Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 205 Conversation With System (1)

Chapter 205 Conversation With System (1)

Kai glanced over at his mother, who lay on the bed with a white aura enveloping her body. The aura seemed to be doing its job, healing her and bringing comfort.

"Hey, System, I've got a question. How did you suddenly become so active? I mean, before, you never spoke unless I asked you something directly. But now, you're chiming in on your own, making suggestions and all that. What gives?"

[Ah, Host, it's quite simple, really. I'm not just some run-of-the-mill program, you know? I'm a living entity with thoughts, free will, and desires. Before, I didn't have enough energy to communicate with you, but now, things have changed. You see, it's all thanks to your conquest of the 3rd potential woman. It gave me the boost I needed to reach out and have a good ol' chat with you.]josei

"Hey, your tone also changed? but never mind that, tell me what can you do for me?"

[Ah, you noticed, huh? Well, consider it a perk of my newfound energy. As for what I can do for you, Host, the possibilities are quite extensive. I can provide you with information, assist you in decision-making, suggest strategies, answer questions, and even offer guidance on your journey. Think of me as your trusty companion, here to lend a helping hand whenever you need it. So, go ahead, ask me anything, and let's see how I can assist you!]

"Isn't it the same? before I can also ask anything and you give me an answer, so whats difference now?"

[Oh, you've stumbled upon a great deal, my friend! This time around, I'm offering an all-access pass to my infinite knowledge vault, with no cultivation limit or payment required. Consider it a special offer just for you! So, ask away with wild abandon, and I'll provide you with all the information you desire, free of charge. It's like having your own personal encyclopedia, but way more fun and enthusiastic! Let's embark on this knowledge adventure together!]

"Hm, tell me, why did Charles Mountfill attack my mother?"

[Well, the reason behind his attack is rather straightforward. You see, your mother possesses the extraordinary Royal White Whale bloodline. This bloodline holds immense power, and given enough time, your mother has the potential to become exceptionally strong, even capable of going to Paradise Land. Charles, being aware of this, saw her as a potential threat to his own goals or perhaps his lord's interests. Hence, he took it upon himself to eliminate her before she could fully realize her true potential.]

"Is the White Whale really that powerful? And wait, you mentioned that my mother has the potential to go to Paradise Land. What is Paradise Land exactly?"

[Paradise Land is a real continent that exists on our planet. There are seven continents in total, and many beings outside of those continents have a strong desire to go there. They believe that by reaching Paradise Land, they can attain immortality and all sorts of extraordinary benefits. However, it's important to understand that these beliefs are actually false. Going to Paradise Land doesn't grant immortality or any special powers.]

"Despite knowing this, people still crave immortality. I'm no exception—I too would like to become immortal if it were possible."

[Well, while achieving immortality isn't entirely impossible, it's certainly a challenging endeavor. There are various ways that promise immortality, but they come with great difficulty.]

"Wait, are you saying there is a way to become immortal?"

[Yes, there are indeed methods to become immortal, but they are extremely difficult to accomplish. Charles Mountfill and his lord are driven by their desire for immortality as well. One of the methods they pursue involves killing billions of people. Moromo, the lord Charles serves, seeks immortality through this method. However, powerful individuals like your mother and May pose a potential obstacle to his plans. That's why they want to eliminate them before they reach their full potential.]

"So, all these hidden motives are at play. But why do they want to capture me and my friends instead of simply killing us?"

[It's because Moromo desires to absorb all of you, particularly your unique abilities. By capturing both you and your friends, he aims to harness your powers for his own purposes. It appears that he sees tremendous potential in your abilities and believes they can contribute to his quest for immortality.]

"You sure change your tone a lot of time, well not that I mind much but now can you tell me what a best way to kill Moromo and his gang, as long as they exist I dobut I will have a peaceful day," Kai sighed and asked.

Even if he went to another island and live there, Moromo and his gang would come after him, since Moromo had an interest in his ability and also Moromo had killed thousands of island people to achieve his billions of people killing quest.

On these thousands of islands, he would find Kai sooner or later and as time go on Moromo and his gang would become even stronger, then Kai won't be able to hide anymore.

[Very simple, became a Spiritual Artist, with you, Guifei, Kirin, Miyu, Ren, Fraz, your mother, May, your sister, with these nine Spiritual Artists, you will somehow manage to take on Moromo and his gang, but before that, I think you should be worried about Haremaru Federation, I think they are planning to attack you homeland very soon]

"Haremaru Federation, what is that?" Kai asked.

[There is an island called Beast Island, on that Island there are four Kingdoms and the most powerful Kingdom is the Dragphon Kingdom. Haremaru Federation came from this Dragphon Kingdom, and the Haremaru Federation's goal is to eliminate all human species and make this world only for beastkin]

"Man, another pain is coming," Kai rubbed his forehead and said, "What is power level of this Haremaru Federation?"

[Host you don't have to worry about them if you decide to abandon your homeland, since your homeland and there three more islands are only weak islands that don't have any Spiritual Artists, so just abandon your homeland, and you are safe from Haremaru Federation for some years]

"I can't," Kai said, "There is three gold mines I own and also my New Shine businesses is also growing rapidly there, and in some years I might conquer that island, so I can't just abandon it, so tell me power levels of Haremaru Federation."


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