USSR 1941

Chapter 522

Chapter 522: Inertial thinking

Chapter 522 Inertial Thinking

Golikov was still a little puzzled at first, and after looking at the map for a while to find the location of the cemetery, he asked in surprise and joy: "What? What did you say? You occupied the cemetery?!"

"Yes, Comrade Golikov!" Mikhailvich said: "Quickly issue an order, the time has come to retake Mamayev Gang!"

Golikov did not hesitate, and immediately turned to Krylov and said: "Organize an attack on Mamayev Post immediately, the sooner the better!"

"Yes, Comrade Golikov!"

When Krylov passed on the order, Golikov asked Mikhailvich again in doubt: "How did you do it?"

"Sewers, Comrade Golikov!" Mikhailvich replied: "The Germans thought we would stick to the hospital, but in fact we have been preparing to occupy the cemetery!"

"Good way!" Golikov said with a smile: "So, you have fooled me too!"

"Sorry, Comrade Golikov! We cannot risk leaking information!"

"No, you're doing the right thing!" Of course Golikov doesn't mind that, especially now that there's hope of retaking Mamayev's post... that's more important than anything else.

"Hold the cemetery!" Golikov said: "Until we take Mamayev Hill and reinforce you!"

"Yes, Comrade Golikov!"

The battle on the road started before the words fell.

It was a motorized company of the German army.

The troops that the German army attacked Mamayev Gang were originally motorized infantry divisions. The characteristic of motorized infantry divisions is that they are equipped with vehicles such as cars and motorcycles, and can rely on these vehicles for rapid mobility.

So, as soon as Lieutenant Colonel Edmund found out that he had been fooled, he immediately sent a quick response force to reinforce Mamayev Post, and the main force followed up.

According to common sense, the Soviet army should let these quick-response troops go and launch a surprise attack on the main force behind it.

But the focus of this battle is to capture Mamayev Gang, not to ambush the enemy.

This rapid response force has a company of more than 100 people. If they are allowed to reach Mamayev Post, it will be a big reinforcement for the more than 300 defenders of Mamayev Post. It will exponentially increase the time for the Soviets to capture Mamayev Post, and it will also bring greater danger to the 82nd Infantry Regiment.

So, Shulka made a decisive decision and gave the order to fire after the German motorized rifle company entered the ambush circle.

The Germans were completely unprepared, so when gunshots rang out next to the road, they immediately panicked.

The first to be blown up was Biansanlun who opened the way ahead.

The Germans usually use side tricycles for reconnaissance. The reason is not only that the side tricycles are highly mobile, but also because they are cheap and easy to observe... Even if they are attacked, they only need a few side tricycles plus three soldiers per vehicle. Compared with cars That's much better than an armored vehicle.

More importantly, a machine gun mounted on the side seat of the three-wheeler has a good attack power, and can often independently solve the harassment and ambush of the guerrillas.

But of course they weren't so lucky this time.

When Valery pressed the piezoelectric switch, the explosive package buried in the middle of the road exploded.

Of course, according to Valery's habit, these explosive bags were filled with steel balls, so with a "swish" sound of breaking wind and a "jingling" sound when they hit the side three wheels, all three side three wheels were lost. The direction hit the side of the road, and one of them was directly blown over by the explosive package. It turned over several times in the air and then hit a tombstone heavily. The German soldiers on it knew that their brains had burst without even thinking about it.josei

Immediately afterwards, there was the scream of rockets, and a few rockets "boomed" and blasted the two cars following them into a ball of fire.

The reaction of the German soldiers was fairly quick. Those who survived jumped out of the car and organized defense immediately.

But in the middle of the road there is no defense at all, it is empty.

On the contrary, the Soviet army fired on both sides under the cover of the tombstone.

The tombstones in this cemetery are about 1.5 meters high. Soldiers only need a little waist to hide in them, and then raise their guns to observe and shoot from the side.

This gave the Soviet army a completely disproportionate geographical advantage over the German army.

Then, after a few flares were fired into the air, more than a dozen German soldiers who were fleeing were knocked down to the ground without exception. More than a hundred dead bodies and burning cars covered the entire road.

The early small battle ended, and the Soviet army won a complete victory.

But this also made the main German army wary.

Lieutenant Colonel Edmond, who heard the gunshots, immediately stopped the troops from advancing, then turned on the flashlight and opened the map under the cover of the raincoat.

"The cemetery!" Lieutenant Colonel Edmund said, "They have occupied the cemetery!"

"This is not good news, Lieutenant Colonel!" The adjutant said: "The terrain of the cemetery is not suitable for tank combat!"

Lieutenant Colonel Edmund certainly knew this, and the neatly arranged tombstones would be the biggest obstacle for the tanks to advance.

"Is there any other way for us to go around?" Lieutenant Colonel Edmund asked.

"I don't think so, Lieutenant Colonel!" The adjutant shook his head: "There are narrow valleys on both sides, to be precise, there is a gully in the south... We may find some gentle places to cross the gully, I mean in the engineer's Help! But..."

"but what?"

The adjutant pointed to the map and said: "We are going to reinforce Mamayev Post. If we cross the gully and bypass the cemetery area, it means we have to step back again, otherwise we will be separated from Mamayev Post." With a gully!"

So Edmond understood that they had to destroy the enemies occupying the cemetery in front of them.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Edmund said: "Organize an attack immediately and let our tanks and assault guns run over the enemy's corpse!"

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel!" replied the adjutant.

But although the adjutant said so, he didn't think so in his heart.

It is not easy to break through the cemetery, it is like a natural trap for tanks, especially at night.

What the adjutant didn't know was that Edmund already regretted it.

If he knew this would happen, he should have deployed heavy troops to guard the cemetery.

It's a sarcasm, a blatant sarcasm.

Because not long ago, Edmund was still laughing at those people in his heart, laughing at them for throwing such an important strategic place as the hospital to the enemy.

Now, Edmund himself made the same mistake... he ignored the defense in such an important place.

But who would have thought of that?

Under the inertial thinking of conventional combat, the place where troops pass is the rear. If there is no enemy's interspersed troops or airborne troops, it is impossible for them to have problems.

Now Edmund knows that's not the case, but it's too late.

(end of this chapter)

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