Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 536 Morning Wood

Chapter 536 Morning Wood

Chapter 536 Morning Wood

Villain Ch 536. Morning Wood

The night wore on. Allen and Vivian found comfort in each other's arms, the warmth of their shared embrace creating a haven against the chill of the late hours. Their naked forms pressed together on the sofa bed, the remnants of their passionate moments lingering in the air like a sweet aftertaste.

The TV continued its soft murmur, a background symphony to their shared silence. They indulged in the simple pleasure of watching movies until fatigue began to weigh down their eyelids. The glow from the screen cast a gentle illumination on the contours of their intertwined bodies.

Eventually, the allure of sleep became irresistible. With the TV still softly playing, they succumbed to the drowsiness that wrapped around them like a cozy blanket. The night, once filled with heated intensity, now transitioned into a serene tableau of two bodies finding solace in shared dreams.

The sounds outside their window provided a distant lullaby, and the city, with all its chaos, seemed to hush in deference to the intimacy unfolding within Vivian's apartment. In this shared realm of vulnerability and closeness, Allen and Vivian drifted into a peaceful slumber, the night unfolding its mysteries around them.

The morning sun tiptoed through the window, its golden fingers gently caressed the room, signaling the arrival of a new day. The clock, with its digits glowing 08:10 AM, displayed the passage of time that slipped away unnoticed during the night.

The city, awakening from its nocturnal slumber, hummed with the sounds of urban life. A distant symphony of car horns and early risers mingled with the soft whispers of a city coming alive.

In the midst of this awakening, the TV screen in Vivian's apartment held a question in its luminous glow, "Are you still watching?" The query silently posed to the vacant room, capturing the essence of a night that had unfolded with its own rhythm, the TV left unattended to its own devices as its glow continued to paint patterns on the walls.

Vivian blinked her eyes open slowly, greeted by the soft morning light filtering through the window. The lingering musk in the air told her that the night's intimacy wasn't just a dream. As her senses fully awakened, she felt Allen's gentle touch still wrapped around her waist, a warm embrace that whispered of the intimacy shared during the night.

A smile curved on her lips as she took in the scene. The city sounds outside, the muted glow of the TV with its persistent question, and the comfort of the sofa bed told a story of a night well spent. Netplik and Chill had taken an unexpected turn, and Vivian couldn't help but relish in the uniqueness of this experience.

This was no ordinary morning-after. It was the aftermath of embrace, shared secrets, and a connection that went beyond the virtual realm. As she lay there, Vivian couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment, wrapped in the warmth of the moment and the lingering presence of the man beside her. It was a new chapter in her book of experiences, one she was more than willing to explore further.

Vivian turned to gaze at Allen's sleeping face, a tender warmth spread through her. His features, relaxed in slumber, presented a different side of him – an innocence that sharply contrasted his usual playful demeanor. The lines of stress seemed to melt away, leaving behind a tranquility that was almost angelic.

His steady breaths created a gentle rhythm, a lullaby that whispered promises of peace and comfort. Vivian couldn't help but marvel at the vulnerability revealed in his sleep. It was a stark reminder that beneath the confident and cold exterior, there existed a man who could find solace in dreams.

"I love you," she whispered in a low voice like a huss.

A soft smile played on Vivian's lips as she traced the contours of his face with her eyes. She had witnessed this sight before, but it never failed to captivate her. There was something inherently soothing about watching someone you cared for in such a serene state. It made her heart swell with affection.

Vivian pressed a gentle kiss to Allen's forehead, she marveled at the peaceful slumber he remained enveloped in. Determined not to disturb his rest, she minimized every movement, trying to be as careful as possible. However, as they shifted slightly and their bodies drew closer, she couldn't help but notice a surprising sensation pressing against her.

"Hnn…" A muffled groan escaped Allen's lips, accompanied by a faint frown, indicating that he felt the subtle disturbance but remained blissfully in the realm of dreams. His eyes stayed shut, unaffected by the disturbance, signaling that he was still lost in the depths of sleep.

Vivian couldn't suppress a small, amused smile as she realized the cause of Allen's reaction. Something hard and unyielding had made its presence known beneath him. She felt the gentle poke against her, a playful reminder of the more intimate moments they had shared the night before. josei

Curiosity danced in Vivian's eyes as her heart quickened its pace, the subtle thrill of anticipation accompanying her speculative thoughts. She allowed herself a playful guess, her imagination running wild with the possibilities of what lay beneath the blanket. A mischievous smile played on her lips as she pondered the source of the intriguing sensation.

With a careful and deliberate touch, Vivian began to move Allen's hands gently, ensuring each motion was subtle enough not to disturb his peaceful slumber. Her hand, too, navigated with a feather-light touch, carefully pushing aside the protective blanket that veiled the mysteries underneath.

'Oh my God…' Vivian's eyes widened in surprise as realization dawned upon her. Allen's member, nestled beneath the blanket, was already stirring, caught in the grasp of morning's subtle insistence. A soft gasp escaped her lips, and she instinctively covered her mouth with her hands, the warmth of a blush gracing her cheeks. 'Is this what they called morning wood?' she mused in her thoughts, trying to navigate the unexpected discovery with a mix of curiosity and embarrassment.

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