Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 151

Chapter 151: Daddy - Part 2

Heero opened his eyes when he felt something wriggled on his chest. He looked down and a figure covered by a dried black liquid. The figure seemed to be uncomfortable with the thing covering her skin as it was shown on her face.

Looking at the woman on his chest, a smile slowly crept out of his mouth as last night's memories flashed. Heero did not expect the gentle and reserved Han Ying would be so wild on the bed.

Thanks to Hong Yu, Han Ying and Heero pushed the last barrier between them. Of course, Guo Shan's appearance also became one of the triggers that pushed Han Ying.

Gazing at Han Ying's face that turned black because of the impurities in her body, an amused smile formed on Heero's lips. He still remembered his first night with Hong Yu, she was screaming aloud when she found out her skin turned black.

Heero wondered Han Ying's response when she found out about her skin. He kept looking at Han Ying's face, then her eyelids trembled. After that, she slowly opened her eyes.

A frown appeared as she woke up in an unfamiliar place. But then, last night's scene flashed in her mind. Han Ying looked up and her eyes met with Heero's.

"Good morning~" Heero greeted her with a wide smile while waiting to see her response.

"Morn…" her words stopped halfways as she felt something. Han Ying touched the cracked impurities above her lips. She peeled it off her skin, "Hmm… What is it? Ah… this is the black thingy my sister talked about, right?"

"Huh, you already know?"

"Hmm, Hong Yu told me about this. The first time she did it with you, her skin was covered with black thingy!" After saying that, Han Ying rose from Heero's chest.

The blanket that covered her body slid down, showing her figure which had turned black. Rather than screaming just like Hong Yu did, she tried to peel other impurities off her skin. She showed the thing to Heero and asked, "So, what is this?"

"I see, so Hong Yu already told you… That is impurities from your body…" Then Heero introduced to Hong Yu about Ki and the gray energy that is harmful to the body.josei

"The black thing is that gray energy that is forcefully discharged by my Ki that entered your body through my sperm!" After learning more about general knowledge, Heero learned people called his essence sperm.

"What a detailed explanation… but how possible, your sperm contains Ki?"

"It's because I have been training since I was young. Now every part of my body contains Ki!"

"So the thing called Ki that makes you this strong? Then, with this Ki, I can become as strong as you too?"

"Hmm, you can, but to reach my level, it will take a long time. Actually, I have been telling Hong Yu to learn one or two things for self-defense, but she seems against it!" Heero patiently answered.

"Hmm, that girl doesn't like violence, but if it's for self-defense, we have to learn. So, what's more, that can be done with Ki? Can you fly? Or can you spit a fire?" Suddenly, Han Ying struck with a sudden realization about the wonder of Ki.

"Haven't you seen me flying before? I can spit a fire, but rather than spitting fire…" Heero suddenly flicking his finger, then fire generated through his thumb and index finger.

Han Ying was amazed by the tricks. It was similar to a magic trick, but the one she saw this time was not a magic trick.

"Alright, let's continue the talk tonight, it's already six, we should get going!" Heero rose from the bed and picked Han Ying. Even though this was their first night, they were no longer embarrassed despite fully naked.

As both walked to the third-floor bathroom, Han Ying threw her last question, "Also, I heard from Hong Yu that your sperm has a beautification effect, is that true?"

"Didn't you see the change in your little sister?"

As Ki was new to Han Ying, it was natural for her to be curious. Heero answered all of her inquiries patiently. As both took shower, Han Ying became excited after hearing the beautification effect from his sperm.

Because of that, Han Ying seduced him for the morning round. Of course, Heero gladly served his wife.

When they reached the kitchen, Hong Yu was already there, kneading the dough in her hand. Noticing her sister and her husband came down together, she put away the dough. She approached her sister and poked her sister with her elbow.

"How is it? My husband is great, right? Wow, your skin is glowing now!" Hong Yu did not forget to tease her sister.

To her surprise, Han Ying was no longer the same as Han Ying as before. She did not shy even from being teased, instead, a big smile appeared on her face as she returned the teasing, "Indeed, our man is great! I hope you won't regret your decision!"

As the two sisters teased each other, Heero broke into their conversation, "How about Miao Miao? Is she okay?"

"She has calmed down a lot, but she still seems to resent you!" Hong Yu's words directed toward Han Ying.

