Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 185

Chapter 185: Red Festival - Part 3

This match was different from the beforehand match. No cheer from the spectators, but a silence befell to the arena.

Arun Seth, who was famous for his flame power, was not well received by the spectators. Arun Seth was the first one to arrive at the stage.

He wore a red robe and protective gear inside. Beside his flame power, Arun Seth was famous for his spear play. It proved with a silver spear in his hand.

Not long after that, Musashi Hirata came out as well. The silence spectators exclaimed in surprise, it was because of his outfit. Heero Academy's martial clothes, the same outfit that Kang Seo-Yeon had.

Heero Academy left a deep impression on the spectators. From two juniors who dominated the Junior Event until the Free Fighter that was dominated by Butcher Wang.

Each of their performances could be described as total dominance. Kang Seo-Yeon also won the fight beautifully early, so the arena buzzed in the discussion.

For people living in the core region, they were familiar with his name. However, people from outside the core region or even outside the city had little information about Hirata.

Most of the spectators were disappointed after they found Musashi Hirata's real identity. He was just an unranked Gold Class Hero.

They were disappointed as the difference between the two participants was big. Arun Seth was a Crown Class Ranker, but their expectation was spiked up a little because Musashi Hirata was part of the Heero Academy.

Climbing up the stage, Musashi Hirata scanned his opponent. He nodded his head and looked at the referee, "Old Man, Don't stop me, okay? I am not going to kill him, but break a few of his bones!"

Hirata was aware he could not vent to his heart's content if this old man interrupted him. Hence he made a request before the fight started.

Long Bin's mouth twitched when he heard those words. He was a part of The Elder, but this guy called him with no honorific.

'He hasn't changed a bit…'

Yes, Long Bin was familiar with the two Musashi Brothers. He often visited the Musashi Clan because of the close relationship with their grandfather who was his senior in the Hero League.

He ignored Hirata's remark, but not with Arun Seth who also overheard the conversation.

"Haha, what a big mouth!" Arun Seth laughed as fury etched on his face, "I am the one who will burn your disgusting face, Traitor! I will make you pay for your betrayal!"

Musashi Hirata shrugged his shoulders at his opponent's remark. He merely smirked as he found Arun Seth's statement calling him a traitor was laughable.

"Traitor? Interesting…" Musashi Hirata shot a glance toward Long Bin and said, "Old Man, how long are you going to watch this useless banter? Start the match already!"

Long Bin shook his head and slammed his steel staff, "Start!"

Arun Seth still had his spear down, waiting for his opponent to make a move. He was not familiar with Musashi Clan's technique, he did not want to be careless even though his opponent was not the famous Naizen.

"I thought you were going to burn my handsome face, why are you standing still!" Hirata exclaimed with a smirk.

Arun Seth did not fall into Hirata's cheap provocation. He heard a fleeting rumor that Naizen was defeated by Hirata. Even though no one could confirm the rumor, Arun Seth was cautious.

Shaking his head in disappointment, Hirata walked forward. Yes, he casually strode to his opponent which was about forty meters apart. His left hand was holding a katana.

It was a katana given to him by Heero. The sheath was dark red with a pitch-black handle. Just like that, Hirata just like someone who walked around the street.

He casually strode to his opponent, causing Arun Seth to frown. Even Long Bin kept shaking his head repeatedly as he found Hirata did not take the match seriously.

As the distance shortened to twenty meters, Hirata stopped. Long Bin was standing five meters away from him and he sheathed out his sword.

The sword's color was black and red. The blade side was deep red while the blunt side was black.

Just as everyone thought Musashi Hirata would make a serious move, he aimed the sword to the ground. The sword was stuck on the ground and he continued his casual walking with a sheath in his right hand.

The spectators were confused by his action, but not for Long Bin. He got the message behind the action. It was basically telling him, "Look, Old Man! I leave my sword here, so don't stop me!"

While Long Bin got the message, Arun Seth was seething in fury. Putting the sword away and facing him only with a sheath of a sword. It was clear Hirata was humiliating him.

With his head blinded with fury, Arun Seth unleashed his awakening ability. A flame in the form of a hurricane appeared in front of Musashi Hirata, blocking his path.


The spectators exclaimed in surprise with the sudden appearance of the flame.

Musashi Hirata halted his step as a strong heat assaulted his face. His eyes turned blue from activating Mystical Eyes. He was checking the flame before him.

Hirata saw a trace of colorful energy his Master talked about. However, the energy was faint, meaning this flame was not solid enough compared to the Ki he learned.

With a smirk formed on his lips, he remarked in a carefree tone, "A cheap trick!"

Musashi Hirata entered the hurricane flame, causing the spectators to gasp in shock. He could turn around, avoiding the flame. However, he did not do so and faced the flame directly.

