Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 143

Chapter 143: Heero Academy - Part 2

Sun Zhou Yi reported the discoveries about the Shadow Fang to the Hero League. With his current status, his reports immediately delivered to the upper brass. In that instant, the executives held an emergency meeting.

In the meeting room, eight executives and two hero instructors gathered. Bai Xian Ming sat on the main seat with ten empty seats. Bai Xian Ming immediately got into the main topic, telling the others about the Shadow Fang's move who was about to attack during the Fighter Anteriority.

"Are you calling us only for this? Moreover, can the source be trusted?" Yuan Hou Cheng immediately raised a question lazily.

"Even if they attack us, they are the same as committing suicide. Heroes and rankers from three big cities will gather in the same place,"

Half of the executives nodded in agreement at Yuan Hoe Cheng's statement. They felt Shadow Fang was a fool if they dared to attack during the Fighter Anteriority.

"You can trust Sun Zhou Yi and he has evidence that Shadow Fang will launch an attack during the Fighter Anteriority. Also, don't underestimate Shadow Fang, even until now, we can't even eradicate them, do you think they will recklessly attack if they don't have confidence in succeeding?"

"They must have a deep scheme, we have to be ready for this. That's why I gather you guys here! Moreover, we are the host of Fighter Anteriority this year. It will be a disgrace for our city if there's a mishap during the Fighter Anteriority!" Bai Xian Ming's deep voice filled the meeting room.

"Hmm, indeed, we should think of a countermeasure so the Fighter Anteriority will not be disturbed by the Shadow Fang. Whether Shadow Fang is a fool or not, we can't be careless!" Park Yong-Gi was the first one who had a positive opinion.

He thought the same as Bai Xian Ming. Fighter Anteriority had been held for hundreds of years and it was no longer a mere competition between the heroes and the rankers, but it was also a rivalry between the three big cities.

So, if something happened during the Fighter Anteriority, it would be a stain for Star City even if it was only a small mishap.

"But we can't call everyone back just because of Shadow Fang, right? The border can't be left empty, I guess with our current security is enough!" Feng Ban Xou, an executive from the Feng Family voiced his thoughts.

Feng Ban Xou had the same opinion as Yuan Hou Cheng. He felt it was unnecessary to tighten the security merely for Shadow Fang. The reason why Shadow Fang still existed until now because no one took the Shadow Fang seriously.

"What about calling The Elder to help us? I believe they will gladly help us if we ask them. Moreover, my family's Elder will come back for the Fighter Anteriority, I can ask him to help us regarding this Shadow Fang!" Wu Shanxi, an executive from the Wu Family spoke.

"What? How can we alarm The Elder just for a mere Shadow Fang? Moreover, the attack might be a false alarm. As we know, Shadow Fang will always move secretly. How can a mere hero who lives in the outer region get this information!"

Yuan Hou Cheng raised his voice as he did not agree with Wu Shanxi and added, "I suspect this Sun Zhou Yi is part of Shadow Fang to disturb the Fighter Anteriority!"

"As an executive, I hope you can distinguish between something personal and your work! We are talking about Shadow Fang now! If you suspect Sun Zhou Yi is part of Shadow Fang, then please bring the evidence to the table!" Bai Xian Ming shot a cold glare toward Yuan Hou Cheng.

"I agree with Executive Wu, calling The Elder might be the best call. We can't leave the border empty! Musashi Clan's Elder also returns to watch the Fighter Anteriority!" Musashi Kaminaga, an executive from the Musashi Clan agreed to the proposal.

As the executives were talking about the countermeasure for the Shadow Fang, Sun Zhou Yi accompanied Musashi Hirata to the Central Government's Star House.

Musashi Hirata used his connection to reach the upper brass, so the interview was not needed to establish the martial house. Just as both were coming out of the HQ, they met Bai Xin Yue at the entrance.

"Oh, Sun Zhou Yi! What are you doing here?" Bai Xin Yue called out, but her gaze landed at the man next to Sun Zhou Yi. She recognized the man, the phenomenal from the Musashi Clan, the only Musashi Clan's member who became a ranker.

"You can talk, I am going!" Musashi Hirata did not wait for Sun Zhou Yi to reply and left the two.

Bai Xin Yue's eyes followed Musashi Hirata's figure. After hearing the voice and getting a clear look at his body, she had a guess why this phenomenal guy with Sun Zhou Yi.

"Is he your fellow disciple?" Bai Xin Yue thought of Heero's disciple who always wore a wooden mask.

