Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 186

Chapter 186: Red Festival - Part 4

Musashi Hirata's action caused a stir, especially in the luxurious box where the VIP watched. Wu Family Head, Wu Yintao, and Bai Xian Ming glanced at Musashi Kenzan.

The three big families sat in the same box. Recalling Hirata's action on the stage, Wu Yintao could not help but open his mouth, "Kenzan Head Clan, did you founded Heero Academy for your second son?"

He was curious as this was his first time hearing about this academy.

"No! You can ignore that kid! What he did has nothing to do with the Musashi Clan!" Musashi Kenzan immediately denied that his clan was involved with Heero Academy.

"He left the clan two months ago! Even though Musashi's blood flowed in his vein, he is no longer part of the Musashi Clan!"

Wu Yintao was surprised to hear that. He thought that Hirata joined the Hero League so he could go back to his clan. However, it seemed the reason Hirata became a hero has nothing to do with his clan.

"What a pity!" Wu Yintao muttered as he shook his head. Even though he said so, deep inside he was quite happy. Based on the performance, Hirata was quite skilled.

He defeated the Crown Class Ranker only with footwork. Without a doubt, Musashi Hirata was amazing. But why did Musashi Kenzan kick his amazing son out?

Wu Yintao was intrigued by this fact and curious. But he was also happy that such a talented young man was kicked instead of being groomed.

Meanwhile, the father and son of the Bai Family, Bai Xian Ming, and Bai Tian Ming exchanged a glance.

They already knew Musashi Hirata was not kicked out of the clan, but he left the clan with his mother. He left to live with his Master in the famous district of the outer region.

They got the information from Bai Xin Yue. At first, they did not believe the story, but they had to believe it now as the person that was involved directly said so.

*** ***

Back in the waiting room, Musashi Hirata received an intense gaze from the other participants. Especially from the rankers, the rankers gazed at him venomously.

Musashi Hirata ignored the gaze and walked to his group. He took a few steps, then a man blocked the path. This man was Wei Tian, the 2nd seed in the main event.

"I accept your declaration war, young hero!" Wei Tian licked his lips as he spoke.

Hirata looked up with a confused gaze. Looking at the man's face, he frowned and shook his head, "F*ck off! You are blocking my path!"

Wei Tian was stunned to hear that. Hirata was the first one to say to him, just as he wanted to retort, he felt an intense gaze directed toward him.

He looked up to the direction and saw Musashi Naizen who always sat in meditation was looking at him. The gaze was telling him that if he made a move here, Naizen also won't stay still.

Not only Musashi Naizen, Sun Zhou Yi, Bai Xin Yue, and Kang Seo-Yeon also looked at him. Looking at these people, Wei Tian turned around and said, "Heh, getting cocky because you have a helper, huh!?"

"Then I will destroy that broken academy of yours! I will destroy you guys one by one in the arena!"

Wei Tian misunderstood Hirata, he thought Hirata humiliated Arun Seth because of the ranker identity. Then, he took it as a declaration of war between hero and ranker.

Hearing that, Musashi Hirata halted his steps. He looked at Wei Tian's broad back and looked back to Bai Xin Yue.

"Who is he?" Asking Hirata in an emotionless voice.

"You don't know him?" Bai Xin Yue asked in a surprised tone. Hirata however shook his head as he sat next to Sun Zhou Yi.

"He's Wei Tian, the newly promoted Legendary Class Ranker and also the 2nd seed of the main event. I heard he was quite dangerous and his awakening ability was a bit special. You have to be careful, "

Bai Xin Yue reminded Hirata with good intentions. But then, she saw Hirata unlocked his smartwatch and opened a list. It was a list of people he wanted to crush in the Fighter Anteriority.

She witnessed the guy remove Arun Seth from the list and added Wei Tian to the list afterward.

This left her speechless, she just reminded him to be careful. However, not only did he not heed her words, this guy targeted Wei Tian instead.

As the participants exchanged banter in the waiting room, the next match started.

