Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Pillow Talk

Heero did not know what to say as he looked at his wife, wanting to find his wife's purpose, telling him to take her sister as his wife as well. But he could get nothing from Hong Yu's face as she put on a serious look.

After a moment of silence, Heero responded with a question, "What about your sister? Does she have feelings for me? You can't just say things like this so easily, we also have to consider your sister's feelings as well."

But Hong Yu gave him an unexpected answer, "My sister, of course, has feelings for you. If you confess to her, I believe a hundred percent she will answer with yes. Even if she rejects you, it's out of her consideration of me. I will take care of that, a small talk and it will be done~"

Heero did not give his reply and stared at his wife while Hong Yu stared at him back. He wanted to see if his wife was truly serious with her words. Hong Yu put a serious look, he did not find mischievousness at his wife.

Then, Heero shook his head as he also did not know how to respond to this talk. It was just kinda weird that suddenly your wife asked him to marry his wife's sister.

"But why?" Heero asked as he found his wife was serious, he also turned serious. He no longer tried to evade this topic. In fact, Hong Yu had been talking about this lately. Now, he was curious, why his wife asked him to marry his sister as well.

Instead of looking for another man for his sister, Hong Yu was asking him, her husband to marry her sister. He certainly wanted to know why Hong Yu chose him to marry his sister. It was not that he did not like Han Ying.

Han Ying was a beauty, a mature and gentle beauty. Of course, even though he had to marry Han Ying, the beautiful look was not the only reason. Since their first meeting, Heero had a good impression of Han Ying.

Hearing the question, a mischievous smile formed on Hong Yu's face, "Heh, don't men like to have sisters as their wives? Why do you seem reluctant…

Hong Yu paused as she seemed thinking of something in her mind. The mischievous smile disappeared and she squinted her eyes, then she asked with her voice deepened, "Don't tell me you don't like my sister because she is a widow?"

Heero rolled his eyes at his wife and replied seriously, "Dear~ don't joke around, I am being serious here. Why do you ask me to take your sister as my second wife?"

"All of this is confusing to me, why would my wife ask me to marry another woman. Don't women don't like men to get another woman? In a drama movie, the sister is supposed to be seducing the brother-in-law, not the wife offered her husband to her sister…"

Heero ended his words with a mumble as the drama he recently watched had this kind of plot. The sister tried to seduce the brother-in-law for wealth because the brother-in-law was the eldest son of the wealthiest conglomerate in the movie.

In the end, Hong Yu let out a sigh before she went for her reply, "Hahhhh… because I want my sister to be happy, just like me. I don't want her to meet a b*stard just like her ex."

"But…" Just as Heero wanted to say something, Hong Yu placed her finger on his mouth.

"I know you are not the only good man in this world, there might be other good men, but I want you. Moreover…"


"Moreover, you have to take the second wife, the third wife, and the third wife in the future. So why don't you take my sister as your second wife rather than a random woman chosen by the Central Government?"

Hong Yu was talking about "Four-wives for Mankind", the Civil Bureau's motto.

"Wait, wait, wait… Don't worry about the Central Government or the Civil Bureau, they will not be able to force me to marry anyone, they won't dare and I won't take second…"

Once again, Hong Yu placed his finger on Heero's mouth to stop him from talking further.

"You have to and I don't mind even if you take more wives than four. It's our job, women to make humanity prosper just like six hundred years ago and your job, men protect us from the danger, whether it's zombies or the beast…"

With a confused look, Heero cut her wife from speaking further, "What are you talking about? Women's job is to make humanity prosper? Who said that nonsense!? It seems I need a private talk with the one who said that and enlighten that person!"

Heero ended his words jokingly, but then, he noticed Hong Yu had a strange smile on her face. It was as if his words sounded silly to her.

"My Mom, that person is my mom. So if you want to enlighten her, you have to go to the afterworld…"

Here, Heero was stunned as he did not expect it was her mother's teaching to let her husband have more wives. It was certainly weird to have a mother advised her daughter to support her husband getting more wives.

But then, she continued with the reason why she supported him to get more women. The reason related to Earth's history, known to everyone, the surviving two billion people had to fight against the zombies and the mutated beast.

After a continuous battle for over six hundred years, the Earth population reduced to five hundred million. The surviving five hundred million people with ratio four to one with women dominated Earth population.

