Vampire Lord's Demonic Wives

Chapter 146 Nine Tailed Fox

Chapter 146 Nine Tailed Fox


The soft glow of dimmed lights casts a warm ambiance in Kate's living room. Devi and Zoravec stood at her doorsteps while exchanging puzzled glances. They were there to visit their friendly neighbour, Kate, but something seemed amiss. Zoravec wanted to know what changes had occurred in her with his touches.

Kate opened the door with a warm smile, but her choice of attire caught Devi and Zoravec off guard. She was wearing a headscarf, which was unusual given her usually casual style. Meanwhile, the demoness addressed her in an utterly friendly tone which was out of the blue.

Devi knew somewhat that some kind of magical changes had occurred in her. But she became confused upon seeing Kate's complexion. "Hey, Kate! We thought we should drop by for a chat. Everything okay?"

Kate hesitated for a moment, then nodded, trying to sound casual. She had been clearly fidgeting upon seeing them at her door. Kate had imagined Zoravec to pay her visit some day, to meet and spend time with her.

Now when he had come all by himself, it caught her off guard. "Oh, yes, everything's fine. Just wanted to change things up a bit. Come on in." Devi and Zoravec exchanged another curious look but entered her living room.

The living room was adorned with framed photos of Kate's travels, bookshelves filled with s, and an inviting couch by the window overlooking the city. Zoravec wondered why he never noticed those items before.

Zoravec questioned while raising an eyebrow. "I have to say, Kate, the headscarf is...unexpected. It suits you, though." Kate chuckled nervously not knowing how to say and explain things to him.

"Thanks. It's just a little experiment, you know, trying different styles." Devi could not help but sense something amiss, and her curiosity got the better of her. She grew suspicious and wanted to know to more about the change which had occurred in her.

"Kate, is there something you are not telling us?" Devi questioned her while Zoravec sat there silently. Kate hesitated again, her eyes darting around the room. She seemed to be unwilling to disclose what kind of changes had occurred in her.

She glanced at Zoravec who was sitting across her in the sofa with his arms folded. His glaring eyes were darted on her as if he wanted to find more about her. Kate spoke in a whispering tone.

"Okay, fine. But you have to promise not to tell anyone." Devi and Zoravec lean in closer, intrigued. While the demoness became excited which was visible from her eyes. "We promise, Kate. What's going on? You can trust us."

Kate took a deep breath and finally removed the headscarf from the neck portion, revealing a startling sight—a sign, some sort of furry tattoo tail, coiled around her neck and partially extending onto her cheek.

Zoravec was amused with the change but he had no idea what it meant. "A tail tattoo? That's quite a change, Kate. I was hoping for some drastic one though." Kate lowered her head while sighing when she glanced at Zoravec. lights

"It's not just a tattoo. It's...a magical enchantment. Or I think it is." She wanted to say more but was unaware about the tattoo herself. Meanwhile Devi observed her carefully, the demoness knew a lot more but this was something she was not aware about too.

Devi and Zoravec exchanged a glance, both equally surprised and curious. The demoness was intrigued. "A magical enchantment? Kate, you have got to explain." Kate walked over to the window and closed the curtains, creating an air of secrecy.

Kate hesitated in confiding in both of the but when she was done turning off every access from the outside. The woman removed the headscarf shyly and nervously when Zoravec turned shocked.

"These changes started to occur from the last week. These ears contain a spell that can temporarily imbue me with the spirit of an animal. I tried to control it, and this furry tail tattoo appeared. It kind of grants me power, strength, and wisdom for a short time."

Zoravec's eyes light up with excitement, and Devi could not help but smile at the unexpected turn of events. He became fascinated with the change and the powers she told Zoravec made her appear quite useful.

"That's incredible! Can you show us?" Kate hesitated, but then nodded. She touched the tattoo, and it started to shimmer with an otherworldly glow. Suddenly, she seems to radiate confidence and charisma.

Kate spoke while grinning at both of them. "Feel the power of the divine animals." Devi and Zoravec could help but be impressed as they witness Kate's transformation. The air in the room feels charged with an energy they had never experienced before.

Devi was amazed when Kate transformed into a nine tailed white fox. Zoravec grew shocked and stunned in excitement at the same time. "Wow, Kate, that's amazing!"

Zoravec confessed to her excitedly in order to praise and take Kate in confidence. "I have heard of magical relics, ancient beings and forbidden magic, but this is something else. Incredible!"

Kate's eyes sparkled with the newfound power, and she puts her headscarf back on, concealing the furry tattoo once more. She transformed back into her human form but her white ears still stayed there unhidden.

Kate spoke once again but this time her tone was very secretive and mildly pleading too. "Thank you. I can't let this get out, guys. It is our little secret. But if you ever need a touch of magic in your lives, you know where to find me. Hehe!" They both knew how to explore Kate's powers and how to balance them.

Devi and Zoravec nodded with a meaningful gaze, their curiosity satisfied, and their sense of wonder renewed as they shared a unique moment with their mysterious neighbour. Little did they know that this encounter would be the beginning of many more adventures to come when they all will get enrolled in the academy.

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