[Wu Jiang Shan (No.5) vs Collin Evans (No.256)]

Wu Jiang Shan got an easy match, just like what happened to Musashi Naizen. His opponent admitted defeat directly.

The fight continued until the 45th match, Bai Xin Yue's name appeared.

[Bai Xin Yue (No.22) vs Yu Fan (No.199)]

With her name appeared, she rose from her seat and opened her palm toward Hirata.

"What?" Musashi Hirata asked strangely.

"Lend me your flag!"

*** ***

As soon as Bai Xin Yue's name appeared, the whole arena burst out with thunderous cheers. Even Yu Fan who just came out of the waiting room was intimidated by the cheers.

"Oh My… What bad luck! Why should it be her?" Yu Fan lamented his bad luck as he walked to the stage.

He did not dare to look at the spectators at all.

The cheers became louder when a figure came out of the opposite side.

"Huh!?" But then, the cheers silenced as they found Bai Xin Yue was wearing Heero Academy's martial clothes. Not only that, but she also hung the same Heero Academy flag on her spear.

Bai Xin Yue's identity was clear to the public. She was Bai Family's descendant, an ancient family that had a great contribution to Star City.

However, why did she wear Heero Academy's martial clothes? Did Heero Academy belong to the Bai Family?

Even so, the silence did not last long. The spectators did not care what was the relation between Bai Xin Yue and Heero Academy. They were eager to watch their idol on the stage.

When she reached the stage, she took off the flag and folded into her martial clothes. After that, she immediately went for her stance with her spear.josei

"I am ready!" Said Bai Xin Yue with her usual cold voice.

Long Bin nodded and looked toward Yu Fan. The latter also nodded with a nervous gaze. He immediately went into a stance with his two staff.

'Will she use her awakening ability from the start? If she does, then I have no chance of winning…' Yu Fan was not optimistic about his chance of winning.


Long Bin slammed his staff, an indication the match had started.

Bai Xin Yue wasted no time, she turned the stage's surface into an ice floor. She was ice skating and her movement was agile and smooth.

While Bai Xin Yue moved freely toward Yu Fan, the latter tried to keep his balance with the sudden change.

'I am fucked up!' Yu Fan thought to himself when the floor turned into an ice floor.

The slippery ground messed up his stance. The moment he looked up, Bai Xin Yue was right before him.

Yu Fan panicky swept his two steel staffs forward while trying to keep his balance. To his surprise, before the staff could reach Bai Xin Yue, she stopped.

He looked down and saw Bai Xin Yue pierced the floor with her spear. Yu Fan was getting even more shocked when he saw his opponent bounced up by using her spear.

The spear curved before Bai Xin Yue's body was thrown into the air. Based on the trajectory, Yu Fan read the opposite party's maneuver. She wanted to attack him from behind.

'I won't give you a chance to do that!'

He spun his body around and swung his staff again. Yu Fan predicted Bai Xin Yue would be behind him.

However, his staff swept empty air. Bai Xin Yue was no in a place where he predicted. In fact, he did not see his opponent figure at all.


Then, he heard the spectators were exclaiming in unison. Yu Fan did not know what happened, but the spectators witnessed what happened on the stage.

Bai Xin Yue made a beautiful maneuver in the air, causing the spectators to exclaim in surprise. Her body was spinning around in the air with her spear pointed downward.

Yu Fan looked, but what greeted was a shining spearhead.


The spearhead brushed his face by a few millimeters away. He staggered a few steps back and fell on his butt.

Bai Xin Yue pointed her spear at Yu Fan's face and looked up at Long Bing.

"Bai Xin Yue won!" Long Bin immediately announced as soon as he received the cold gaze.

Without any celebration, Bai Xin Yue took out the flag and hung the flag on the spear again. He was coming off the stage in the same way as Musashi Hirata.

Meanwhile, the arena buzzed in chatter and yell. Most of them were expressing their admiration toward the Ice Queen. It was as if not a fight just now, it was a stunning show by the Ice Queen Bai Xin Yue.

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