Vampire Lord's Demonic Wives

Chapter 145 Let Me Possess

Chapter 145 Let Me Possess

Zoravec's footsteps echoed through the marble corridors of the academy as he walked alongside Blake. The weight of the ancient grimoire thoughts he held in his mind seemed to match the gravity of his situation. The two of them were returning to their class after a brief tour to the canteen, their minds abuzz with the mysteries they had uncovered.

"So, what do you think, Blake?" Zoravec's voice held a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. "The existence of the library... It's almost too incredible to believe." Blake adjusted the strap of his satchel and glanced at Zoravec with a thoughtful expression. "I know what you mean, Zoravec. The stories we heard from the elder scholars, the hidden knowledge from eons... It's like something out of a legend."

As they continued down the corridor, Zoravec's mind wandered back to the conversation they had overheard between two senior students. It had been a chance encounter that led them to the revelation about the library's existence. The students had spoken in hushed tones about a hidden repository of knowledge, a place that held secrets even the academy's highest authorities were unaware of.

"But where could it be?" Zoravec mused, his brow furrowed. "The students mentioned that it was accessible to those who could decipher the ancient runes."

"True," Blake replied, his gaze distant as he recalled the conversation. "Though from what people say about the hidden part of the library, they speak about a key that was needed to enter. Something about the convergence of moonlight and the inscription being illuminated. Some similar bullshit."

The image of moonlight streaming through an arcane inscription floated in Zoravec's mind. Could it really be that simple? Could the library be hidden somewhere within the academy itself? His thoughts raced as he considered the possibilities.

They reached the door of their classroom, pausing before entering. Zoravec's eyes scanned the room, seeing familiar faces absorbed in their studies. His thoughts lingered on the idea of a hidden library filled with knowledge that could reshape their understanding of the world. "Zoravec," Blake's voice interrupted his reverie, "we can't let this distract us completely. Our studies are important too."

Zoravec nodded, his determination renewed. "You're right, Blake. We'll continue our studies, but we'll also keep our eyes open for any clues. If the library truly exists, it might hold answers to questions we never even knew to ask." With a shared nod of understanding, they entered the classroom and took their seats.

As the instructor began the lesson, Zoravec's thoughts shifted between the complexities of his studies and the enigma of the hidden library. The academy's walls seemed to hold secrets of their own, and Zoravec was determined to uncover them, even if it meant delving into the unknown depths of history and magic.josei

And so, in the heart of the academy, the pursuit of knowledge continued – both within the confines of the classroom and beyond, where the mysterious library waited, cloaked in shadows and the promise of untold wisdom.

As he approached his family's modest house, the door swung open, and Devi burst out with boundless energy, her dark eyes alight with excitement. "Zoravec! You are back!" Devi's voice rang out with unrestrained joy, and she practically flew into his arms for a hug.lights

Zoravec laughed, his fatigue momentarily forgotten in the warmth of his beloved witty demoness' embrace. "Yes, Devi, I'm back. Seems you have done something again?"

Devi's grin was infectious as she recounted her adventures of mischief around the town. The information she had collected, and the wild and baseless theories she had woven about the world beyond their town.

"But, Zoravec," Devi's tone turned earnestly, her eyes earnestly locking onto his, "have you found a way to take me to the school yet?" Zoravec's heart tightened at the question. Devi had always been fascinated by the idea that she would be able to stay by his side if they both would be in the same place.

She dreamed of exploring the magic elements and different species by learning herself, a dream that Zoravec both cherished and felt responsible for. He crouched down to her level, his expression gentle. "Devi, you know I'm trying my best. But the academy has strict security, and they have rules about who can attend. So, practically no farce will work."

Devi's shoulders slumped slightly, but she didn't lose her determination. "But you are one of the best students, Zoravec! And you know so much about the insides now. When will you find a way to sneak me in? Just tell me and I can possess someone's body. They should let me come with you."

Zoravec smiled, brushing a strand of hair from Devi's face. "You are right, you are absolutely right about the possession part too. Just a few days more and, I promise, I will find a way to show you the school and all the wonders of lustful aura it holds, haha."

Devi's eyes sparkled with hope, and she threw her arms around Zoravec once again. "You really mean it? Don't tell me that is the den of lust? Damn! It means I can improve my powers there easily. You will take me with you, right? I don't mind if you wanna take Hecate along too."

Zoravec hugged her back, his voice soft. "I do mean it, Devi. We will figure it out together." he knew that something needed to be done as soon as possible because in order to find out more information he had to take her inside. And now Hecate's young appearance had caused more problems for him as there was no way to hide her.

Moreover, as per Devi's news there were some changes going on with Kate too. Zoravec's outburst were indeed causing things to deviate from the natural flow of the realm. It could only mean one thing, destruction. If that continued then Zoravec would soon destroy everything or mutate the people with the remnants of his energy which was causing changes.

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