Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Daddy - Part 3

Pah! Pah! Pah!

Hong Yu slammed the dough to the board furiously. Even by just hearing the noise, the customers at the bar were aware the Lady Boss was angry. As for she was angry, none of them dared to ask.

Until one middle-aged man entered the shop. He was the blacksmith that recently grew famous. Every day, a row of people would line up before the smithy and most of them were heroes and rankers.

The customers greeted Blacksmith Huang respectfully, no one dared to annoy him, lest it would incite the heroes and rankers that were close to him.

Blacksmith Huang returned the greeting with a smile. Even with his sudden rise in fame, he remained modest. After a wave of greeting, he spotted an empty seat at the bar. He rushed after and raised his hand, intending to order.

"Oh, you are here, Uncle Huang? I thought you would be busy with your smithy every day!" Han Ying greeted Blacksmith Huang with a big smile.

Looking at Han Ying's glowing face, Blacksmith Huang was surprised. He did not know it was him who just did not see Han Ying's face for a long time or it was Han Ying who got prettier, but Han Ying indeed became prettier.

"Hoho, I am taking a break. If I don't take a break, I will die in exhaustion. Little Ying, do you try new makeup? You are more beautiful than usual!" Blacksmith Huang praised Han Ying.

Han Ying regarded Blacksmith Huang as her elder and the same for Blacksmith Huang. He regarded Han Ying as his family as well. Until then, Heero appeared and married Han Ying. Heero was his Master and Han Ying was his Master's wife.

Each time he called Little Ying, he would feel awkward to himself. It was a lack of respect, calling his Master's wife Little Ying which was supposed to be given the same respect as his Master. However, calling Han Ying respectfully would make things more awkward.

'What a messed up relationship!' Blacksmith Huang talked to himself.

"Hoho, thanks~ What do you want to order? The usual?" Han Ying remained unfazed with the praise as this was already the n-th praises she received today.

'Heh, his essence truly contains a beautification effect…' Han Ying smiled to herself while Blacksmith Huang nodded in response.

Pah! Pah! Pah!

Then the noise attracted Blacksmith Huang. He looked toward the noise and called Han Ying, "What's wrong with your little sister? Is she in her period?"

"Hehe, it's because of our husband! He has not come back yet since morning and the shop is packed. We haven't taken any rest since morning!" Han Ying replied energetically.

"Where did Master go? Have you tried to call him?" Blacksmith Huang was curious as to where his Master went.

"He left the city to look for a pet for Miao Miao. She tried calling him a few times, but the call was not connected. That was why she was upset now!" Han Ying pointed her finger toward her little sister.

After that, she rushed back to her station as a pile of orders waiting for her. Even though today was busier than usual, she only felt a little tired.

'Does his essence also increase my stamina?' Han Ying wondered if the Ki that entered her body through Heero's sperm increased her stamina as well. Her imagination was gone wild as Heero told her that Ki had countless uses.

Meanwhile, Blacksmith Huang looked at his smartwatch, it was 4 PM. He was a little worried for his Master, but then he recalled how his other fellow disciples' strength. The worries instantly vanished, 'If he could train a bunch of monsters like that, then there's no way he would encounter danger!'

Just as he wondered where his Master went to, he heard a commotion from outside. Blacksmith Huang turned around, there was a crowd gathered in front of the shop. He looked through the window, the crowd seemed to be looking in one direction, amazed by the sight they saw.

Some of them also used their hands to point toward the same direction as buzzing people were heard from inside.

Blacksmith Huang was curious, he wanted to check what attracted the masses. Just as he wanted to leave his seat, the door opened. A man with crumpled and dirty clothes entered, he recognized the man, he was his Master, Heero.

However, his eyes were attracted to the things on his Master's shoulders. There were two birds standing on each of his shoulders.

Upon the sight of the bird, Blacksmith Huang's eyes enlarged, it was as if his eyes almost popped out. It was because the bird on Heero's shoulder was the rarest bird in the world, Luminous Hyacinth.

It was a bird that could only be seen from a picture. But here, he saw the bird with his eyes directly. One of the most beautiful birds, but extremely hard to catch.

Just like its name, Luminous Hyacinth. Its feather was glowing in a golden, there was a gold circle around its eyes, and it had long tails. Below its beak, there was also a patch of glowing golden feather while the upper beak curved down.

The bird on the right shoulder was goldish red while the bird on the right shoulder was goldish purple; it had the size body of an eagle. Both birds stood there calmly and proudly and it amazed everyone.

Luminous Bird was famous for its speed which was extremely fast, making it hard to catch, let alone taming it. However, the Luminous Hyacinth on Heero's shoulder seemed to be tamed and docile. It did not run away even with many people surrounding it.

One Luminous Hyacinth could be sold for ten million to a hundred million, but usually, no one would sell this bird. It was a noble bird that only could be seen in the core region and people in the core region did not lack money.

