Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 250 The Battle Begins

Chapter 250 The Battle Begins


His movement was fast, nobody around me noticed when he moved, he simply disappeared from our sight and we were not even able to catch him- Well, I did. My Vampiric Physique not only allowed for greater natural regeneration, more strength, and other enhancements, but also allowed my eyes to become Vampiric Eyes, attaining the ability to see things that move at incredible speeds, or even other spectrums of light and colors normal people would never be able to see. With this ability, I was able to see the Demon General move at a lightning speed.

And he was reaching up to me, pointing his hand into my chest. Did he wanted to pierce it and turn me into a donut, perhaps? How interesting, he's a really bold and direct type of demon. Maybe he would make a good subordinate, but I am more interested into killing him for the Experience Points than making him a friend of mine, nothing personal, but I hate demons.

"I'll start with you, little child!"


The demon proclaimed those words as he immediately thought he was going to get through me, only to see that something incredibly hard blocked his fist, Gluttony moved on its own to protect me, I had already assumed it would do that. The weapon had developed a zealous and overly protective nature. The weapon moved on its own and blocked the demon's fist before I could properly react, the fist was powerful though, easily leaving several cracks in the spear.

"Huh? This weapon… a Cursed Weapon- Ungh?!"

The Demon immediately felt a phantasmal presence within the Spear attempting to devour him, Gluttony has the power to devour demonic energy and she or he really loves it. When a demon touches the weapon, it will immediately attempt to drain their lifeblood, the demonic energy that flows through their bodies. It was an amazing trait it had.

The moment the demon pushed back, however; I followed him. Perhaps because I wanted to get closer to him to land a hit, or maybe because I wanted to distract him so he wouldn't unleash a rampage into the rest of the group, who could all die if he hit them. The demon gritted his teeth in surprise I was actually coming at him, as he suddenly smiled and looked at me with his sharp red eyes.

"You're a reckless fool if you think you can even land a hit on me!"

"Blood Judgement."

Of course, I didn't thought I would even land a hit on him while he's completely boosted through the roof with his Soul Aura, so I decided to unleash a rain of Blood Spears through Blood Judgement. I had accumulated a good amount of Blood Ki anyways, so this was the perfect opportunity to use it against him, dragging this fight wouldn't be good.

"Huh?! Blood Ki Projectiles?!"

The gargoyle attempted to evade them with his frightening speed, but he wasn't able to evade dozens of attacks, especially because they were tracking him from behind. When he moved to the left and evaded those coming from the right, dozens going to the left hit him all at once, and when he moved above, to evade those below, the ones from above and below hit him from both sides! Of course, his body was able to withstand the hits as he was incredibly durable, he not only had a stone-like skin but his scales were metallic, granting even more defense against both physical and magical damage.


"A-Are you a damn Vampire or something?!" Asked the demon in shock, but I ignored him, I had no time to start a conversation with someone that I planned to kill. I ran towards him through the abuse of Acrobatics and Shadow Sneak, reaching his back before he could realize, and unleashing a storm of piercing spear attacks.

"Blood Spear Technique: Blood Dragon!"

I swung my spear once with all my force, infusing dozens of points of MP and large quantities of Blood Ki, unleashing a powerful attack. Gluttony's entire body was covered in Blood Aura, shaping itself into the giant maws of a dragon made of blood. The dragon engulfed the demon and exploded, hitting him. Suddenly, several piercing wounds appeared over his entire body, each fang was like the piercing blow of this spear.

"W-What the…?!"


The Demon seemed to lack an incredible amount of experience in combat, as he was getting surprised with each of my attacks. Or was that, or he merely never expected me to be this strong. Nonetheless, he seemed to be alright, gasping for air, he looked at me, quickly deciding that I was enough of a threat to take me on.

"You're dead." He said with a piercing glare, as his Darkness began to gather within his Soul Aura, shaping into countless of floating swords, and then firing them at me. "Phantom Sword Storm!"


I couldn't help but smile, the possibility of successfully evading them all was near impossible, and each sword could blow a piece of my body if they hit…! Now this was a fitting challenge.

"Gluttony, don't disappoint me now!" I laughed, swinging my spear like a crazed man, as I began to intercept each projectile, explosions of darkness spread out black fog, making things only worse to my sight, but thanks to Vampiric Eyes, I was able to glance through the fog and intercept the projectiles. One of them, unluckily, reached my left shoulder.


Only for my Crimson Blood Flames to protect me, as I had conjured them just now. The protective barrier of fire was always a good option if I wanted to block more attacks or projectiles I couldn't intercept in time with my spear or other attacks.

"You're incredible… for being so young, you're even resisting one of my strongest spells?! You're too dangerous to be left alive! I must kill you at all costs before you become too big of a problem!" Proclaimed the demon, emerging behind me in an instant as his fists fell over my body like falling meteors.



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