Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Brothers, Sisters, Brother and Sister - Part 1

Ence Fort

After the failure in their expedition, the team decided to take a break from exploring the dungeon, but the security around the gate became more strict after Heero's incident. The gate now guarded by at least four Gold Class Hero and twenty Silver Class Hero.

The heroes thought the main reason they paused the expedition was because of Musashi Naizen's condition. It was known to everyone Musashi Naizen and Sun Zhou Yi came out of the dungeon unconscious.

The heroes thought they took a break so their leader, Musashi Naizen could recuperate before continuing the expedition. However, it was not the reason why they momentarily stopped the expedition.

The main reason was Heero. Before Heero left Ence Fort, he told Musashi Hirata to convey his words to these heroes. It was about the three Specter King and one Specter Emperor that currently hibernated inside the dungeon.

The fearful monsters that resided in the dungeon were the main reason why the team decided to pause the expedition.

In a big room with a big rectangular table in the center, the main team of the expedition group gathered. Since Musashi Naizen came out alive, of course, he was sitting on the leader's seat while on his sides were the other two Emperor Class Heroes, Huo Liang Xun, and Wu Jiang Shan.

Next to Huo Liang Xun was Bai Xin Yue and next to Bai Xin Yue was Sun Zhou Yi. Right after Sun Zhou Yi was Kang Seo-Yeon. Since Heero's departure, both girls closely followed him which confused Sun Zhou Yi.

Yang Mushen, Abdul Azam, and Mushin Rashed sat on the opposite side. As Park Yong Gi had been sent back, he, of course, did not join the meeting. However, there was a new guy sitting at the same table.

Wearing casual long-sleeve clothes and having a wooden mask covering his face, Musashi Hirata was asked by Bai Xin Yue and Sun Zhou Yi to join the meeting.

At the other end of the table, there was a projection of a white-haired old man. Number one man in the Hero League, Bai Xian Ming. He wore a solemn expression on his face and his gaze directed toward the unfamiliar face next to Kang Seo-Yeon.

"So, your master asked you to tell us there are three more monsters that are similar to Wyvern King in the term of the strength and another monster that far above the Wyvern King?"

Bai Xian Ming opened his mouth and a deep voice flowed out of his mouth. His question was directed toward Musashi Hirata and the others also directed their gaze toward the man with a wooden mask.

Musashi Hirata remained unperturbed as he gave his reply calmly, "Yes!"

"Why should we believe you and your master? Maybe this is your plot so the Hero League will share the dungeon with your master and take everything from inside?"

Right after Musashi Hirata gave his reply, Wu Jiang Shan followed with an assertive inquiry. He appeared to be suspicious and in their first meeting, it could be said it was an unpleasant meeting.

Wu Jiang Shan tried forcefully to take off the wooden mask. If not for Musashi Naizen, the two men might have a big fight.

As for why Wu Jiang Shan wanted to see Musashi Hirata's face. It was because he suspected Musashi Hirata was a ranker. The one called Master was a high-ranking Legend Class Ranker.

He suspected the Ranker Alliance wanted the things inside the dungeon. Just like the first dungeon, the dungeon was filled with resources that remained unknown to the Hero League even until now.

From the minerals, medicine plants, and other resources. The research team was still working to do more research about the first dungeon.

He suspected Musashi Hirata was a ranker and it was the source of his hostility toward Musashi Hirata. If he could see the face beneath the wooden mask, he could investigate Musashi Hirata's background.

At Wu Jiang Shan Jiang Shan's offensive remark, Musashi Hirata only shrugged and leaned back on his seat, "Believe it or not, that's none of my business."

"Then why don't you take your mask off so we can see your face? If your identity is clear, the suspicion will be cleared as well! It's just as simple as taking off your wooden mask!" Wu Jiang Shan did not relent.

"Why should I show my face to you? First, I am not part of the Hero League, your words mean nothing to me. Second, There's no need for My Master plotting against you just to get a share of the dungeon, if he wants to, he could just take it from you…" Musashi Hirata straightened his body and his gaze met with Wu Jiang Shan.

"Third, My Master asked me to stay is to watch this guy out so this naive guy will not be sacrificed by a weakling like you guys. Lastly, can you fight My Master if he truly wants to take the dungeon from a weakling like you?"

Musashi Hirata pointed his finger toward Sun Zhou Yi and he ended his words with an arrogant remark. He was not afraid in the slightest even the man he faced was an Emperor Class Hero. Not only that, he deliberately provoked Wu Jiang Shan with an intention to fight.

He wanted to measure his strength after a few months of training with Heero and the person he chose to measure his strength was the last rank in Emperor Class Hero, Wu Jiang Shan.

Even though he and Sun Zhou Yi often have sparring fights, it could not measure his limit. He wanted to measure his limit. Knowing his limit and breaking through his limit, it was what he wanted to do.

Unfortunately, Musashi Hirata would never be able to get what he wanted with many people with him here. Most people turned their face uglier upon hearing Musashi Hirata's arrogant remark, but none of them could refute that.

The monster that could not be defeated by them and forced the elite team to flee was defeated by a single man. If not for Musashi Naizen's testimony, not of them would believe, but Musashi Naizen acknowledged the masked man's claim.

