Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 535 Dark Charm

Chapter 535 Dark Charm

Chapter 535 Dark Charm

Villain Ch 535. Dark Charm

Vivian's curiosity sparked, and she tilted her head, looking up at Allen. "Your enemies?" she asked, her voice carrying a genuine inquisitiveness.

A smile played on Allen's lips as he met her gaze. "You have seen me playing with my victims, right?" he gently reminded her. "You don't think that's the first time I've played around with my victims, do you?" His tone was light, teasing, yet there was a hint of something more behind his words.

Her eyes widened with surprise. "You have done it before?" she asked, her curiosity now tinged with a subtle sense of wonder.

Allen nodded, the smirk on his lips conveying a sense of mischief. "Yes. In the game world and the real world. You know I have a past," he explained, his tone maintaining a lightness that belied the complexities hinted at by his words. The glint in his eyes, however, suggested a deeper layer to his experiences, a history that added richness to the enigma that was Allen.

His lips drew closer and he whispered, "And I wouldn't hesitate to do it again, in real life, to your bullies. Just tell me their identities, I will do it my way," his tone playful, yet carrying a hint of determination.

Vivian's breath caught in her throat at his words. It wasn't just the suggestion of retaliation; it was the genuine concern and readiness in his voice that stirred a range of emotions within her. She felt a mixture of gratitude, warmth, and a trace of fear. The idea that Allen, with his stature and influence, could confront those who had tormented her was both comforting and intimidating.

Her blood ran cold, but for a different reason. The past suddenly seemed to collide with the present, and she hesitated, caught between the desire for justice and the fear of potential consequences. She shifted away from his embrace, panic flickering in her eyes.

"No, no. I think that's too much," she said hurriedly, her voice betraying a mix of emotions. The idea of Allen taking matters into his own hands, even for her sake, seemed overwhelming.

Allen tilted his head ever so slightly, a devilish grin playing on his lips. There was something about that sinister smile that sent shivers down Vivian's spine, yet it was undeniably intriguing. She couldn't help but think of Sophia. Somehow she could understand why Sophia had fallen for Allen's dark charm. In that moment, Vivian couldn't blame her because, despite the eerie undertones, there was an undeniable allure to his darker side.

"Why are you panicking over someone who made your life miserable?" he asked, his tone casual, almost as if he were discussing the weather. josei

Vivian, in a rush to justify her concerns, replied quickly, "I just don't want to bring you trouble. They've left me alone, after all."

"Hmm…" Allen hummed in response, a thoughtful sound that carried a hint of amusement. "That;s make sense," he said, his voice smooth and unconcerned, as if the matter were settled. The devilish glint in his eyes persisted, as if he knew something she didn't, a subtle reminder that he had ways of dealing with troubles, dark and mysterious as they might be.

Vivian couldn't shake the feeling that Allen had a plan, a shadowy strategy that unfolded in his mind. Yet, there was also a strange comfort in knowing that he was willing to confront the shadows of her past. Despite the unsettling nature of the offer, there was a sense of security in having someone who seemed more than willing to protect her, even from the ghosts that lingered in her memories.

Amidst her thought, Allen's fingers delicately traced the strands of Vivian's hair, his touch gentle as a soft breeze. Closing his eyes, he brought the locks to his lips and planted a series of tender kisses. It was a peculiar contrast to the earlier conversation about dealing with her bullies, a moment that spoke of care and affection rather than the darkness that lurked within him.

There was an intimacy in the way he treated her hair, as if each strand held a precious secret only he could comprehend. The kisses were not hurried or desperate but rather infused with a deep sense of love, a silent reassurance that transcended words. It was a gesture that contradicted the ominous nature of their prior discussion, unveiling a softer, more vulnerable side of Allen.

Vivian couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through her. It was as if, in that small, intimate act, Allen was trying to convey a silent promise – a promise of protection, understanding, and a love that could weather both the storms and the calm. And in that moment, she found herself lost in the paradox of his complexities.

A second later, as he opened his eyes and looked at her, it was another sign. His devilish charm seemed to come back in a snap.

"But if they bother you again, just tell me. I have enough tricks in my sleeves to make them regret their acts forever," he said in a firm tone.

Again, it was enough to make Vivian shiver.

Despite the initial shock of his offer, Allen pulled her back into his embrace and hugged her, creating a secure cocoon of warmth. His arms wrapped around her with a protective strength that made her feel oddly comforted. The ferocity in his tone transformed into a reassuring calmness as he continued, "It seems I scared you. Let's change the topic then."

Vivian nodded, grateful for the change of subject. She couldn't deny the contradictory allure of Allen's complex nature – the juxtaposition of a potential protector and a dark force. It left her with a mix of emotions, oscillating between fear and comfort.

Vivian, nestled in his embrace, appreciated the shift in focus. She found solace in the change of topic. The TV continued its zombie apocalypse saga in the background, but in the cocoon of Allen's arms, it felt like a distant echo.

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