Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 249 The Frustration Of The Demon General

Chapter 249 The Frustration Of The Demon General


Demon Generals were frighteningly strong Demons capable of attaining a great deal of strength, surpassing the lesser-rank demons, and finally stepping out of such a realm. Of course, demon realms were incredibly wide as there were many types and evolution branches. Demon Generals were not a race, but a classification, they were special demons that had reached a third stage of evolution and attained the ability to control lesser demons within their domain. Sometimes demons they dominated through sheer strength, and other times demons they themselves created through breeding or other methods such as summoning rituals.josei

This Gray Oni couldn't be really said to be an Oni, but it slightly looked like one, however, if I could analyze him, he would look more like a wingless gargoyle. His skin was gray like stone and it was covered in several black scales that were like incredibly hard stone or even metal. Their horns were made of ores they consumed and their scales also gained such properties. His horns were golden because he most likely ate a lot of hold, from somewhere. Although his wounds being barely healed from Eleanora's fight said that he lacked a great regeneration factor, perhaps he was an incomplete evolution or maybe he wasn't as talented, therefore he wasn't able to attain regeneration abilities, which was often a must have for Demon General Classes and above. Maybe this was also the reason why he lacked wings?

He was far away, looking down at us from over a pile of corpses, he seemed to be gritting his teeth, but he had yet to fight, was he doubting? Perhaps he was analyzing the battlefield. Maybe he wasn't that confident into winning now that his army was being massacred, but it also felt like he was somehow forcing himself…

"Ggrrr… The entire army is already gone?!" He muttered, not many could notice as he was far away, but the people already had felt his presence, many were searching for him with their gaze.

"Fight them?! But I…!"

"No, I am not a coward…!"

"Of course, I'll show you that I can easily massacre these lowly humans…! Don't look down on me!"

The Demon General continued talking alone, as if some sort of voice was whispering to his mind. Was this the one controlling him or ordering him around? could they be part of the cult? Well, I have no time to search, he began to move.


An instant later, his Soul Aura was unleashed, despite being wounded, the Soul Aura was still as strong as Eleanora had detected it to be back then. It was gray and black, and seemed to have the Darkness element as its primary strength. The moment he jumped off the pile of corpses, an arm completely made out of his Soul Aura emerged, shaping as a new and monstrous shadow arm. Even wings made from his aura emerged behind him, showing how masterful his manipulation of such a power was.

"T-That demon… Who is he?" Asked Ellergest. "I have never seen a demon this powerful before… Only the Demons of the neighboring Kingdom could be this strong as those fools let them breed for too long but this is… Could it be on pair?!"

"No, it is not." I said. "But it might one day become like the ones invading that place… This is a Demon General, or let's call him a pseudo-demon general, he seems to be weakened…" I said with a smirk.

"He looks like he's ready to fight." Said Seth.

"Can we even handle such a monster…?" Asked Jack.

"Jack you have chains, if you doubt, then how can we even fathom to win? Your chains might be essential." Said Ellergest.

"I'll also help from behind…!" Said Elizabeth. "I can gather the priets for a super strong attack…!"

"Do that then." Said Ellergest. "Go with the other priests!"

"Alright!" Elizabeth who was quite smart, ran to the backlines to gather with the priests to coordinate a powerful spell from a long distance, all while we watched the demon approach.

I quickly told Chris and Eric to stand behind, while Erika recklessly stood right at my left side without moving away. I tried to tell her this was too dangerous but she didn't listen. Well, if things come to worse, I'll have to kick her away to save her life. I don't have to worry about the details, she has a tough body.

The demon army all quickly began to shiver before their General, stepping back from his enormous and powerful presence, they were too afraid to even dare offend him. The figure of the demon was quite domineering to them, although for me, he was merely a wounded Gargoyle that probably got the help from the Cultists to devour a hundred souls.

He stopped walking forward, only being around twenty meters away from us. Ellergest's Golden Dragon emerged from within his Spirit Orb after having been resting for a while, his splendor seemed reassuring to the rest, Ellergest was a powerhouse, but he was old and slow, so he could actually die if he were alone fighting this demon. Luckily for him, I am here as well.

"Are you the ones leading this demon army?" Asked the Gargoyle, he spoke the dialect of humans, shocking our army.

"Y-You can speak the language of humans?!" Asked Ellergest. "Wait, are you a tamed demon?!"

"Me? Tamed? I am merely cooperating with your kin for mutual benefits. But one of you sacrificed themselves to destroy the demon gate… Do you know how long it took to set it up?! Those working with me are already furious I let that happen… I will have to reap your souls to please them… And of course, to feast on you damned monkeys… You think that killing small fry suddenly makes you strong? Let me show you what true strength looks like!" The gargoyle said with a sadistic smile, his wings grew in size as he suddenly disappeared from where he was in an instant, moving at a speed that only my Vampiric Eyes could detect.


And he was moving directly towards me, pointing his hand into my chest.

"I'll start with you, little child!"



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