Valerian, The Legendary

Chapter 281 - 281 Cupido’s Defeat.

Chapter 281 - 281 Cupido’s Defeat.

281 Cupido’s Defeat.

Unknown to the fact that his every move was being scrutinized, Valerian walked through the woods. He was not in a hurry. The dragon kingdom’s homeland was a place filled with wonders. He wanted to explore as much as he could.

The night fell, and the forest came alive. Valerian had spent much time inside the woods and liked it better at night. However, the impression left by the dragon kingdom forest was incomparable. The tree leaves had a dull glow as if gems shone under the moon’s light. Looking at the sky, Valerian found the two moons shining brightly.

He was confused at first, and after calculating the time, he was surprised. He mumbled, “Why do they not change faces.”

At this moment, a sultry voice sounded, “Changing faces is a task left for those under the moons. The moons shine brightly. All you need to see is the vision.”

Valerian did not panic and turned around to look at the source of the voice and found a lady standing there. He was surprised and asked, “Who are you?”

This lady was hardly wearing any clothes to cover her body. Valerian did not rush forward to help. He wanted to know what another human was doing in this place. The lady said weakly, “Do not be wary. I mean, you no harm. I am Cupido. I used to live in the Acies City of the western continent.”

Valerian clenched his fist behind his back and was ready to condense and throw a battle aura dagger at the lady if she moved too quickly. But instead, he asked, “What are you doing here?”

The lady replied with a sigh, “I was taken from my home. The city of Acies. You will know about it if you visit the western continent.”

This statement made Valerian realize there was something wrong with this lady. He took half a step back and asked, “Why were you bought here?”


Cupido replied, “A dragon was passing over the city, and he took a liking to me. So, he bought me here. Ever since then, I have been living here.”

Valerian nodded and said, “It must have been hard for you to live here, right?”

At this moment, he realized he was talking more than he intended to. His eyes opened wide as the girl walked closer to him. As she stepped, her leg was exposed to the light of the trees and the moon. The skin seemed to be made up of marble, and her body was something every human could kill for.

However, Valerian was not concentrated on the lady. He wanted to know what was happening to him. Just when his brain was working quickly, he noticed a green light flashing in the pupils of the lady. The young man did not hesitate and closed his eyes.

This action surprised the lady, and she chuckled, “Aww, such an intelligent child you are. Sadly intelligence cannot save you now.”

She did not care if the young man had spotted anything peculiar from her actions. She decided to own the fact that she had done something to him. Valerian did not rush to reply to her. Instead, he silently stood there and concentrated the mana around his ears. The lady cast the spell using sound as a medium, so he stopped the sound from reaching him.

Now, three of his five senses had been unable. He could not see, hear, or talk. He ignored the lady and focused on how to solve the problem.

... josei

At the summit of the Throne peak, Fortuna raised her brow and asked, “Who allowed Cupido to go and test him?”

Arma sighed, and Gale shook her head. The latter said, “You know she does not listen to anyone. I bet Gladis will be raging at the moment.”

Arma nodded and said, “It is all useless, Cupido will perform the adorable weak little girl in front of him, and his anger will wash away.”

The two guardians nodded to each other, and Fortuna said, “Cupido just got herself a worthy opponent.”

The other two did not react. They wanted to see how Valerian would escape this spell and calm his mind.


The young man was thinking when he sensed Cupido touching his shoulder. Thinking that blocking his three senses would stop this lady was still underestimating the lady as soon as she stood close to Valerian. She released a fragrance that made the young man shiver.

Valerian did not waste time and formed a sword with his battle aura. Then he slashed at the position where Cupido was standing. The lady was surprised that this guy did not hide his killing intention and attacked her without warning.

She retreated quickly, and Valerian cast a wind spell around himself to make the fragrance disappear. Cupido smiled and said, “You are an alert one. However, don’t you feel a current surging through your body? A heat that is intensifying with every passing moment. The heat ready to erupt from your core?”

Valerian clenched his jaw and did not reply to her. Cupido thought he was weakened, and her voice was lowered to the point where it was like a seductive whisper, “You know, I can help you take out the fire?”

This sentence carried enough power to set countries at war. Valerian may have blocked his ears, but Cupido was not letting him get away so quickly. She infused mana in her voice when she was talking. Her mana defied the barrier Valerian had set and began to play games on the young prince.

Valerian did not expect this to happen; his brain was about to enter a fray. This whole encounter was a challenge for him. He did not wish to lose at all. Then, suddenly, he came up with an idea. Valerian let go of his sword, and it vanished. Then he took out his Filum Vita and sat down on the ground.

His actions surprised Cupido, and she tilted her head in confusion. Valerian’s Filum Vita was made of materials that could conduct magic. During his time in the world of clar-awks, the young man had spent a lot of free time playing and mastering the art of mana music.

Thinking about this, he placed the instrument on his lap and let the mana flow through it. This was the result of his training. Valerian was freely able to control the mana flow in his body. Then he began to play music. Cupido was surprised to see this, but then she chuckled.

She was amused by this young man and sat beside him. She said, “Let me see how long you can play.”

Valerian smiled, he could sense that she was sitting before him, and he kept playing. The entire forest seemed to have come alive. Then, after ten minutes, the notes changed suddenly.


Fortuna said, “Cupido is about to get hurt.”

Arma and Gale were surprised, but the Queen of the dragons could sense what Valerian would do.


The melodious tune suddenly became harsh, and a mana string appeared outside Cupido. The lady was surprised. She did not detect this string wrapping around her waist. She touched the string, and her eyes went wide in shock. This string was made up of mana. Finally, she realized what was Valerian doing but before she could act, many such strings appeared around her body.

Her movements were restricted and Valerian said, “What a shame, all that intelligence, but could not save yourself.”

Cupido glared at him, and said, “Let go of me and you will live to die another day.”

Valerian chuckled and replied, “Death is the eternal truth, I am not afraid of it. However, I am a petty person by nature. Shall I kill you now?”

Then he plucked a string on his instrument and all the mana threads around Cupido tightened. They all left shallow cuts, revealing silver drops of blood. The lady winced and said, “What do you want in exchange for my freedom?”

Valerian smiled and said, “Two things.”

Cupido asked, “What?”

“One, you will break the spell you have cast on me. Two, you will not attack me in any manner after I release you.”, said Valerian.

His demands were not excessive and were on point. Cupido sighed and said, “Do you even know my purpose for casting that spell? If I break that spell, that would mean you failed the trial.”

Valerian replied in a calm tone, “Do you really think I am a child? The result of the trials depends on the judgment of the guardians. Everyone has a different method to get past the obstacles. I just used your method to defeat you.”

Cupido was enraged but helpless. She could not help but curse this guy inside her head. She wanted to cast a few attack spells, but the mana threads were blocking her mana channels. If she could not channel the mana inside her, how will she pour it out? The runes were in her mind, but they would not condense if the channels were blocked.

Finally, she said, “Fine, you win.”

As soon as she said this, the ground trembled and the lady said, “Oops, looks like someone cannot hold back finally.”

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