Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Heero Academy - Part 3

Sitting on her grandfather's chair, Bai Xin Yue was smiling by herself while spinning herself on the chair. She had a cheeky smile on her face, completely different from the Ice Queen.

"Huhu… You're not going to tell me? Now I know it!" but the cheeky lasted for a moment before her face turned serious.

"This can be considered as good news, right? Maybe I should send a few good seedlings to them…" Bai Xin Yue muttered in a low voice as Heero Academy's profile was shown on her smartwatch.

Remembering the current situations, Bai Xin Yue sighed frustratedly. Just looking from the outside, it seemed nothing special happened. However, no, a storm was brewing since the newly born three Legend Class Rankers two months ago.

The balance of power between the Hero League and the Ranker Alliance started to fall off. With a total of thirty-six Legend Ranker while the Hero League only had twenty-one Emperor Class Heroes.

On top of that, adding with the Crown Class ranker that just broke through to a hundred and eleven from ninety-seven, the Ranker Alliance's power was growing rapidly.

It was supposed not a problem even though the balance between the two was broken, but it was not the case as the Ranker Alliance demanded something as their power grew.

The Ranker Alliance had a demand which could not be accepted, letting them be involved in the government. Moreover, they wanted to apply the Ranker Tax, just like Heroes Tax.

Hero tax was used to pay the heroes' wages. Different from a ranker who used a mercenary system, one would get pay as long as they got the job done. Heroes had a wage that paid at the very end of the month.

Regardless of how many missions they completed, the heroes' wages remained the same, based on their class and ranking. As an organization that worked for money, the Ranker Alliance wanted to get something out of this as well.

Their reasons were simple, "Not only the Heroes, We, Rankers also protected the city, so we want the same treatment!"

There was no way the government would add the new tax while the Heroes tax already burdened the people. Aside from that, the government believed the citizens would refuse to pay even the Rankers tax was applied.

So with the help of the Hero League, the Central Government had been turned down. Refusing to take the Ranker Alliance in to be part of them.

Then, it had been over ten years since the Ranker Alliance's proposal, and now, they wanted to bring that up again, right at the Fighter Anteriority, where all people around the world gathered in one place.

Yes, the Ranker Alliance's head of Star City initiated a World Assembly. An assembly that was supposed to be initiated when the world fell into crisis, but even without the crisis, the Ranker Alliance's head of Star City initiated a World Assembly.

Bai Xin Yue was concerned there would be a clash later. No, a clash was bound to happen if the Ranker Alliance proposed the same thing. There was no way the Central Government could accept the Ranker Alliance's proposal.

She also obtained information there were a few groups aimed at her family. These groups desired her family's secret technique. If the clash truly happened, she was aware her family would face an imminent crisis.

That was why she had been looking for a tree to take shelter with, just in case if the worst scenario happened. Then, that was why she took a gamble by choosing Heero. But the tree she chose was not easily swayed by her beauty.

"Or should I join their martial house? I can get closer to him…" Bai Xin Yue's black's pupil brightened up as she just found a good idea.josei

"Heh, don't need me you say, then I will just make you fall for me…"

Just as Bai Xin Yue wanted to stand up, she remembered that she came here to meet her grandpa. "I have to report this to grandpa as well…"

Having not finished her words, the door opened and an old voice flowed in, "Report to me about what?"

Bai Xin Yue immediately stood up from the seat, bowing her head as she greeted formally while her expression reverted to her usual cold look, "Welcome back, Executive Bai!"

Bai Xian Ming let out a helpless sigh when he heard how his lovely granddaughter called him. He waved his hand as his lips formed a soft but also gentle smile, "Don't worry, I am alone. Just call me Grandpa!"

Bai Xin Yue tilted her head, sure enough, there was no one following her grandpa, only then she smiled and stuck out her tongue, "Huhu… I thought your annoying secretary with you,"

She was talking about her strict uncle who was also her grandpa's secretary.

Bai Xian Ming ignored the last remark as he took a seat and turned toward his granddaughter, "So, do you want to talk about something with me?"

"Oh, they established a martial house!" Bai Xin Yue immediately reported.

"They? Who?" The old man still did not get his granddaughter's words.

"Sun Zhou Yi and his Master, they just got the permit. Here you are!" Bai Xin Yue opened the martial house official site and showed her grandfather Heero Academy's profile.

Bai Xian Ming had a pensive look on his face.

"Huhu… You will be surprised if you know the third founding member!" Bai Xin Yue cast a mysterious smile as she pulled her smartwatch back. She clicked the "Heero Academy" on the screen, then Heero Academy's members showed up.

"Musashi Hirata? Do they join the Musashi Clan?" Bai Xian Ming guessed in a low voice.