The men fought in the frontline while women were being protected. That was the reason Earth's population dominated by women. This was also the main reason the Civil Bureau released a program called "four-wives for mankind".

A man must have four wives and women also accepted this idea. Even though not all women accepted the idea, Hong Yu's mother was one woman who accepted this program.josei

Hong Yu's mother taught the siblings to accept this idea as well. Hong Yu's mother idea was simple, with this program, she hoped humanity could prosper just like before the disaster struck Earth.

Hong Yu who inherited his mother's idea also did not mind if Heero married other women. She supported Heero in this matter instead of opposing.

"But why your sister? Moreover, you could be selfish and hold me not to marry other women, and I will promise you that you will be the only woman in my life!"

"No, you have to marry other women as well, at least you have to get three more wives. As for why my sister, if your younger wives bully me, I have my sister stand on my side…" Hong Yu replied with a mischievous smile at the end of her words.

"So, what do you think about my sister?"

"Haah… I can't answer you now, let time answer it… Let's see in the future, for now, let's sleep… Let's sleep…"

Hong Yu followed her mother's teaching, but Heero grew up in a village with no polygamy. So, it was weird to him when his wife asked him to marry again.

Hong Yu responded with a nod and closed her eyes. She did not force Heero to gave his answer now.

*** ***

Sky Tower, Core Region

The third highest skyscraper in the world. A skyscraper belonged to the Ranker Guild and this building was rented out to the public. Many big organizations rented this place for their offices. Many people called this building, An outer organization's HQ.

On the forty-ninth floor, near the window, there was a table for four people and four men seated there. The four men wore long shirts with neat hair, enjoying their breakfast.

The oldest amongst the four looked about in his fifties while the youngest one was in his thirties. If Hong Yu and the other ex-teacher of the Hope Preschool were here, they would recognize this man.

The youngest man was the ex-principal of the Hope Preschool, Fang Guo Ming. If they saw him, they would be shocked as well. Fang Guo Ming was a wanted man, Kang Family, the Central Government, and the Hero League hunted this man.

However, little did they know the man they were looking for was currently eating at the famous Sky Tower, in the core region. It was known to everyone that the core region had strict security.

So how could the wanted man enter the core region? It would certainly shock everyone if the fact that a wanted man like Fang Guo Ming stayed in the core region.

Just as the four men ate their breakfast, the table vibrated. The source vibration was from the fifty-year-old man's smartwatch. The old man's hand stopped moving and placed the fork back on the table as he looked at his smartwatch.

He opened the smartwatch, then looked up to Fang Guo Ming.

"The group I sent to the outer region was annihilated last night. Seventy-one was found dead while four went missing!" The old man said with quite a strong and firm voice despite his age that reached fifty.

After that, the old man showed his smartwatch to Fang Guo Ming. The bloody and gruesome scene could be seen from the screen. From the picture, even without investigation, it was clearly one-sided slaughter.

The other two men were curious and looked at the smartwatch's screen. Despite facing the bloody picture, none of them had a change in their expression. They look at the picture with a tranquil expression plastered on their face.

Even Fang Guo Ming's face showed no emotion as he saw the picture. After glancing at the picture, Fang Guo Ming looked back at the old man and spoke without showing his emotion, "I told you not to send anyone!"

He paused for a moment before continuing, "We have more important tasks in hand and I can handle them later after our mission is over. I don't want to disappoint the Lord as this is my first official mission!"

"Jejejeje, there's no way these weaklings could kill the man that the twin could not kill. I sent them to bomb the district only to piss him off. Just imagine the district he has built from zero is destroyed in one night… Jejejeje…"

Suddenly, the old man let out a weird giggle as he replied to Fang Guo Ming.

"Moreover, you are now one of us, bombing the district is to satisfy you, but I just did not expect he could find out my plan,"

"Heh, I have my own plan, I am going to do his woman right before him. I want to see his expression when that happens… hehehe…" Fang Guo Ming started with a smirk and ended his words with an evil chuckle.

But then, the evil look instantly disappeared from his face and Fang Guo Ming spoke in a solemn tone, "Ignore my personal matter, for now, we have to focus on our mission. We only have three months and we have to make sure everything is perfectly executed,"

"If our mission succeeds, removing a small district from the outer region is a piece of cake," Fang Guo Ming added. At the end of his words, an evil smirk appeared again.

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