Vampire Lord's Demonic Wives

Chapter 144 Stolen Grimoire

Chapter 144 Stolen Grimoire

Zoravec and Blake stepped out of the classroom, their minds still buzzing with the intricate details of elements and their various types. The walls inside the room had been lined with the elemental table, and their professor had delved deep into the world of elements and their wielding.

The late afternoon sunlight spilled across the corridor, casting long shadows on the floor. Zoravec stretched his arms above his head, a contented expression on his face. "That was quite the lecture, wasn't it? Elements and their types sure can make your head spin."

Blake nodded in agreement, adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. "Absolutely, man. My brain feels like it's gone through a workout."

A faint rumble echoed from Blake's stomach, followed by an embarrassed grin. "Speaking of workouts, my stomach seems to think it's time for a break too."

Zoravec laughed, clapping Blake on the shoulder. "You and your bottomless pit of a stomach. Alright, let's go grab a bite. The canteen should be open by now."

They began to walk down the corridor, chatting about the lecture they had just attended. Zoravec was animated, explaining some of the more intricate concepts in simpler terms, while Blake listened intently, nodding along.

As they reached the canteen, the smell of freshly cooked food hit them, making their mouths water. The canteen was abuzz with students, some huddled in groups, discussing class topics, and others already diving into their meals.

Blake's eyes lit up as he scanned the menu board. "I'm thinking of a burger today. What about you, Zoravec?"

Zoravec leaned against the counter, looking thoughtful. "I'm feeling like some comfort food today. How about a plate of mac and cheese?"

Blake chuckled. "Mac and cheese it is, then." They placed their orders and found a table near the window, giving them a view of the campus courtyard. As they waited for their food, Zoravec pulled out his phone and started scrolling through his notes.

Blake raised an eyebrow. "Still thinking about elements, even during lunch?" He was gradually growing curious about Zoravec's behaviour and thinking. For Blake he was someone to befriend for mutual benefits.

Zoravec grinned. "Yeah, it's fascinating stuff! Plus, I need to make sure I've got everything down for the upcoming exam." He lied like a normal student while his whole focus was still stuck on the element called chaos which was not included in the lecture.

Their food arrived, and they dug in with gusto, savouring the flavours that were a welcome distraction from the academic rigour. Zoravec took a forkful of mac and cheese and savoured the creamy goodness.

Blake bit into his burger and let out a satisfied sigh. "You know, Zoravec, moments like these make all the studying worth it. It's like a reward for all the brainpower we have been spending for those boring and basic lectures."

Zoravec nodded, a contented smile on his face. "Absolutely, Blake. It's all about balance. Engaging our minds in class and then treating ourselves to some good food and downtime."

They continued to enjoy their meal, the conversation flowing effortlessly from elements to lighter topics. Outside the window, the sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm glow across the campus.lights

As they finished eating, Zoravec leaned back in his chair and stretched. "Ready to tackle the rest of the day, my friend?"josei

Blake leaned back as well, a satisfied grin on his face. "Definitely. With a full stomach and a refreshed mind, I'm feeling ready for whatever comes next."

They gathered their belongings and headed back towards the classroom, the camaraderie between them a reflection of the balance they found between academic pursuits and the simple joys of life.

Zoravec and Blake left the canteen, their footsteps echoing softly in the corridor. Zoravec's vampiric senses were attuned to the sounds around him, and as they walked, he couldn't help but catch snippets of conversations from passing students.

"Did you hear about the missing element from today's lecture?"

"Oh yeah. My father told me stories about that one. It is said that the particular is a forbidden one and no one should ever talk about it."

"Apparently those are the stories made by the government to shut the people out, when they failed to find a lost grimoire in the library."

That last fragment caught Zoravec's attention. His ears perked up, and he subtly slowed his pace to better tune in to the conversation nearby. He pretended to tie his shoelaces as he listened, using the moment to his advantage.

Two students were walking just ahead of them, absorbed in their animated discussion. "I can't believe it! They actually lost a grimoire from the most secure library!" one of them exclaimed, excitement evident in their voice.

The other student raised an eyebrow. "A grimoire? You mean, like a magic spellbook or something?" Zoravec kept on listening and absorbing all information, now all he needed was to ask Devi to figure out the rest.

"Yeah! It's from the Library of Forbidden Artifacts. You know, the one rumoured to contain some seriously dark and powerful magic. Nobody knows who stole it and where did it go. But it is said to be stolen by someone who was able to wield its power. Though it seems the one who tried might have died, or else there would have been in a chaos by now in every realm."

Zoravec's curiosity was now fully piqued. The Library of Forbidden Artifacts was notorious among the supernatural community for housing dangerous and forbidden magical items. He had heard tales of its existence, but concrete details were hard to come by.

Blake glanced at Zoravec, noticing the sudden intensity in his friend's expression. "Hey, Zoravec, everything alright?"

Zoravec shook his head slightly, regaining his composure. "Yeah, just lost in thought for a moment. Let's keep moving."

They resumed walking, but Zoravec's mind was racing. If there was indeed a lost grimoire from the Library of Forbidden Artifacts, that could mean trouble. He knew better than most the kind of chaos such dark magic could unleash.

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