Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Dark Fort

Honeymoon, a vacation or trip was taken by a newly married couple.

After searching many things about marriage, Heero found about the honeymoon. On Star Web, there were also a few couples showing off about their honeymoon.

As an ancient man sealed from Dramonia, he felt there was a big difference tradition between Dramonia and Earth. So he had been searching for marriage stuff online to please his wife. The search led him to honeymoon.josei

He also found this honeymoon was a good thing to deepen the bond between him and his wife. Moreover, now he had another reason to go for a honeymoon trip, Han Ying. Even though the marriage between him and Han Ying was on paper only, she was still his sister-in-law.

Taking a break from work and went for a trip to change the atmosphere. It might be work to comfort Han Ying who currently missed her daughter. Actually, Heero's idea was to take Han Ying to her daughter, but Hong Yu denied his idea.

Han Ying's ex-husband was a hero and this man stayed in the inner region. They could not enter the inner region without a status, even it was only a temporary permit, the Central Government would not let them enter the inner region.

The wall that separated between each of the regions not meant to be a protection, but to classify the people with high status and people with no status as such people who lived in the outer region.

This was the main reason Heero disliked the people from the inner region. In such an era, not only the people did not unite as one, they even split up and mistreated the people with no power instead of protecting the weak.

Han Ying's ex-husband was the most common people could be found on Earth. He chose status and authority over his family. He divorced Han Ying while their daughter was two years old and he remarried a daughter of a decent family resided in the inner region.

Han Ying's ex-husband did all of this to climb his rank. It happened half a year ago, Shen Family Head's third daughter fancied Han Ying's ex-husband, Guo Shan the newly-rising hero.

Even though Guo Shan was not a famous hero, but he was a decent hero. At the age of thirty, he was promoted to Silver Class Hero. Not amazing, but noteworthy.

Guo Shan's feat might not be able to attract the big faction from the core region, but the faction in the inner region interested in him. And one day, Shen Yuemin appeared and offered a tantalizing offer that could not be refused by Guo Shan.

However, in order to join the Shen Family, there were two conditions. First, he had to divorce his current wife. Second, he had to remarry Shen Yuemin.

On the same day, he divorced Han Ying and remarried with Shen Yuemin. Guo Shan did that without hesitation and he brought his daughter with him, separating the mother and daughter until now.

Moreover, this Shen Yuemin also a beauty, not just fat ugly duckling. Guo Shan's decision left a deep scar in Han Ying's heart. That was why she never remarried even after the divorce. Even to Heero, she maintained a certain distance.

So, to console Han Ying, the couple planned a honeymoon trip, along with Han Ying, of course. After three days of preparation, the three went to the south of Star City.

The three took a plane instead of a bullet train. The reason was that Heero never took a plane before, so they decided to go by plane. They spent four hours on the plane and arrived at Saidai Airport, the biggest airport in Star City.

Heero was marveled by the biggest airport. It was completely different from the airport Wuyi Airport earlier. It could be said Wuyi Airport was shabby compared to Saidai Airport.

Wuyi Airport only had a building with a boring interior, waiting place, a few counters, and parking lots. However, compared to Saidai which had complete facilities, Wuyi Airport was just too shabby.

"Wuyi Airport is too shabby…" Heero muttered in a low voice.

"Don't compare an airport at the commerce region and the airport at the outer region, they are in a different class of course," Hong Yu was amused with her husband's antics. She was not embarrassed at all, instead, Heero's antics were entertaining to her.

"I heard the airport in the core region is much more amazing than Saidai," Hong Yu added with her sweet voice.

Hong Yi's comment interested Heero. He wondered what the core region airport looked like. But the problem was that he could not enter the core region.

"Ah, I should ask Zhou Yi to take me to the airport in the core region," said Heero as he remembered that he had a useful disciple. Sun Zhou Yi's status could bring him to the core region without a problem.

"Don't take me with you when the time comes. It's embarrassing," Hong Yu joked.

"Then I will bring my second wife," Heero shrugged as he returned the joke. While the couple bantering at each other, Han Ying only shook her head with a slight smile. Looking at the newly-married couple, it brought her sweet memories back when she was still with her ex-husband.

