USSR 1941

Chapter 521

Chapter 521: opportunity

Chapter 521 Timing

Attacking from the east of the hospital was the 87th Infantry Regiment of the 29th Motorized Infantry Division, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Edmond.

In fact, the strength of the 87th Infantry Regiment at this time was no less than that of an armored regiment, because it had added a hundred assault guns and thirty tanks before the battle... In terms of numbers, one hundred and thirty The armored regiment has more than one armored regiment, but the main force they are equipped with is assault guns instead of tanks, so there is still a slight difference.

These assault guns played a big role in the attack on Mamayev Gang, because they can directly aim at the fortifications and firepower points of the Russian army at close range. The Russian army even has nothing to do with these armored assault guns.

If the Germans had anything to worry about, it was what the Russians called a "bazooka" always popped out of nowhere and fired a rocket to knock out the German assault guns.

As a result, Edmund's armor strength has also lost more than half, and now there are only more than 50 vehicles left with combat effectiveness.

This is related to the German army’s logistics supply line, that is, hospitals and schools being occupied by the Soviet army, because some wounded or malfunctioning assault guns cannot be repaired in time and cannot be driven back, so they can only be discarded and parked in place to become the enemy. target.

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Colonel Edmund couldn't help scolding: "Those idiots lost the hospital and the school. They are lifelines. They should work hard to guard these places!"

Fortunately, the German army finally took Mamayev Gang.josei

Now, Edmund only needs to take down the hospital and the school to end the battle... Once the supply line is opened up, a large number of ammunition and reinforcements will soon arrive at Mamayev Post.

And defending Mamayev Post means that the Russian supply line will be cut off.

Needless to say what happened next, it was only a matter of time before Stalingrad fell into the hands of the German army.

The battle went smoothly, the German army advanced steadily, and the Russians guarding here were not as difficult to deal with as they described.

Suddenly there was a whistling sound of shells in the air, and Edmund shouted: "Hidden!"

As he spoke, Lieutenant Colonel Edmund skillfully jumped into the crater and got down.

The shells hit the ground fiercely, and there were waves of tremors and roars. Dust and debris rushed from all directions to Lieutenant Colonel Edmond's position like waves.

Ten minutes later, the gunfire stopped.

Lieutenant Colonel Edmund slowly crawled out of the mud and looked around, cursing "Damn it"... Several tanks and assault guns were blown up by shells, and they were on fire right now.

But Lieutenant Colonel Edmond did not hesitate, he ordered loudly: "Go ahead, don't let them escape!"

The German soldiers got out of the bunker one by one, and the engineers continued to search for the road and clear the obstacles, and then instructed the tanks and assault guns to push forward with difficulty.

Pushing forward for another distance, Lieutenant Colonel Edmond felt something was wrong, because they didn't encounter any obstacles.

"Second Lieutenant Taylor!" Lieutenant Colonel Edmond ordered: "Take a few people to scout!"

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel!"

With a wave of his hand, Taylor led the reconnaissance platoon past the tanks and engineers and broke into the darkness ahead.

After a while, there were several gunshots ahead, followed by another burst of shouting.

Edmond immediately got everyone ready for battle.

But soon Taylor ran back excitedly.

"Lieutenant Colonel, we have won!" Taylor said, "The enemy has escaped!"

"The enemy has escaped?"

"Yes!" Taylor replied: "We have encountered our own troops in front, and we have occupied the hospital!"

The German soldiers couldn't help cheering.

But Lieutenant Colonel Edmond didn't think it was a good thing. He looked around and asked, "Where did they escape from?"

"I don't know, Lieutenant Colonel!" Taylor replied: "However, it should be from the sewer... It is said that they came in and occupied the hospital from there, and now they escaped in the same way, like rats!"

Lieutenant Colonel Edmund still felt a little wrong, the victory came too easily.

Just when Lieutenant Colonel Edmund couldn't figure out what kind of medicine the Russians were selling in this gourd, gunshots and explosions suddenly came from a few miles behind them.

Lieutenant Colonel Edmond's face changed, and he ordered: "These bastards, we have been fooled! Go back immediately, go back to Mamayev Gang..."

"What happened?" The adjutant caught up and asked.

"Sewers, Scheffl!" Lieutenant Colonel Edmund said: "They can attack the hospital from the sewers, and they can also attack other places through the sewers!"

"Lieutenant Colonel, you mean...they attacked Mamayev Post?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Edmund replied angrily.

But in fact, Lieutenant Colonel Edmond did not guess completely right, although he guessed the general direction and strategic goals.

Shulka would not be so fraught and directly attack Mamayev Gang.

You must know that the German army has an infantry battalion stationed on Mamayev Gang, and has also built complete fortifications. It is not easy to sneak attack and take it in a short time.

So, if the Mamayev Gang was attacked directly, the result is likely to be that the main force of the 87th Regiment of the German Army turned around and surrounded and annihilated the Soviet troops who had no defense foundation.

Occupying a cemetery, however, is another story.

There are a large number of tombstones in the cemetery. These tombstones are like a jungle... Although it looks and is actually a plain, it is easy for a regiment of troops to drill into it and find no one, especially in the dark.

The road, where tanks and cars can move, goes straight through the middle of the cemetery to Mamayev Kurgan.

In other words, occupying the cemetery would also cut off the supply line on Mamayev Kurgan.

And this time, the 82nd Infantry Regiment actually compressed the encirclement and abandoned the main force of the German army outside the Mamayev Hill... All the Soviet army had to deal with was an infantry battalion stationed on the Mamayev Hill. More than a hundred enemies.

"Comrade Golikov!" After occupying the cemetery, Mikhailevich immediately contacted the Army Command.

"Attack Mamayev Gang at once, we have surrounded them!" Mikhailevich said.

"Surround them? Of course I know we have surrounded them!" Golikov replied: "But they have a geographical advantage and tank cover..."

"They don't have any tanks anymore!" Mikhailvich replied: "Their tanks are blocked by us!"

"What?" Golikov didn't understand what was going on.

"We moved our position, Comrade Golikov!" Mikhailvich explained: "We raided and occupied the cemetery, and there was only one infantry battalion left on Mamayev Gang, which we attacked Best time!"

(end of this chapter)

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