Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 544 Buzzkill

Chapter 544 Buzzkill

Villain Ch 544. Buzzkill

"It was you guys who thought I was seriously ill. I'm just a bit tired and sleep-deprived, ya know? That's all," he reminded them, his avatar swiftly hurling his Demonic Lance at two sewer slimes that emerged at the end of the corridor.

The black lances, like shadows of impending doom, penetrated the sewer slimes with a horrifying intensity. However, the resilient slimes managed to ward off some of the onslaught, preventing an immediate demise. The onslaught left the slimy creatures in a weakened state, their health bars depleted by half.

Following Allen's relentless assault, Vivian seamlessly took her turn. Unleashing her whip with a flourish, she initiated a rapid series of slashes that danced through the digital air. The cracks of her weapon echoed, punctuating the rhythmic cadence of her attack. In a swift and coordinated motion, she slashed through the remaining HP of the two slimes.

Once they died, Vivian turned to the rest of the group with a smile. "Well, everything just fell into place naturally," she replied with a hint of satisfaction, feeling fortunate to have shared such an intimate night with him. Vivian's smile widened as she reminisced about the night before.

Larissa interjected playfully, her tone teasing. "Oh, 'naturally,' huh? If he came to your apartment, it's safe to say it's not just happenstance. He had some intentions, girl," she remarked with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Allen chuckled, acknowledging Larissa's observation. "Can't deny that," he admitted with a nonchalant shrug. "As long as we both enjoyed it and there were no complaints, why not, right?" he added, a sense of easygoing openness evident in his response.

"No one would mind that~" Larissa added, her voice carrying a sultry undertone. However, she quickly shifted the conversation in her teasing manner.

Larissa playfully teased and moved in closer to Allen, her touch carried a sensuality that sent a shiver down his spine. Her fingers traced a tantalizing path from his shoulder to the other side of his neck, and she cupped the side of his head, tilting it towards her. Every gesture seemed to exude an enticing energy.

"But, Allen, you're not planning to limit yourself to just one person, are you?" she asked, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. Teasing and seducing Allen seemed to be Larissa's playful hobby, especially in places where they couldn't engage in certain activities.

Before Allen could respond, Jane chimed in with an intriguing suggestion. "You know, I think having a Netplik and chill session at your place might be a good idea," she proposed. "I mean, that mansion of yours is crazy—it looks like a bit of a sci-fi building. I bet it'll be a new and unique experience for all of us," she explained, her eyes reflecting curiosity and excitement.

"Let me guess. Have you just been diving into sci-fi romance books?" Alice speculated, a playful grin dancing on her lips as she raised one of her eyebrows.

Jane responded with an innocent grin, confirming the accuracy of Alice's guess. There was a certain gleam in Jane's eyes that hinted at the inspiration she might have drawn from those futuristic love stories.

Allen, who had been observing the exchange, chimed in with unexpected enthusiasm. "That is a good idea," he declared, a spark of excitement evident in his eyes.

Jane's face lit up with validation. "See? Even Allen agrees," she said, turning to Alice as if to emphasize the brilliance of her proposal. 

"Alright, I'm in," Alice conceded, chuckling. "But don't expect me to get all lovey-dovey. Watching a real movie will be a good start, especially action-packed movies."

Jane nodded in agreement. "No worries. We can find a sci-fi action flick that fits your taste, and who knows, maybe there's a bit of romance sprinkled in there too."

Allen nodded affirmatively, a genuine and inviting smile playing on his lips. "And we can chill together. I mean…" He paused for a moment, clearing his throat before continuing with openness in his tone. "I want to get to know you guys better. There are a lot of things you haven't told me. A lot of things I don't know about you guys. Your family background, past, and relationships, maybe," he admitted, revealing a genuine desire to foster deeper connections with his companions.

The sincerity in his words resonated with the group. It wasn't just about sharing physical space; it was about creating a space for sharing stories, experiences, and a little more of themselves.