"No, they will never join any force. Did you forget Sun Zhou Yi's words? It's not them joining the Musashi Clan, it was Musashi Hirata joining them. Do you remember the guy who fought against Huo Liang Xun in the video? Don't you find the draw sword technique is similar to the Musashi Clan?"

Bai Xin Yue provided clue after clue to her grandfather. Only then Bai Xian Ming found out that her granddaughter's conjecture was not baseless.

"But what is that guy doing? Do Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata truly learn under the same Master? Moreover, are you sure this Heero is Sun Zhou Yi's master?" Bai Xian Ming still could not believe the man he met a few months ago was Sun Zhou Yi's Master.

"It's true, Sun Zhou Yi admitted himself that Heero is his Master and I met both of them this morning to get the permit. Moreover, don't you think Hirata is also getting stronger? He could stand on par against Huo Liang Xun before, what about now? Maybe he's getting even stronger by now!"

Bai Xin Yue was confident with her conjecture and she managed to convince her grandfather with it.

"Hmmm…" Bai Xian Ming recalled the footage he watched back then. Indeed, the draw sword technique in the video was similar to the Musashi Clan's draw sword.

No big difference in technique, but the draw sword in the video was much faster than the normal draw sword he witnessed with his own eyes. He only managed to catch the trajectory, but not the sword.

"No wonder…" Bai Xian Ming muttered in a low voice. If both learned under the same Master, then Sun Zhou Yi's sudden rise in strength was understandable. At least, this was the plausible explanation for now.

"Then this could be considered good news. We can send a few good seedlings to join the Heero Academy. If what all you said is true, then it would be much better if he joined us, but…" The old man shook his head in pity.

"Huhu, don't worry about that grandpa, I have my plan for that," Bai Xin Yue suddenly rose from the seat with a big smile on her face and said with a great determination, "I will bring that man as your grandson-in-law!"

"What? What do you mean?" Bai Xian Ming was shocked upon hearing her granddaughter's declaration. But her granddaughter ignored him as she turned around, leaving him dumbfounded.

'Just wait, I will make you say, I love you to me!' Bai Xin Yue thought to herself as she left the room with a plan in her mind.

*** ***

Meanwhile, Heero, Hong Yu, Han Ying, and the kids went to look for a district next to the Xing District. They closed the shop in the morning, intending to find a place for the academy.

It was supposed to be in the next to the half-finished preschool, but the next to preschool was a road. Heero had to buy the district next and they intended to buy a district this morning. They looked at the location for a moment, then they went to the agency.

Meeting the familiar agency again, Heero smiled. The man also smiled when he met Heero, meaning a big business was coming. However, Yu Bin's smile froze in the next moment.

"What's wrong, Mr. Yu?" Heero noticed the peculiar expression and asked.

Yu Bin let out a sigh and explained, "Mr. Xing, I am sorry, but the district was bought by someone yesterday. If you want to buy the district, you can talk to the new owner. I can help you to contact the new owner? Do you still want to buy the district or you want to find a new district?"

"The district was bought yesterday? It's weird…" Hong Yu muttered. It was certainly weird for someone to buy a district in the outer region.

It was not that she was arrogant, but she believed that no one, but them in the outer region could afford to buy a whole district. The one who bought the district must be someone from the commerce or the inner region.

"Can we know the person who bought the district?" Han Ying asked as she was also curious.

"I am sorry, Miss! I can't disclose the owner's identity!" Yu Bin shook his head.

"Good, please contact the new owner and please ask the new owner if he wants to sell the district. I will pay double for the district!" Heero immediately made his decision.

He did not want the half-finished preschool gone waste, so he wanted to take the district.

"Mr. Xing, please wait a moment, I will contact the new owner!" Yu Bin rose from his seat and left the room.

However, it did not even take five minutes before Yu Bin went back. He returned with a big smile plastered over his face.

"Good news, Mr. Xing! The new owner is willing to sell the district to you, but the new owner wants to meet you first! She is waiting at Xing Hotpot now, we can meet her there!" Yu Bin informed Heero with his face glowing in happiness.

Apparently, the new owner was a woman. After that, Heero and the group followed Yu Bin. The agency office was not that far from the Xing District, but Yu Bin offered a ride to the group.

Of course, Heero did not reject the offer, it took less than ten minutes before they returned to the Xing District. The group immediately headed to the Xing Hotpot.

Following Yu Bin, they soon reached the private room. Yu Bin knocked on the door three times, "Miss, I am Yu Bin from the agency!"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" A melodic voice resounded from the room.

Heero found the voice weirdly familiar, but he did not remember the owner's voice. As the group entered the room, they could see the new owner. Heero, Hong Yu, and Han Ying were shocked to see the familiar face.

"Sister!" Myung-Hee rushed to the new owner, happy to see her elder sister. Yes, the woman who bought the district was not other than Kang Seo-Yeon.

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