Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Heero Academy - Part 1

"Urgh!? Again?" Heero blurted out in a shock.josei

"Again?" Even though Bai Xin Yue just confessed, she was still calm and composed, but there was a tinge of red on her cheeks.

"Ah, nothing. But Miss Xin Yue, we just met, are you sure you did not confess to the wrong person? I don't know you and you don't know me…"

"But I need you!" Bai Xin Yue cut Heero in a firm tone.

Heero was astonished at first, but then he nodded understandingly afterward. He caught the meant behind her reasons, 'She needs me, not love or even like me. Yes, she must want something from me, that's why she wants to be my wife…'

That was how Heero interpreted Bai Xin Yue who never confessed or even watched some kind romantic movie or read a romance story. She was just being blunt and honest with her words.

"But I don't need you!" Heero replied bluntly. He said that without malice or because he was angry, he just rejected according to the context. If she said she liked him, he would reply with 'I don't like you,'

There was a drastic change on Bai Xin Yue's face, Heero noticed it, but he just merely shook his head and went on, "I am sorry for being blunt, but let's say I accept you as my wife and we marry because you need me. Then, later, what if… what if you no longer need me? Are you going to leave me?"

Bai Xin Yue's cold face instantly melted after she heard those. She just realized her words, her reasons could be interpreted in that way as well. Indeed, she needed something from Heero, but she was also being serious and sincere.

"But I won't do that, I am serious with my words! I am going to dedicate myself to be your wife…"

"But I still can't accept you. Even though I am not a romantic as a man, I am not going to get a wife just because she is beautiful or someone from a big family. I am marrying a woman because my feelings and I don't have feelings for you, Miss Xin Yue!"

A frown appeared on Bai Xin Yue's face. She never expected to be rejected for the first time, though this was her first time to confess as well. However, Heero's answer was really out of many scenarios in her mind.

She could tell by the way Heero rejected her, she could tell the man in front of him was serious in his words. In the past, she never thought there would be a man who rejected her, but it happened now.

Bai Xin Yue subconsciously clenched her palm and blurted out, "Why? What am I lacking?" She wanted to say that, but she refrained from saying it out. Retreating in order to advance…

'Hemph, he said he did not have feelings for me, then I only needed to make him fall for me!'

"Good, I will accept your rejection, but let me tell you, I haven't given up yet!" After saying that, Bai Xin Yue rose from her seat and bid farewell, "Good bye~" Then, she left the shop, she even forgot about her little sister.

Meanwhile, Heero made a weird face as he did not know how to respond to the girl's response to his rejection. Looking at the beautiful figure out his sight, Heero let out a sigh. He recalled what he did in the last few weeks, wondering what he did until two beauties confessed to him.

Ten minutes later, Bai Shuang'er came out of the kitchen but failed to find her elder sister. She looked at Heero and asked, "Boss, where's my sister?"

"Ah, she just left five minutes ago…" Heero answered while wiping the table. Then, he heard hurried steps and Bai Shuang'er muttered something in a low voice, "It seems she failed…"

After they were done with the shop, Heero was back to his cottage. He was standing before the monitor, he could see his reflection on the monitor. He looked at his face carefully on the monitor and the door creaked open.

Hong Yu entered the cottage with her hair covered by a towel. She just finished taking a bath. Then, she was dumbfounded with just what she witnessed.

"What are you doing, Honey?"

"Hmm, I am just wondering if I have become more handsome lately!" Heero answered in a serious tone.

"Huh, really? Let me see!" Hong Yu was amused by her husband's antics, but she played along. She approached Heero and turned her husband's face toward her with her delicate hand.

With a serious look on her face, Hong Yu inspected Heero face with solemnity on her face. After a while, she nodded and said, "Hmm, indeed, since you married me, you have become more handsome."

It was supposed to be a joke, but Heero took it seriously. He nodded his head and narcissistically said, "No wonder…"

"Huh? No wonder? What do you mean?" Hong Yu did not know what her husband's words meant and asked.

Then, Heero told her wife that another beauty just confessed to him. He believed honesty was the best foundation in the household. Fortunately, her wife was broadminded, so broad that she was laughing instead of being jealous after hearing her husband was confessed by another woman.

"Oh, I don't mind if you truly want to take other women in, but before that, you have to settle things with my sister first. Take her down first, I don't want to be bullied by your new wives," Hong Yu jokingly replied as she winked her eyes at him.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I never said I will marry them…" Heero was flustered when Hong Yu brought Han Ying again. He did not know why, but it made him flustered.

"What are you being shy about? It's clear you two like each other, I can tell it!" Hong Yu shook her head in helplessness, though she knew clearly it was her, the last barrier preventing their relationship from advancing further.

"Hmm, let's not talk about, let's sleep! Let's sleep!" Heero avoided the topic as he hugged her wife down to the bed. There was no further action, he just hugged her and closed his eyes.

*** ***

The next morning, Heero was having breakfast with his little family. Hong Yu, Han Ying, and the two little girls. They were having sandwiches for breakfast, as Heero finished his first sandwich he remembered something.

It was about the martial house's name, he asked Han Ying and Hong Yu if they got ideas for it.

"Actually, I want to go with Xing Martial House, just like our Xing Preschool, it's not that bad, right?"

"It's not that bad, but usually a martial house named after their technique. Take Iron Fist Martial House, I heard they are famous for their Iron Fist," Han Ying immediately voiced her thought and gained Hong Yu's nod.

"My Technique? Hmmm…" He had many techniques behind his sleeves, from his original technique until the technique he learned from his Master's predecessors. Remembering his Master, Heero was struck with an idea.

"Do I have to use Martial House behind the name?"

At this time, it was Shen Miao who answered his puzzle, "No, you don't have to use that. Mother Shen's martial house is Shen Family. They did not use Martial House after their name."

"Ah, my family also has a martial house, it's using our family name as well!" Myung-Hee also nodded.

"I see, what about Saint Hall? It's a decent name for a martial house, right?" Heero voiced his idea. There was a reason behind the naming, he named it after his Master. After all, everything he had now originated from his Master.

"Saint Hall? It's good, but are you sure about it? Don't you feel it's too arrogant, using Saint I mean? Moreover, if people hear it, Don't you think people will hear something related to religion rather than a martial house?"

Hong Yu felt the name somehow improper, but she knew her husband had a reason behind it and she asked, "Do you have a reason behind the name?"

Han Ying turned her head toward Heero, wanting to hear the reason as well.

"Hmmnn, people called my master with Saint. As everything I have is from him, I want to use his name,"

"Your Master's name is Saint?"

"I don't know my Master's name, but people called him Saint."

"You don't know your master's name? How so? Also, does your master is some kind of head of a certain religion?" Hong Yu asked in wonder. At this time, everyone completely stopped eating and focused on the topic.

"Of course not…" He just told something unnecessary to the girls. His Master's existence was something he could not explain to the girls yet, at least not now.

"Hmm, what about using your name instead. Heero Ha… Wait, what about Heero Academy? Just merged your preschool with the martial house, put both under one management!" Han Ying suddenly got an idea, a brilliant idea, at least for her it was a brilliant idea.

It was kind of a pun for Hero Academy with a hope many heroes would be born to protect the city from harm. She explained everything for Heero to hear.

"....Moreover, it's your martial house, not your master's. The martial house will be under your lead, not your master!"

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