Blacksmith Huang was in a daze, gazing at the bird in awe. He heard that aside extremely fast, Luminous Bird was also sensitive to the slightest unknown sound. That was why this bird was extremely hard to catch.

The buzzing of commotion attracted the two sisters from the kitchen. Both stopped their activity and left the station. Walking to the bar, Han Ying asked, "Uncle Huang, what's…" But she stopped half-way as she found out the one who caused the commotion.

She and Hong Yu saw their husband with two extremely gorgeous birds on each of his shoulders. Hong Yu who wanted to scold Heero upon the sight of him no longer had the mood to scold Heero upon the sight of two Luminous Birds.

Even though the sisters did not know what type of bird that was, those two birds were the most glamorous bird they ever saw.

Upon the sight of his wives, Heero took a big stride forward with a big smile on his face. He showed the two birds to his wives and said, "How is it? Do you think Miao Miao will like it?"

Han Ying snapped out of her daze instantly at Heero's question. She did not answer that obvious question, but she scanned Heero's sincere smile, his dirty appearance. Even by just looking at Heero's current appearance, everyone knew that Heero had a tough time catching the bird.

Meanwhile, Shen Miao was not his biological daughter. If they wanted to get a pet for Miao Miao, buying at the pet shop was enough. However, Heero did something unusual as he went through hardship only for her daughter's happiness who was not related to him by blood.

Han Ying was touched by Heero's action and said to herself, 'I truly did not choose the wrong man!'

"She certainly will be happy! Why would you ask such a silly question!" Hong Yu blurted out as her anger toward Heero was completely gone for bringing back such a gorgeous bird.

"Then, where are our little princesses?" Heero was impatient to present his first gift to Miao Miao. He was excited to see the little girl's response when she saw the present. He scanned the shop but failed to spot the little girl.

"She is on the rooftop with Myung-Hee! Go, let her see your gift!" Han Ying urged Heero, but Heero pulled her with him. "What? Why are you pulling me?"

She struggled a bit with a pile of orders waiting for her, she could not leave her station yet. However, Heero's next words silenced her, "Stupid! Didn't we talk about it before, we will use this pet so you and Miao Miao can reconcile?

"Go, but don't go too long, I can't handle all orders with my two hands!"josei

With the last push from Hong Yu, Han Ying willingly followed Heero.

When they reached the rooftop, Miao Miao and Myung-Hee were sitting below the apple tree. Myung-Hee kept talking while Miao Miao only hung her head low. However, the sound of the door opening attracted the two little girls.

Upon the sight of dirty Heero, they were surprised. But when their gazes landed on the bird at Heero's shoulder, both exclaimed simultaneously, "Luminous Bird!!!"

Maybe Luminous Hyacinth was hard to spell for them, they called the bird the Luminous Bird. Miao Miao's eyes glued to the purple Luminous Hyacinth while Myung-Hee's eyes glued to the red Luminous Hyacinth.

With a big laugh, Heero took a big stride, approached the two little girls. Miao Miao and Myung-Hee also rushed toward Heero.

Heero squatted down, letting the two girls get a closer look at the bird. He was enjoying the awed look that plastered on both little girl's faces. It was a sign that the two little girls liked his present for them.

After looking at the bird for some time, Miao Miao opened her mouth, "C-Can I touch it?"

Even though the gorgeous bird was presented before them, they seemed to be hesitant to touch the bird.

"Of course, you can!" Heero instantly replied.

"Bu-But… I heard Luminous Bird is pretty fierce. Won't it peck my hand?" Myung-Hee asked nervously but her eyes glimmered in excitement.

"Hehe… Don't worry, they are no longer wild. In fact, they are docile, you can touch them as you want~"

At Heero's confirmation, both girls no longer hesitated. Slowly, their hands moved to the Luminous Hyacinth's head. Upon touching the smooth feather, Myung-Hee instantly pulled her hand. She seemed to be afraid, different from Myung-Hee, Miao Miao was pretty brave as she caressed the purple Luminous Hyacinth.

After seeing Miao Miao caressed the purple Luminous Hyacinth, Myung-Hee braced herself and caressed the red Luminous Hyacinth. Both birds seemed to be enjoying the two little girls' touch as well.

After caressing the head, the two curious little girls began touching the other parts, from wings to tail. As they played with the bird, Heero spoke that caused the two little girls over the moon.

"Hehe, in fact, I will give the Luminous Bird to you. The purple one for Miao Miao and the red one for Myung-Hee!"

"Really? Really? Really? Really?"

Miao Miao and Myung-Hee jumped in excitement upon hearing that. Making sure they did not hear wrong, they asked again, with their puppy eyes.

Cough! Cough!

Heero coughed twice and said as he caressed the two little girls' hair, "Of course, this will be my first gift for my daughter!"

Miao Miao rejoiced as she leaped forward, giving Heero a big hug. Then, with a little hesitation and for the first time, "Da-Daddy! Thank you, Dad!"

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