Even though what masked man told them was the fact, Wu Jiang Shan would never accept being called a weakling. He rose from his seat, but before he could speak, Musashi Naizen who always silent opened his mouth.


As he said that, his cold gaze directed toward Wu Jiang Shan as Wu Jiang Shan was the one who started the argument.

Musashi Naizen certainly angered being called a weakling, after all, he was an Emperor Class Hero. But he had to admit that he was weakling compared to the man who defeated the Wyvern King.

Despite his pride being hurt, Musashi Naizen managed to control his feelings which were the opposite of Wu Jiang Shan who decided to vent it out.

Wu Jiang Shan was forced to swallow back the words that almost came out of his mouth upon noticing the cold gaze from Musashi Naizen. Amidst the tense atmosphere, Sun Zhou Yi was the one who was shocked by Musashi Hirata's change.

Yes, Sun Zhou Yi was shocked the reserved and compliant Musashi Hirata turned out to be this arrogant. This was the first time for Sun Zhou Yi to see this side of his fellow brother.

"We are gathering here to talk about the dungeon, not to argue for a trivial thing. Executive Bai, please continue." Added Musashi Naizen in a cold tone.

Even though there was an argument, Bai Xian Ming pretended he saw nothing and continued with his inquiries, "Did your Master tell you what might awake the monster?"

"Nope!" Answered Musashi Hirata casually.

"Did your master tell you these four monsters' location?"

"Nope!" Musashi Hirata answered with the same words, but this time, he initiated to speak without waiting for others to ask him, "I have told everything, even if you ask me thousands of questions, it's useless. I know nothing!"josei

At these words, Bai Xian Ming lowered his head as he messaged his foreheads. The meeting was held to decide whether the team should continue with the expedition or not. However, he lacked information to reach a conclusion.

He looked at his table and saw a paper, there were two words that caught his attention, Fighter Anteriority. The paper was a report from his subordinates. Bai Xian Ming closed his aged eyes, but it did not take long before he opened his eyes again.

"Let's pause the expedition temporarily. With many strong monsters inside the dungeon, the risk is just too big if you continue the expedition. Moreover, Fighter Anteriority is coming soon, we need you guys here as well. We only have three months left to prepare for the Fighter Anteriority!"

"We need you guys here to help with the preparation, so let's put the expedition into a hold. After the Fighter Anteriority is over, we will have more people to explore the dungeon!"

Right after that, Bai Xian Ming closed the call and the projection vanished. Leaving ten people in the room with an awkward atmosphere. As soon as the call closed off, Wu Jiang Shan immediately left the room.

Mushin Rashed and Abdul Azam followed after Wu Jiang Shan. As for Yang Mushen, he stayed there for a while before leaving the room. Musashi Naizen had his gaze locked at Musashi Hirata while the two girls' gaze at Sun Zhou Yi.

"Follow me, I want to discuss something with you!"

"Zhou Yi, Let's talk~"

Kang Seo-Yeon and Bai Xin Yue simultaneously spoke, breaking the silence in the room. With that, Sun Zhou Yi was dragged out by the two girls, leaving Musashi Naizen and Musashi Hirata.

Musashi Hirata rose from his seat, intending to leave the room. However, halfway to the exit, Musashi Naizen opened his mouth and a gentle voice flowed out, "Hirata, when will you go home? Mother Hizuru is waiting for your return. She missed you a lot,"

Musashi Hirata halted his step for a moment before he continued his way toward the exit without responding to Musashi Naizen. He pretended he did not hear Musashi Naizen's words, but his steps visibly heavier as he walked to the exit.

*** ***

Xing District

After rescuing his first disciple, his life returned back to his normal life. Accompanying the Little Tigress to have her fill, letting Shen Miao boast to her friends through the smartwatch that she had a premium meal every day.

Han Ying and Hong Yu also pasted a recruitment post. They pasted a paper at the noodle shop's door, saying they were hiring waiters/waitresses. Not only that, but Heero also posted a thread in Xing District Forum that Miao Miao Noodle Shop was hiring waiters/waitresses.

Nothing special happened that day and today was supposed to be an interview for the. Yes, two sisters decided to interview the applicants and announced the result tomorrow.

Inside Miao Miao Noodle Shop, Heero, Hong Yu, Han Ying, and Shen Miao sat on the bar. They sat facing the door and three meters ahead, there was a chair for the applicant. The duo sisters decided to hold the interview in the shop.

Still, with a sign "Closed" stuck on the door with an additional paper, Miao Miao Noodle Shop was void of the customers. The interview started at ten in the morning and now, it was still ten minutes before the interview began.

Looking out the window, Hong Yu saw there were no people outside.

"What if no one is interested in working here? Outside is still empty…" Hong Yu nervously voiced her thoughts.

Heero caressed her wife back, "You have to be patient, it's still ten minutes before the interview…"

Before Heero could finish his words, there was a knock resounded. Heero smiled at his wife and said gently, "See, the first interviewer has arrived~"

He stood up and walked toward the door, "Let me open the door,"

He opened the door, but instead of welcoming the interviewer, Heero just stood on the spot. The one who knocked on the door was not the interviewer, but two kids, a boy and a little girl, Kang Dong-Woo and Kang Myung-Hee.

Looking at the two kids, an uneasy feeling stirred deep inside. Each time the two kids came here, they would always bring bad news.

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