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Chapter 204 Ye Nuan Got In Trouble (2)

Chapter 204 Ye Nuan Got In Trouble (2)

Nuan's body became enveloped in a radiant white aura, a luminous manifestation of her formidable power. The air crackled with energy, pulsating with anticipation as she propelled herself forward, fueled by a singular purpose: to eliminate Charles Mountfill in one swift, decisive strike.

Every sinew of her being quivered with the intensity of her intent, her sword gleaming in the sunlight as it arced through the air.

As Nuan closed the distance, her eyes blazing with determination, she beheld a sight that sent a chill coursing through her veins. Charles stood before her, an embodiment of serene composure amidst the storm of her assault.

His expression remained untouched by fear or surprise, his countenance radiating an unwavering calmness that seemed to defy the imminent threat she posed.

Without hesitation, Nuan unleashed the full force of her attack, her sword aimed unerringly at Charles' exposed neck. Her muscles strained with the exertion, channeling the entirety of her power into a single, devastating strike. The metallic resonance of her blade cleaving through the air rang out, its path guided by the sheer determination pulsating within her.

Yet, to her shock and disbelief, her blade met unexpected resistance. The force of her strike halted abruptly, her sword becoming firmly lodged in an unseen barrier that seemed to defy her relentless assault. The momentum of her attack carried her forward, her body jolting against the immovable wall that had materialized before her. Time seemed to slow, the world frozen in suspended animation as Nuan's mind grappled with the impossibility before her.

Her eyes widened, disbelief mingling with frustration as she struggled to comprehend the outcome of her lethal blow. It was as if an invisible shield had risen to protect Charles, rendering her powerful strike null and void.

The impact of her failed attempt reverberated through her body, sending a shockwave of realization coursing through her veins. Her sword remained embedded in the unyielding barrier, a testament to the unassailable defense that had thwarted her intentions.

Nuan's breaths came in ragged gasps, her mind reeling as she assessed the situation. The realization settled upon her with a weighty certainty: Charles Mountfill possessed a power that surpassed her own. The calmness that radiated from him now took on an ominous quality, a harbinger of the formidable opponent she faced.

Her grip on the hilt of her sword tightened, determination burning anew within her. If a direct assault could not succeed, she would have to explore alternative strategies and exploit the weaknesses hidden within the armor of his calm facade.

Nuan's eyes narrowed with a newfound resolve as she braced herself for the arduous battle that lay ahead.josei

Before Nuan could react, Charles's body sprang into motion with startling speed and precision. In a swift and calculated maneuver, he intercepted her charging form, his hand swiftly clasping around her outstretched arm with an iron grip.

Nuan's eyes widened in horror as she felt an excruciating pressure descend upon her hand, mercilessly crushing the delicate bones and sinew within. Agonizing pain coursed through her body, engulfing her senses and rending a scream from her lips that tore through her lungs.

But this torment was only the beginning of her ordeal. Charles, unyielding and composed, continued his relentless assault. With a fluid motion, he shifted his grip to Nuan's other hand, subjecting it to the same merciless fate.

Bone and flesh crumbled beneath the force of his grasp, reducing her once agile appendages to nothing more than a haze of pulverized remnants. The searing pain intensified, consuming Nuan's consciousness, yet her tormentor showed no signs of mercy.

Next, Charles turned his attention to her lower body, his intent to render her immobile. With chilling efficiency, he unleashed a series of devastating blows upon Nuan's legs, each strike resonating with bone-shattering force.

The sickening sound of fracturing limbs echoed through the air as her legs were reduced to mangled, lifeless appendages. Nuan's anguished cries merged with the sounds of destruction, her body wracked with unimaginable suffering.

As if determined to add insult to injury, Charles concluded his merciless assault with a vicious kick to Nuan's vulnerable abdomen.

The impact propelled her frail form through the air, hurtling her into a treacherous journey of destruction. Wall after wall crumbled beneath the force of her trajectory, each impact amplifying the torment she endured.

The world around her blurred into a whirlwind of pain and chaos as she was propelled further into the abyss, her body a mere puppet at the mercy of her merciless assailant.

In the wake of this devastating onslaught, Nuan's broken and battered form lay sprawled amidst the debris of shattered walls. Bloodied and gasping for air, her body wracked with unimaginable pain, she fought against the encroaching darkness, her will to survive flickering like a dim candle in the face of overwhelming adversity. The echoes of her agonized screams reverberated through the desolate space.


In a distant corner of the forested island, Ye Kai's senses his beloved mother. A surge of anxious surged through his veins as he used the system to transport himself to her location. The scene that unfolded before him was a horrifying and devastation.

His mother lay there, her body ensnared in a macabre web of blood-soaked torment. Her hands, once graceful and agile, were now reduced to mangled remnants, crushed to dust by the merciless grip of Charles. Her legs, shattered and broken, bore witness to the brutality she had endured. The sight pierced Kai's heart like a thousand arrows, igniting a fierce flame of protectiveness within him.

With resolute swiftness, Kai wasted no time. Using the system, he carefully lifted his mother's fragile form and transported her to a secluded place, a place where she could find recovery.

But Kai's concern extended beyond his mother alone. He knew that his sisters, Rong Ying and Noira, were also in danger, and their safety was important. Without hesitation, he used the system once more, transporting himself to their sides in an instant. With careful precision, he enveloped each sister in his protective embrace, whisking them away to a place where no one could threatened their lives.

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