USSR 1941

Chapter 497

Chapter 497: Hospital

Chapter 497 Hospital

When Shulka got out of the well cover, holding a towel in his hand, humming a song, he led the others to the bath with ease.

Careful people will find that Shulka is humming the German song "Long Live Victory"... It is normal to know this song. It is a propaganda song for the German army. Usually, especially after winning a battle, he will use the loudspeaker to point in the direction of the Soviet army. It was played over and over again, so that the Soviet soldiers were familiar with it. Although they didn't know the meaning of the lyrics, it was not a big problem to hum a few lines.

The bathing pool was foggy. Sure enough, there were eight Germans taking a bath. Judging from the military uniforms and caps hanging on the side, they were indeed officers.

Seeing Shuerka and others walking in, there was a trace of anger in the eyes of these officers, and the leader, a blond-haired blue-eyed man, just reprimanded Shuerka and others... This is exactly the effect Shuerka wanted.

If Shulka and the others appeared in front of them with clothes on, their first reaction would be to touch their guns to resist, and it would be difficult to deal with them. These guys are very vigilant, and they keep their pistols one step away even when they are taking a bath Location.

But now, they obviously take Shulka and others as their own people, but these "self-made people" don't know good or bad, and even plan to get involved when the officer takes a bath.

Then, the blonde with blue eyes quickly realized something.

Shulka guessed that he should have thought of the guards outside the door... With the guards, it is impossible for "idle people" to come in. The fact that someone can come in means two things: one is that these people appear from the inside, and the other is The guards are done.

From this, it can be inferred that these people came from bad intentions.

After thinking of this, the blond hair and blue eyes quickly turned into fear and panic, and then turned around to grab the gun.

But it was too late. With a wave of Shulka's right hand, the military stab stabbed fiercely into his vocal cords diagonally from the right side.

The blond-haired blue-eyed man clutched his neck in pain, wanted to shout but couldn't, turned around and looked at Shulka with eyes full of unwillingness, despair and anger.

Shuerka could read the look.

Blonde hair and blue eyes are the most obvious features of the Aryans. Hitler was a racist. He believed that the Aryans were the best nation, and even launched wars to eliminate those inferior nations and strive for more living space for the excellent nations.

Because of this, whether they are pure-bred Aryans is often a criterion for Hitler to reuse his subordinates.

This will naturally make those German officers who are Aryans have a sense of superiority in their hearts, thinking that they are inherently better than others.

At the moment of death, at the last moment of his death, the German Aryan officer in front of him seemed to be thinking in his head... How is it possible, how could I die at the hands of an inferior nation? With this method? It's a shame, a complete shame!

But war is so real, it doesn't give anyone a chance to do it again, and the Aryans are no exception.

Shuerka pulled out the military thorn, and blood gushed out from the side of the officer's neck like a fountain, and flowed down the sewer under the hot water from the nozzle.josei

The officer sat down slowly against the wall, then fell to the ground, his blue eyes gradually losing their vitality.

The situation was similar for the others. The unarmed and unprepared Germans were certainly no match for the Soviet soldiers, although a considerable number of these Soviet soldiers were recruits... Most of the 82nd Infantry Regiment were recruits, and some of them were obviously chiefs. Once he killed someone, he stood there helpless after he struck, and made some noises.

Shulka was worried that the guards outside the door would notice something unusual, so he simply whistled, and then winked at Valery.

Valery nodded to show that he understood. He put the thorn under the nozzle and quickly rinsed it, and then took the two of them out... The guards at the door were easy to deal with. They would take it for granted that the person who walked out of the bath was his own. , so they were unprepared, and even they would stand up and salute, because all the officers in the bath were officers.

Then, the Soviet soldiers climbed out of the manhole cover one by one.

Major Mikhailevich with Shulka's clothes and equipment.

Shuerka actually wanted to put on the uniforms of those German officers, or let a few soldiers pretend to be officers to make trouble.

But after thinking about it, I think it’s okay.

The main reason is that this was an unplanned event, and the whole group was not informed in advance. A sudden change of the plan at this time will inevitably cause some confusion.

For example, soldiers disguised as German officers will be accidentally injured, or Soviet soldiers will hesitate when encountering German officers.

More importantly, this battle can almost be said to be a foregone conclusion, that is, the Soviet army has won, and there is no need to make such a fuss.


The battle started two minutes later. After all, the Soviet troops were all wearing military uniforms. When they went out and encountered the German troops, they started fighting.

If it is a normal attack, the 82nd Infantry Regiment may have to pay some price to take down the hospital.

The problem is that the 82nd Infantry Regiment is attacking from the inside, and the German firepower is consistent with the outside.

Coupled with the fact that everyone in the 82nd Infantry Regiment has conducted targeted urban street fighting training and is very familiar with the terrain, the battle went smoothly, but within ten minutes, three buildings were occupied and they moved forward at the fastest speed. .

The reason why there is such a fast speed is planned before.

The attack of the 82nd Infantry Regiment was not carried out step by step one by one, but expanded as much and as quickly as possible at the first time. Even before that, the tasks were assigned to each unit: which area a battalion is responsible for, Which area the second battalion is responsible for will be further refined within the battalion.

Needless to say why I did this.

The most important thing about this unexpected sneak attack is not to clear out the enemies in a certain building, but to deploy the troops in the fastest time.

If you only focus on the present, a regiment of more than a thousand people can indeed safely occupy a building, but this will also make the German troops in other buildings ready for targeted defense.

Conversely, if you don’t focus on clearing a certain building but infiltrate everywhere immediately, there will be very little reaction time for the enemy.

On the other hand, the Soviet soldiers of the 82nd Infantry Regiment have received special training in street fighting. They have become accustomed to deploying snipers between buildings to cover each other, and they are also accustomed to throwing a grenade before attacking and then emerging to use it. A submachine gun fired, or an anti-infantry rocket was fired at the passage.

What's more, they also used some special offensive methods, such as using the characteristics of the building to climb and throwing grenades at the windows.

As a result, the German army was beaten back layer by layer, and soon lost control of the hospital.

(end of this chapter)

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