It made them freeze in surprise. Of course, they were taken aback since when they first met Allen, he was a bit... secretive, but now he was opening his heart more than ever, showing a newfound trust in them. They could sense that the wounded beast inside of him was slowly healing, and that was excellent news.lights

For a moment, the group stood in stunned silence, absorbing the weight of Allen's revelation.

"It's that weird?" Allen asked, sweeping his gaze.


Larissa, the first to recover from the surprise, grinned and nudged Allen playfully. "No, of course not.Well, if you want to know about my chaotic family, get ready for a wild ride." She teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Jane, with her mischievous grin, added, "Oh, and I've got a bunch of embarrassing childhood stories that are just waiting to be unleashed."

Before Allen could respond to the supportive reactions of his companions, another voice, distinct from the group, interjected. 

"It does sound a bit weird," she continued, her eyes narrowing slightly as she assessed Allen. "You have a sister, right? Family should come first. Before trying to connect with them, maybe focus on her. Siblings are special, you know? You should know more about her, get closer to her than anyone else," she advised, her words carrying a hint of admonishment.

Allen and the girls exchanged glances, confusion painting their faces. They might not have recognized the voice, but the familiarity was buzzing in the air. It was like, "I don't know you, but I know of you," kind of vibe.

They spun around, peering into the abyss of the sewer dungeon. And there she was, lit by the eerie glow of some sewer fungus– BattleGoddess, standing there like she just won the lottery.

"Emma? What are you doing here?" Allen blurted out, panic plastered across his face. It was like finding a cat in a dog park – she wasn't supposed to be here, and it was messing with their whole vibe.

Emma grinned, all mischievous-like, her avatar looking way too proud for comfort. "Oh, you know, just checking out the neighborhood. Thought I'd drop by and say hi to my favorite band of villains."

Allen ran a hand through his hair, eyes darting around like he was trying to find the hidden players. "We're supposed to be incognito. If someone sees us chillin' with you, it's game over, literally."

She shrugged, the nonchalance practically oozing through her virtual form. "Relax. No one suspects a thing. I'm just here for the party, not to blow your cover. But seriously, who knew you guys would hunt in a sewer? Classy choice."

With a confident smile, Emma sauntered over. Allen couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and a little excitement.

"Besides, I'm bored, so I decided to play around," she claimed, her words dripping with mischief. The clickety-clack of her armory shoes synced up with the puddle-stepping soundtrack of the sewer. It was like she brought a whole new level of chaos with her, and Allen wasn't sure if it was a blessing or a glitch in the matrix.

Shea, ever the voice of reason, piped up, "Does Kafra know you're here? Did she allow it?" Her concern was real. 

Emma waved off the worry like it was an annoying mosquito buzzing around her. "Oh, Kafra? Yeah, about that. She's in the dark about my little field trip." Her avatar's grin widened. "Besides… Kafra is such a buzzkill, always preventing me from having fun," Emma declared, a deep pout of displeasure etched across her face. It was like she'd just been told she couldn't have ice cream for dinner. She didn't get why everyone kept bringing up Kafra, like she was the game's official fun police. In Emma's mind, she'd never messed up. Plus, where was the harm in a little mischief?

Allen, looking more concerned than a gamer facing a system update during a boss battle, chimed in. "We can't let the players see you hanging with us," he reminded Emma, worry dripping from his words like a noob trying to navigate a dungeon. Reputation was on the line here, and it wasn't just some in-game thing – it was serious business.

"Right..." Emma replied with an audible huff, annoyance practically dripping from her voice like she was a character in a teen drama dealing with some game drama.

Emma transformed herself into the embodiment of temptation, taking on the persona of Lust, a boss monster that could make even the hardiest players question their focus. Clad in a sultry black outfit that hugged every curve like a second skin, she might as well have been the lovechild of a fashion model and a femme fatale.

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