*** ***

Black Fort, a fort served as an outpost on the wild, a place for heroes and rankers to rest during their mission or maybe hunting the beast outside the city.

Black Fort was located in the west of Star City. Even though it was called an outpost, in fact, Black Fort was like a small town. There were many entertaining places such as bars and even brothel under the disguise of a club.

A fort usually guarded by the military and Black Fort was no different from the others fort. However, without many people realized, there was a force outside of the Central Government that secretly controlled Black Fort, Shadow Fang.

Yes, Dark Fort was one of Shadow Fang's secret bases. Everything here was under their control. They had killed the people in charge and changed it with their men.

As Dark Fort was only one of many forts, the Central Government failed to notice this. With an additional connection, Shadow Fang had within the city, seizing a fort or two was an easy task for them.

With all of his deeds exposed with an additional he offended Kang Family and Jiang Family, Fang Guo Ming was forced to leave the city to keep his life safe. He moved to Dark Fort under Shadow Fang's assistance.

Since he moved here, Fang Guo Ming spent his time in the bar during the day and spent his time in the club when the night came. In a bar, Fang Guo Ming drowned himself with cheap beer served in the bar.

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!

Emptying the beer as if drinking water, Fang Guo Ming slammed the glass on the bar and shouted, "More!"

The man behind the bar shrugged as he took the glass. He filled the glass with beer and placed it in front of Fang Guo Ming without words.

Just as Fang Guo Ming wanted to grab his eleventh glass of beer, there was a hand stopped him. He turned around and pointed his finger toward the man who stopped him to grab his beer.

However, the scold and curse did not come out of his mouth as the man who stopped him to drink was his partner, the leader of the Shadow Fang.


"I have some information for you. Heero just left the district with his wife to the south…" before the black-cloaked man finished his words, Fang Guo Ming stopped him to speak further.

"Let's get another place to speak," Fang Guo Ming sobered up and went to the second floor while the black-cloaked man followed him.

On the way to the second floor, the black-cloaked man informed Fang Guo Ming with his rough voice, "Also, there's someone wants to meet you. If you want your revenge, listening to him is the best choice we have,"

Fang Guo Ming furrowed his forehead when he heard this. Rarely the black-cloaked men revered someone, but from his words, his partner had great respect to this someone. Fang Guo Ming gave no responses as they proceeded to a room.

There was a round table in the middle of the room and Fang Guo Ming took a seat randomly while the black-cloaked took a seat in the opposite of him.

"I have sent the twin to chase after Heero." The black-cloaked man informed Fang Guo Ming. The latter had a bright look after hearing the word "twin". This twin was an ace of Shadow Fang aside from Shadow and Fang.

"If the twin is still failed, we will not send any of our men after Heero," The black-cloaked man added gravely. They had lost many men only after one person, it was not worth at all. If not for Fang Guo Ming was the main card for the next event, he would not dispatch the twin at all.

Hearing this, Fang Guo Ming frowned. It was clear he was not happy with his partner's arrangement. After all, there were still Shadow and Fang above the twin, how come they just give up like this.

"If the twin failed and you still want to have your revenge, I will introduce you to someone. Moreover, this person also wants to meet you," The Black-cloaked continued in a somber tone.

"Who?" Fang Guo Ming's interest was piqued, but there was no need for the Black-Cloaked to give his response as the door creaked open. Another black-cloaked man entered and the black-cloaked in front of him stood up and gave his seat to the new black-cloaked.

His partner was standing behind the man who just entered. Fang Guo Ming was shocked inside, but he still maintained his calm outside. His partner was Shadow Fang, the King of Assassin, the most feared assassin, but this King of Assassin seemed to be lowering himself before this man's presence.

Just as Fang Guo Ming wondered who the man was, he pulled the cloak and revealed the face that shadowed behind the cloak.

Fang Guo Ming's eyes instantly went wide in terror and his face was contorted in fear. He subconsciously pushed his hand off the table. The chair screeched against the floor and Fang Guo Ming fell while his finger pointed forward while stuttering, "Yo… you… Y-you…"

"Shadow Fang, you fuck*ng sh*tass!!! Are you insane!!! Why did you bring this MONSTER TO MEEEE!!!!!"

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