USSR 1941

Chapter 498

Chapter 498: ammunition

Chapter 498 Ammunition

Then spread to schools.

The school encountered some trouble here, because the hospital and the school were separated by a street, and they were all separated by walls. This would give the German troops stationed at the school some time to prepare.

But it's just some preparation time.

The wall may have brought some benefits to the German army, but at the same time it also gave convenience to the Soviet army. They first used the wall as a cover to attract German firepower, then broke through and blew up a section of the wall, and rushed into the school through the gap to fight the German army.

This is the benefit of the Soviet Army's familiarity with the terrain. The 82nd Infantry Regiment had blueprints of various buildings early in the morning. At this time, if you want to attack where you just need to turn out these blueprints, and then where the buildings are, how many floors, and how many openings are there, the enemy The firepower points that may be deployed, where the firepower blind spots are...all are clear at a glance.

The Soviet army smashed a gap from these dead ends of firepower before they could rush in smoothly.

Once you rush in, things will be easy to handle.

Although the German army has high quality and strong combat effectiveness, especially the 29th Motorized Infantry Division, he is the elite infantry of the German army... The degree of mechanization of the motorized infantry division in the German army is second only to the armored division, and its definition is mainly infantry that can move quickly.

Infantry by this definition is sometimes trained more heavily than armored divisions.josei

For the troops of the armored division, the armored soldiers will drive the tanks seriously, and the infantry will learn to cooperate with each other.

However, fast motorized infantry such as motorized infantry divisions sometimes have to rush to a certain location to fight positional warfare with the enemy, sometimes they have to cooperate with the armored forces as infantry, and sometimes they have to go forward to attack a fortified position or seize a certain strategic location...this Very important in "Blitz".

This is also one of the reasons why Weicks sent the 29th Motorized Infantry Division to attack Mamayev Gang.

Mamayev Hill is a highland with an elevation of more than 100 meters. In addition, the terrain on the two wings is complicated. It is either a canyon or a gully. In fact, it is not suitable for armored troops to attack.

In addition to armored units, the most suitable is the motorized infantry division. They not only have strong combat effectiveness, but also have many cars, motorcycles, and a large number of tanks. Add some "assault guns" to them, and the attack on Mamayev Post is inevitable. up.

It's just that Wei Kesi didn't expect that the motorized infantry division can fight in the field, cooperate in battle, and attack fortifications, but urban street fighting is not its specialty.

In fact, urban street fighting is not taken seriously in this era.

The reason is that the First World War generally fought trench warfare. On the other hand, it is generally believed that if the enemy army has already entered the city, it will basically lose its ability to resist.

Therefore, there is very little training specifically for street fighting, and the German army is no exception.

But the 82nd Infantry Regiment has been tossing street fighting for the past few months, and they have even conducted field training in schools and hospitals... To be exact, it is a school field hospital simulation.

Schools and hospitals are more sensitive, especially hospitals.

The hospital has a large number of wounded from the front line, and doctors are busy in it, and it is full of people inside and out. Shulka can't say to let them all stop and let the 82nd regiment train!

So, the way of training is to simulate with several small buildings in similar positions.

The school is different. The school has been suspended since the German army occupied Karachi and bombed Stalingrad intensively. For an empty school, the 82nd Infantry Regiment has no problem training.

Therefore, the soldiers of the 82nd Infantry Regiment were too familiar with the school. After occupying the seven-story teaching building, they immediately deployed snipers on high places and buildings to block the dormitory buildings and office buildings on both sides.

Then, under the cover of snipers, other troops charged towards the two buildings. Another burst of submachine guns and grenades took them down in a short time.

There is another reason for this speed: the Germans deployed their firepower points towards Mamayev, while the Soviets attacked from their rear, which is the direction of the main German army.

The German army did not expect this, so they quickly lost one building after another like dominoes being toppled.

Shulka did not take part in the attack on the school. He knew that the occupation of the school was no longer a problem, so Major Mikhailvich was in charge there.

He and Andrianka came to the underground parking plant under Building No. 5 of the hospital, which is now full of cars full of ammunition and supplies.

Shuerka counted casually, at least fifty.

"The Germans are indeed moving quickly!" Andrianka said: "They have only occupied this place for a few hours, and the ammunition has already piled up like a mountain!"

"Do you know why?" Shulka said: "These are preparations for the attack on Mamayev Gang!"

Andrianka nodded. They should have come up with the motorized infantry division. They were parked in the underground garage for fear of being bombed by the Soviet army. On the other hand, in order to transport this batch of ammunition to Mamayev Post in time, there is no unloading... Once Mamayev Post needs it, the German army only needs to drive these cars to the front line.

Soon, Shulka discovered that these were just one batch.

Because not long after, a communication soldier reported: "We found another batch of ammunition in the basement of Building No. 7, which were also loaded in cars, and there were about 30 of them!"

A few minutes later, I received another telegram, saying that the school had also found a batch, and there were as many as 70 vehicles.

After thinking for a while, Shulka ordered Andrianka: "Pass on the order, pay attention to collecting German weapons, including rifles, and learn the use of enemy weapons immediately!"

"Yes!" Andrianka answered and passed the order on.

Needless to say why I did this.

There are ammunition in the ammunition depot but no equipment, and the Soviet army is precisely the 82nd Infantry Regiment. They have only one supply channel, which is transported from the underground pipeline to the hospital.

Although this method is very safe, even the German army has never discovered this method of transportation.

The problem is that its transportation volume is very small... It takes about an hour to reach the hospital from the "Red October" metallurgy factory through the sewer, and the distance is not far. The problem is that it can only be walked and the passage is narrow. And it is possible to get lost during this process, especially because only one person can pass through the exit, and the ammunition boxes can only be handed up one by one.

(Note: The logistics personnel of the 82nd Infantry Regiment are responsible for the ammunition transportation, that is, the disabled veterans who were eliminated from the combat troops)

This can easily cause the 82nd Infantry Regiment to have a shortage of ammunition.

Now, a large amount of German ammunition has been seized by them, and of course they can be used.

Therefore, it is necessary to collect and familiarize yourself with German equipment.

"Also!" After thinking for a while, Shulka ordered again: "Immediately evacuate these ammunition to other buildings, use cars, and move quickly!"


(end of this chapter)

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