.josei

"Hmm…" Heero rubbed his head. He planned to make a move to eradicate Shadow Fang, at least, he had to make sure this Shadow Fang would not threaten his people. But now, he lacked manpower.

Sun Zhou Yi was still on his mission while Musashi Hirata stayed at Ence Fort because of his big brother. As for Butcher Wang, he was still new in this kind of work and it could be said, Butcher Wang was also the weakest amongst his three disciples.

If he left the district for a certain time, he was afraid that the force that targeted Sun Zhou Yi would attack the district. It was not that he did not believe in Butcher Wang, he was just afraid that if the force targeted Sun Zhou Yi would send someone stronger than Butcher Wang.

But he could not delay the matter of Shadow Fang either. He just got a piece of important information about the Shadow Fang. They gathered their force in the north to create chaos in his district.

The first batch was just the start. Yes, bombing the district just the start, there would be the second wave and the third wave follow up. Yesterday was supposed to be the day the Shadow Fang planted a bomb and they would blow the bomb three days afterward.

Fortunately, Musashi Hirata found out about that. He and Butcher Wang caught the people who wanted to plant the bomb. It had been a day and the Shadow Fang might be suspicious as the people who planted the bomb had not come back yet.

He had to make a move before these people found out their comrades were caught. Heero turned at Butcher Wang who also looked extremely serious.

"What?" Being looked by Heero, it certainly made Butcher Wang nervous.

"Follow me, we need to talk," After he said that, Heero went to the noodle shop's rooftop.

*** ***

Below the tree on the rooftop, Heero and Butcher Wang sat face to face. Heero told Butcher Wang about the Shadow Fang's plan that he got from "interrogating" the last four people.

"So, which one do you feel confident with? Protecting Xiao Xi from an unknown enemy or ambushing the Shadow Fang? Think carefully, this is concerning our people, our district, our home!"

Heero did not want to delay the matter of the Shadow Fang and decided to let Butcher Wang decide by himself. He also did not want to wait for Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata to get back. At least, he wanted to solve the crisis regarding the Shadow Fang first.

The smile on Butcher Wang's face had disappeared long ago and it was replaced by a grim look. He did not immediately give his answer as he fell into deep thought. At this time, he regretted that he was not as serious as Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata.

"Do you think... what should I do?" Butcher Wang asked Heero's opinion after some hesitation.

"I want you to stay and protect Xiao Xi!" Heero instantly gave his answer.

Sun Zhou Yi's enemy might not attack or make their move on Xiao Xi tonight, but if today, the twelve people did not come back. Shadow Fang might take action or they might be retreating if they knew their comrades were caught.

Heero did not want this to happen and if he had to ambush Shadow Fang, all these people had to die. He was afraid that if Butcher Wang could not kill all these people. That was why he wanted Butcher Wang to stay rather than hunting the Shadow Fang.

After some hesitation, Butcher Wang made his decision.

*** ***

In a dark room which was quite big, there were thirty people gathered. They wore all black and had their faces covered in black as well.

Amongst these thirty people, there were four men gathered in one table without covering their faces. A man with a thick mustache had a frown said in displeasure, "Where are these trash? It's been a day!!"

"Maybe they are caught? I heard that the district has tight security, even Huo Liang Xin was beaten there," A man that looked in his early thirties and white hair chimed in.

"Sigh… Why would the top echelon ask us to attack that abnormal district anyway? Even an Emperor Class Hero could do nothing but get caught, let alone us…" A man that looked in his mid-forties voiced his concern.

As the man in forties said that, he got a sharp stare from the other three in an instant. He immediately shut his mouth and lowered his head.

"We should make our move if they don't get back tonight. If they are caught, the bombing plan fails and we will make our move to catch them by surprise. Our target is this man!" The last man with a big scar on his left cheek, crooked nose, and small eyes slammed his hand on the table.

Along with the slam, a picture appeared below his palm. It was Heero in the picture.

"Hoooo, found you, so you four are the leaders…" Along with the slam, an unfamiliar voice entered their ears. It shocked the four as they immediately jumped out of their chair and found where the voice came from.

A man with a wooden mask appeared without them noticing. In fact, the thirty people who gathered in that room also did not notice the stranger.

"Who are you!!??" The man with a big scar yelled.

"Heh, I am that man," The man with a wooden mask pointed toward the picture on the table as he took off the mask. The same face on the picture came into four people's eyes.

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