Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Shadow Fang (3)


In the dark and isolated district, a door opened and a bright came out from that building. Along with the light, a smell of blood followed after that. After that, a man with casual clothes and his face covered in a wooden mask came out.

"Huh, they are weak but dangerous as well. Fortunately, I decided to ambush them. If they attacked the district, the people in the district might get hurt. These people are lunatic…" Heero muttered in a low voice as he shook his head at the same time.

This was the last base out of three bases he knew from the people he caught. Each secret base, thirty people were hiding in it. In the first two bases, Heero intended to catch their leaders to get more information.

However, rather being caught or betraying the Shadow Fang, these people chose to end their life by swallowing poison or cutting their necks with a knife. It was truly surprising, so in this last base, he knocked the leaders first and then, he killed the rest.

The thing that confused him was these people were just too weak. Yes, the Shadow Fang should already know that a strong ranker at Musashi Hirata caliber did not work on him and the twin was also killed by him.

The Shadow Fang at least should send someone stronger than the twin and Musashi Hirata. But why would they choose these people instead, it confused him, what was the meaning behind Shadow Fang's plan to send these people to go after him?

"Or could they be thinking that they could kill me with the modern weapon?" Heero muttered in a low voice. Yes, he found a thing called a grenade, many of it. The grenade was the size of a fist and he found a hundred grenades in each of the secret bases.

"But it's really fortunate that I found out about this attack plan…" He could not help but feel relieved.

The grenade and the other bombs might not be able to injure him, but it was not the case for the other people who lived in the district. If it exploded in his home, he might not be able to protect all of them.

"Ah… I see… so that's how it is… they never planned to kill me… They are aiming for my home, the Xing District, not me…" Heero concluded.

The reason they did not send a stronger man, it was because they did not plan to kill him. Their plan was to destroy the Xing District, his home.

Thinking of this, killing intent leaked out from his eyes as his gaze turned colder. The thought of his people was killed bringing anger and agitation into his heart.

He did not know what, but suddenly there was an unknown feeling that suffocated his heart too. This feeling brought him an urge to destroy everything in front of him as a surge of Ki burst out of his body.

Fortunately, there was no one around or they might get hurt from it.

He was agitated which made him want to smash something. And then, memories of the past flashed in his mind, memories where his closest were dying before his eyes. His family, his lover, his friends, those memories came back to him at this time.

His breath was chaotic, then he looked back with his bloodshot eyes. He brought two sacks out with him from the building. In each of the sacks, he stuffed two men, two sacks meant he brought four men with him.

These four were the leaders of this base. He wanted to interrogate them with an intention to find the Shadow Fang's main base. There was an urge inside him, telling him to kill these four men.

However, his rational thoughts were telling him otherwise. As his heart was conflicted, a face appeared in his mind. It was his Master's smiling face. Then, he took a deep breath, trying to calm his agitated heart.

It took him a while to calm his agitation, but the gloomy atmosphere still around him. After that, he brought the sack back to his district and put the four people in the dungeon.

It was midnight and all the shops were closed at this time. But the lights were on, even though it was quiet and no one around, it did not look scary just like the other dark streets.

After he put the four people in the dungeon, Heero went back to his home. He opened the door and climbed up to the third floor slowly as he did not want to wake Shen Miao and his wives.

He went back to his room and found out the light was on. He looked to the bed and found Hong Yu was playing with her smartwatch on the bed with her loose pajamas.

As the door opened, Hong Yu also looked toward the voice. Seeing Heero was back, a smile blossomed on her face.

"You are still awake!? Are you waiting for me?" Asked Heero who walked to the wardrobe, looking for his pajamas.

"If you are looking for your pajamas, I already prepared it for you, in the bathroom at usual place~" Hong Yu timely responded before Heero could open the wardrobe.

After the short exchanges, Heero entered the bathroom and took a quick shower to wash away the smells of blood from his body.