No one knew what happened inside the blazing flame. Their sight was blocked by the intense red flame.

But soon, everyone saw Musashi Hirata coming out from the other side. He left the hurricane flame unscathed, not even a burn mark could be seen from his martial clothes.

Not only the spectators, but even Arun Seth was also stunned to see this. He felt deja vu, he remembered his encounter against an unknown guy in the outer region.

However, his encounter with that unknown guy was scarier. The guy could negate his flame while Musashi Hirata only managed to leave the flame unscathed.

"If one is not enough, what about three!" Arun Seth gritted his teeth and summoned three consecutive pillars of flames.

Now, the four flame pillars surrounded Hirata. Hirata himself could feel the three newly summoned flame pillars were stronger than the first one.

Even so, he could see that Arun Seth's control over his power was not that good. Just as he wanted to pass through the flame pillar just like what he did before, he stopped as a thought appeared in his mind.

"What about cutting the flame? Can I cut the flame with my Ki?"

He remembered what his Master told him about Ki. It was that he could do anything with Ki as long as his control over Ki was perfect.

They could fly if they wanted to, he had witnessed his Master walking in the air. Everything almost possible with Ki mastery.

'Maybe, I can cut this flame too…' As he thought this, he concentrated his Ki on the sheath in his right hand.

Taking a deep breath, his hand moved at the same time he exhaled his breath out. The sheath slashed at the flame pillar in front of him and a shocking phenomenon unfolded.

The flame pillar was cut half by his sheath. The top part vanished into nothingness, but the red flame still blazed on the ground. The ten meters flame pillar was now only a little over a meter.

Musashi Hirata was delighted as he succeeded in cutting the flame pillar. He did not stop there and continued the other flame pillars. In ten seconds, the overwhelming flame pillars were gone, leaving only four bonfires around him.

He grinned ear to ear as he looked at the stunned Arun Seth. Never crossed in his mind that his flame would be negated in such a way.

"I am not done yet!!!" Arun Seth yelled and rushed toward Hirata. He leaped up and thrust his spear toward Hirata's chest.

The spear pierced through Hirata's chest. The spectators exclaimed in surprise while Arun Seth was delighted to see his spear pierced his opponent's chest.

But the happy expression did not last long. He found out soon the one in front of him was only an afterimage. He was petrified as his spear pierced through empty air.

"I am here!" A voice could be heard from his back.

Arun Seth's instinct was telling him to go away, but then harrowing pain assaulted his calf. At the same time, he let out a piercing cry, an agonizing cry that filled the whole arena.


Just from hearing the cry, it made one's body tremble. The spectators did not dare imagine how painful it was, making a Crown Class Ranker screamed like that.

Arun Seth limped away, making a distance from Musashi Hirata. From the big screen on the top of the arena, the spectators could see Arun Seth's right calf was crooked.

Arun Seth did not dare put his gaze away from Musashi Hirata. He focused his gaze at Musashi Hirata who only looked at him as he limped away.

Soon, he noticed something strange with Hirata in his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes opened wide as he heard a voice from behind.

"Are you looking for me?"

Along with the question, Arun Seth let out another piercing cry. He fell on the ground, trying to cover his both crooked legs. This time, it was his left calf. The pain caused him to tear up.josei

Looking at Musashi Hirata in fear, Arun Seth opened his mouth. He wanted to admit defeat and of course, Hirata noticed what the opposite party wanted to do.

He raised his sheath, his eyes focusing on Arun Seth's right arm. But before he could make his move, an Old Man's voice resounded, "Young'un, that's enough! You won!"

"Musashi Hirata won!" Long Bin announced and at the same, the sheath that aimed at Arun Seth's arm stopped halfway.

"Tsk, Old Man, I thought we had a deal!" Musashi Hirata shook his head in regret.

Long Bin rolled his eyes and thought, 'I never promised or agree with your action, '

Deep inside, the old man was also surprised, 'I heard the rumor that the younger brother is less competent, but it seems the rumor is just a rumor, it could not be trusted…'

Musashi Hirata's footwork that left an afterimage was enough to shock him.

"I don't know what grudge you have against him, but a ranker also made their contributions to the city. You can't ruin his future just because of a petty grudge of a hero and ranker!" Old Man Long Bin advised the young Hirata.

Musashi Hirata shrugged his shoulder in return, "I don't care whether he is a hero or ranker! But he offended someone he should not have offended!"

Musashi Hirata walked back to his sword, on the way, he took out something from his martial clothes. It was a flag, a black flag with "Heero Academy' written on it.

The black-colored flag and the word was written in a crimson. He tied the flag on the sheath then he put the sheath on his shoulder.

This was the way Musashi Hirata glorified and showed the world of the Heero Academy's existence. The flag fluttered as he came back to the waiting room.

Such a simple movement, but leaving a deep impression on the spectators.

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