"Urgh, how do you… know?" Sun Zhou Yu blurted out, but he realized that he just said something he should not have to. Different from his Master, Musashi Hirata especially asked him not to tell his identity to the others, regardless of the situation.

"Urgh, he will scold me for sure…" Sun Zhou Yi muttered in a low voice.

"Kukuku… Don't worry, I won't tell him it's you who leaked it out, but in exchange, can you tell me what are you two going to do…" Here, Bai Xin Yue looked back at Musashi Hirata's back that became smaller, "... going to Star House?"

She noticed Musashi was going to cross over to the Star House which was located on the opposite side of the Hero League's HQ.

Learning from the beforehand mistake, Sun Zhou Yu shook his head instead of answering, "Nothing, I have other matters, goodbye, Miss Bai!"

Then, Sun Zhou Yu hurriedly left the HQ and chased after Musashi Hirata. Bai Xin Yue did not chase after Sun Zhou Yi. Her eyes followed until Sun Zhou Yi's figure vanished from her sight.

Meanwhile, just as Sun Zhou Yi reached the Star House, he met Musashi Hirata who had been waiting for him in the lobby. Next to Musashi Hirata, there was a middle-aged man with a black suit standing respectfully.

"Here, sign your name below!" Musashi Hirata handed a form which should be signed by at least three founding members of Martial House.

Without reading the content, Sun Zhou Yi immediately signed his name below and handed back the form to Hirata. Hirata also handed over the form to the middle-aged man.

At first, the middle-aged man was shocked to see Sun Zhou Yi. He just did not expect the new rising star would establish a martial house with the phenomenal guy from Musashi Clan. It made him curious who was the third founding member.

He looked at the form, he saw Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata signed as the vice head. It surprised him, who would be the head of this new martial house. Unfortunately, it was empty, the last signature was empty.

"Our Master is busy with his work, so he will use a digital signature!" Musashi Hirata spoke before the middle-aged man could ask.

"Alright!" The middle-aged man immediately nodded his head and he went to the counter. He talked with the attendant, not long after that, Musashi Hirata's smartwatch rang.

He opened the smartwatch, he received the form he just signed, including his signature below. The next step was sending the form to Heero, three minutes after that, Heero sent the form back to him, and Hirata sent the form back to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was Bai Wumin, the person in charge of Martial House. Keeping on the watch to all martial houses registered in Star City. Despite having a high position, he was just an ordinary man with no power.

In front of Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata, he could only lower his stance. After receiving the form, he immediately checked the third signature. He was curious about the third man, who was also the head of the martial house.

"Xing Heero…!?" Bai Wumin mumbled as he tried to recall the name. However, there was no big figure with this name. The name was foreign to him, but somehow, he felt familiar with the name. He had heard this name, but he forgot.josei

In the end, Bai Wumin shook his head. He scrolled the form up, re-reading the form. Only then, he realized the form in his hand was not to register a martial house, but an academy.

Academy and martial house were completely different, a martial house, you taught your members to fight while academy, you have to include with the education package. Moreover, he could not approve the permit as he was not the person in charge of the academy.

Bai Wumin raised his head and met Hirata's deep eyes. He gulped down as he did not have the courage to speak to Hirata. He soon began to fidget nervously, partly because he did not dare to offend Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata, partly because if he approved the form, it was the same as overstepping his authority.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his smartwatch and called an id, Bai Xian Ming. Yes, Bai Wumin was a member of the Bai Family who worked for the Central Government. However, he immediately canceled the call, "Ah, calling her might be better!"

Bai Wumin was afraid that Bai Xian Ming was busy with the works. He closed the call and called a new ID, Bai Xin Yue. The call immediately connected and Bai Wumin immediately told her circumstances to Bai Xin Yue.

He thought Bai Xin Yue could help him to talk with Hirata and Sun Zhou Yi. However, the talk went to the opposite, Bai Xin Yue told him to approve the permit immediately.

Bai Xin Yue even emphasized that he had to approve the permit in this instant. With the order, Bai Wumin immediately clicked "Approve" on the screen.

With that, Heero Academy was established officially. Bai Wumin approached Hirata and told the Central Government had approved Heero Academy.

"... here the official site, Heero Academy already listed on the site!"

As they listened to Bai Wumin's explanation, Sun Zhou Yi opened the official site. Indeed, there was a profile for Heero Academy on the official site of the martial house.


[Heero Academy]

Martial House Class: D

Rank: 99+

Achievement: -

Upcoming Match: -

Description: Founded on December 17, 681 Dark Era Calendar.


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