As he came out of the bathroom, he noticed his wife was still playing with her smartwatch. Heero shook away his gloominess and snuck in. He embraced his wife and said in a concerned tone, "I told you not to wait for me,"

Still, with a sweet smile on her face, she rolled her eyes and replied, "There's no way I can sleep after…"

Hong Yu did not finish her words as Heero's lips landed on her lips. She did not shove Heero away as she also responded to the kiss passionately.

Shaa! Shaa! Shaa!

Covering under the blanket, the couple skillfully undressed each other and started their routine. A sweet moan resounded in the room and it lasted for half an hour.

Swear covered her body and her hair messed up after the battle. She was laying down on the bed with her face on the pillow while Heero was on her back. She turned her face and her husband's satisfied face came into her view.

"Dear, what's wrong? Did the mission fail? You look a bit gloomy when you come back." Hong Yu asked in a concerned tone. She noticed the gloominess on her husband when Heero entered the room, but she did not immediately ask but waited for the right moment.

Heero already told her about the Shadow Fang and told her he wanted to take care of the Shadow Fang's men who wanted to create trouble for the district. She thought something unhappy happened during the mission.

Then, Heero told her what he found out in Shadow Fang's secret bases. The Shadow Fang's plan to bomb the district, he did not hide a single thing, but he did not tell her the detail. There was no way he would tell his wife that he massacred these people.josei

He only told Hong Yu that he had taken care of the Shadow Fang, not telling the details. Hong Yu also nodded understandingly in response.

However, after hearing that Shadow Fang wanted to bomb the district, she was paled. She just could not imagine if her home was bombed, it left her terrified.

"It's okay, everything is over. I have taken care of them, they will not cause any trouble for the time being," Heero pecked Hong Yu's forehead as he comforted his wife.

Hong Yu wanted to turn her body around, but then she felt something getting bigger and hardened inside her.

"Woman, don't move, or you will be waking up the little Heero!" Said Heero as he got off her body. He knew her wife's limit, so he did not force her to the second round.

However, Hong Yu took this chance to turn around and pulled Heero into her body once again. She kissed Heero's nose and giggled sweetly, "Hehe, people called you Handsome Brutal Savage, but you are my Hero, a true Hero who saved many people,"

Even though she said so, tears started to fall from her eyes, "If you did not appear in my life, I don't know what will happen to me… Maybe I will be the bastard Fang Guo Ming's mistress or a play tool for Iron Fist Martial House's people, or may…"

Heero blocked her lips, he licked the tears and said strongly, "There is no if… I am here and I will protect you forever! Understand?"

The tears stopped as her smile became wider. Hong Yu nodded her head lovingly and placed her face onto Heero's chest.

Heero got his mouth closer to his wife's ear and whispered, "Dear, you have to take responsibility for waking up the little Heero…"

"What about bath play? It's been a long time since our last bath play~" Hong Yu boldly responded to the whisper with a coquettish whisper.

"Hoho, you are truly asking for it…" Heero shoved the blanket away and showed the naked couple's bodies. He climbed down from the bed hastily and carried Hong Yu to the bathroom.

Then, the second round started in the bathroom. This time, the battle lasted longer, about forty minutes and the couple came out hand in hand, naked. Taking the same pajamas they wore an hour ago, the couple snuck into the blanket together.

"Dear, what about my sister, have you thought about it?" Hong Yu abruptly brought the topic about her sister, Han Ying.

Lately, Hong Yu had been urging Heero to make her sister become his wife. Even though Han Ying was his wife on paper, it was just a facade so people with a connection to the Central Government would use their connection to forcefully marry Han Ying, just like Feng Fennu's incident before.

His relationship with Han Ying was good, but Heero never thought to take Han Ying as his wife. He was afraid that it would hurt Hong Yu's feeling, after all, both were sisters in blood. But now, Hong Yu was urging him to take Han Ying as his wife as well.

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