Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Memory Loss

A week had passed since the first auction of the Xing Auction House. The flow of the Xing District Soared as people kept coming for many purposes. There were some of them coming after the rare delicacies, visiting Blacksmith Huang's workshop, or even wanted to know what Dragon Pit looked like.

Despite the high-traffic, the crime rate in Xing District was zero. There a few thugs wanted to create trouble though, but each time Silver Bell resounded, the thug would be gone in a few minutes. So the visitors were now used with the weird sound from the silver bell.

In spite of zero crime rate, people would notice that there were many polices lingering around the district's entrance and sometimes they would patrol into the district. Especially today, the number of police was more than before.

This very reason made people who visited the Xing District would visit it again from time to time. Ordinary people did not need to worry about their security. Moreover, the Xing District became even more complete with another two districts opened.

With top-notch security from the owner of the district and the police, people were shopping with ease. Many of them misunderstood regarding the police though, the Xing District never ask the police to maintain the security as the Central Police came for another purpose.

Under the request of the Hero League, Central Police was dispatched to keep an eye at this Xing District. To be more exact, they were here waiting for Huo Liang Xun to be released.

And today was supposed to be the day Huo Liang Xun released, a party of heroes also dispatched and mingled amongst the Central Police. As everyone paying attentive attention at the entrance, young police exclaimed, "Isn't that Emperor Liang Xun?"

The others turned around and found two men were walking side by side. One was tall and burly while the other one was a middle-aged man with a thick mustache.

From the direction where these two came from, they were coming from the north gate, and these two were the people they had been waiting for. Alvaro Wong and Huo Liang Xun, they were locked in the dungeon on the same night.

However, the police and the heroes felt something off from these two. Huo Liang Xun and Alvaro Wong's body kept swaying as they walked. These two seemed to be drunk and this scene caused the police and the heroes perplexed.

It was as if these two were just a youth who just broke up with their girlfriends and spent their night in the bar to get drunk their sorrow. Their suits were untidy and their shirts were crumpled.

After a moment of silence, the heroes snapped out and approached Huo Liang Xun. Seeing the heroes, the police also chase after them. When they looked at such close distance, they found out these two were half-awake, these two drunk.

Even though they wondered what happened with these two, they did not stop their work. The heroes pulled Huo Liang Xun into a car while the police dragged Alvaro Wong with them to their cars.

*** ***

Central Police Station

The heroes and the police brought Huo Liang Xun and Alvaron Wong here. After half an hour, Huo Liang Xun regained his senses.

Splitting headache assaulted his head, he unconsciously rubbed his forehead to lessen the headache. After sometimes, the headache vanished and he opened his eyes to get a clear look where he was.

He was sitting in a plain room and across from him, three men with black suits sat. He recognized the man in the middle, he was Executive Park and the other two were his assistant.

Sitting in a foreign room and there was an executive in front of him. Huo Liang Xun confused about how he ended up here. He remembered that he was going to train his body, but then… then…

Huo Liang Xun's eyes widened in shock as he did not remember what happened next, let alone how he could be here. He tried to recall what happened next, but it was futile. He could not remember a thing.

Looking at the shock and confused look on Huo Liang Xun's face, Park Yong Gi sighed ruefully and said in a dispirited tone, "Did you forget something?"

Park Yong Gi's voice woke the shocked and confused Huo Liang Xun. He had been trying to remember what happened to him, but it was futile. He felt something off.

"Hmm, Where am I?" despite the bizarre event that happened to him, Huo Liang Xun remained composed. He was not nervous or panic in the slightest. He calmly confronted Park Yong Gi as he believed the man in front of him knew something.

Instead of answering Huo Liang Xun, Park Yong Gi threw an unexpected question to Huo Liang Xun, "What date is it now?"

Huo Liang Xun was caught off guard, but he still answered naturally, "Nov 4!"

"It seems you are the worst case. You are losing two weeks of worth memories. Today's Nov 18…"

Yes, this was not the first case. The missing cases that alerted the Central Government and the Hero League had been solved. The missing men had come back, but there was an issue. These missing people lost their memories and most of them only lost their memories during their missing time.

So, they only lost a week of worth memories, but Huo Liang Xun lost two weeks of his memories. That was why Park Yong Gi told him that he was the worst case so far. Of course, the return of Huo Liang Xun also solved the missing cases.

It meant the missing people were the Xing District's doing. These missing people must be creating troubles at the Xing District and locked in the dungeon just like Huo Liang Xun and Alvaro Wong.

After that, Park Yong Gi told Huo Liang Xun the truth. He told Huo Liang Xun the incident that happened to him and how he lost his memories. When Park Yong Gi reached the part he was beating in a few punches without even could fight back, Huo Liang Xun interrupted.josei

"Alright, Executive Park, there's no need to tell lies. Just tell the truth already, is this League's secret project?"

Huo Liang Xun did not believe that he was beaten in a few punches. Let alone Park Yong Gi added something exaggerated like he could not fight back. There was no one could do that to him, but the top five Emperor Class.

Hearing this, Park Yong Gi voluntarily smirked somehow as an evil machination formed in his mind. Instead of convincing Huo Liang Xun with his words, Park Yong Gi opened his smartwatch.

He opened Star Web and went to the exclusive forum. Searching for a video that had gone viral in the last week, after a moment, he opened a thread and played the video attached to the thread.

After that, he showed the video to the main actor in the video. Without words, Huo Liang Xun got a closer look at the smartwatch and found he was in the video. However, he did not have memories he had visited the place in the video.

As the video played further, he saw something he had never thought would happen to him. Just like what Park Yong Gi said, he was beaten until he was passed out.

What unbelievable was the fact that he did not fight back? He was akin to a sandbag to the man with a wooden mask. He tried to recall his lost memories, but all of it was in vain as he could not remember the event played in the video.

He looked at the right corner of the smartwatch. Just like Park Yong Gi told him, today was Nov 18 not Nov 4 just like what he remembered. He truly lost two weeks of his memories. He looked at Park Yong Gi and looked back to the smartwatch.

In the end, he could only trust Park Yong Gi and accept the bitter reality, "Who's the man in the video?"

He was asking Park Yong Gi about the man with a wooden mask who defeated him with ease. With that question out, Park Yong Gi continued with the story.

*** ***

Xing District, Miao Miao Noodles Shop

Breakfast hours just finished and there were only a few people inside the shop. It was a lax hour before the lunch rush. Heero was sitting at the counter.

On the table near the window, there was a woman enjoying her seventh bowl of noodles. Her mouth slurped the noodles into her mouth, but her eyes kept looking at Heero's direction from time to time.

She was Bai Shuang'er and she had been coming here for seven days straight for breakfast. Currently, she was carrying a great task on her shoulder and her task was to investigate the man called Xing Heero.

Suspecting Heero as Sun Zhou Yi's Master, she decided to move out and stayed here. She opened Shuang'er Wardrobe and sold luxurious ladieswear in the Xing District as her disguise.

While Bai Shuang'er was watching his movement, Heero also watched someone else. Han Ying was currently cutting the green onion in a daze and he could see sadness from her face.

He already knew the cause, but he did not know how to cheer her up. From Hong Yu's mouth, Han Ying was sad because Han Ying's daughter from her previous marriage never visited her again since a few months ago or to be exact it was since he worked here.

Usually, her daughter would visit her once or even thrice a week, but recently her daughter stopped visiting her. It certainly worried her as she was afraid to lose her only daughter.

Heero was thinking a way to cheer his sister-in-law. After contemplating for a while, Heero's face brightened up as he found a good idea.

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