It was a four years old child throwing a tantrum, time would heal the child as kids tended to forget things fast. But if the little girl got something she liked, it might be a good start for the mother and the daughter.

And so, the three discussed the thing they should get to console the little girl. However, even her mother did not know what Miao Miao liked. They only knew about the food the little girl liked. After all, the little girl did not grow with her mother.

As Heero, Hong Yu, and Han Ying could not think of what they should give to Miao Miao, a savior came, "What about giving Miao Miao a pet? She said once to me she wanted to have a pet, but her family prohibits her from having a pet~"

Then, three turned around toward the voice direction. At the counter, Myung-Hee was sitting there with her pajamas. Apparently, she just woke up and had been listening to their conversation.

Heero immediately rushed over and threw Myung-Hee to the air, "You are our cute little angel~"

*** ***

After making all the dough for the noodles, Heero immediately went out of the city. He was looking for a pet for her stepdaughter. On his way, he had been browsing the forum. Most of the pets in the forum were dogs or cats or beasts similar to these two.

"What should I give to my little princess? Something different from the normal pet, cute, but also beautiful…" Heero browsed the forum, looking for the beast that fit for a little girl like Miao Miao.

"Moreover, that little girl likes to show off, so I have to give her an amazing pet. If it's Dramonia, I will choose Skaith…" Heero muttered then he realized he might as well search for the beautiful and rare bird.

Skaith was a seven-colored bird, but the unique thing about Skaith was its color would change every day. Skaith was so rare that it was hard to find let alone catch it.

However, he was on Earth, he might as well look for a rare bird. Just as he was searching for the bird on Forum, he received a call from Hong Yu. He immediately picked the call and then, Hong Yu's voice could be heard from the other side.

"Where are you going? Why haven't you returned yet?"

As he left in a hurry, he forgot to tell the girls.

"What? Are you going to catch the pet for Miao Miao? I didn't hear it wrongly, right? You want to catch the pet outside the city?" Hong Yu doubtful yet also shocking voice resounded.


"Stupid! We can buy it from the pet shop, why would you catch a wild beast to be a pet!"

After hearing this, Heero fell silent and asked in a doubtful tone, "Pet shop?"

"Yes, pet shop! We can take Miao Miao with us to choose the pet she wants in the pet shop. You don't have to catch it outside the city!"

Only then, Heero realized he was on Earth, not Dramonia. In Dramonia one had to tame the wild beast if one wanted a pet or hired an expert to tame the wild beast.

'But, does the pet shop have the pet I am looking for?'

"It's okay, I am going to look in the wild for a while!" After that, Heero closed the call and continued browsing the forum. It did take a long time before Heero found what he had been looking for.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Hong Yu fumed as her call closed abruptly like that, "What? He dared to close my call! Ahhh, this exotic husband of mine…"

*** ***

Meanwhile, in the inner region, Shen Family Residence

Guo Shan was sitting in his room with a dim light. He was browsing something through the smartwatch.

"I see… I see…" After reading through the report from his subordinate, Guo Shan nodded his head understandingly, "So they wanted to use Han Ying through me to inquire about the force behind that district?"

After doing an investigation, he found out the man who beat him was the district's owner. He became famous after beating Silver Class Hero - Rank 1, Hanzo Shusake. As for his true strength, no one knew.

"Do they want revenge?" Guo Shan muttered as he tried to comprehend the Feng Family's scheme.

Yes, in the report, it was said two members of the Feng Family went missing and they were last seen in the Xing District. There was a rumor that the force behind the Xing District killed these two members, Feng Fennu and Feng Bian.

Feng Bian was a Gold Class Hero - Rank 21 while Feng Fennu was a Crown Class Ranker - Rank 1. It was a big loss for the Feng Family, so it was understandable if they wanted to get revenge.

"But they said Sun Zhou Yi and his Mysterious Master live in Xing District!"

A master that made a useless Wood Class Hero into a new rising star Hero. In just a few months, Sun Zhou Yi had become Gold Class Hero - Rank 1. Such a master, there would be many forces in the core region wanting to recruit this mysterious master.

"Maybe the Feng Family wants to get to know about this Mysterious Master through Han Ying. She might know something about that mysterious master…"

"Nah, I will make the call now. I will know if I ask them, whether they want revenge or get to know about that mysterious master. Whatever the reason is, I can use their power to teach that district's owner a lesson!"

An evil grin appeared on Guo Shan's face as he made a call.

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