Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 545 Sibling Shenanigans

Chapter 545 Sibling Shenanigans

Villain Ch 545. Sibling Shenanigans

Lust's sleek, form-fitting ensemble accentuated every contour, from the graceful curve of her hips to the subtle arch of her back. The material seemed to caress her avatar's silhouette. In her hand, she wielded a whip, a weapon that felt more like an extension of her dominion than a mere tool for combat.

Emma wasted no time, closing the gap between her and Allen faster than a noob's demise in a boss fight. Without warning, she went all handsy, groping his chest like she just discovered a secret loot stash. A mischievous grin played on her lips, as if she'd just pulled off the ultimate prank.

Then, like a seductress on a mission, she leaned in, lips dangerously close to Allen's ear. It was like a scene straight out of a cheesy romance game, but with a level of mischief cranked up to eleven.

"If it's in this form, it shouldn't be a problem, right?" she whispered, her voice dripping with seduction. The whole situation felt like a strategic move in a multiplayer chess game, and that mischievous smile of hers was the equivalent of a checkmate. She knew something, and she was playing her cards, or rather, her avatars, just right.

Lust being one of Allen's minions apparently threw a whole new twist into the mix. Emma had pulled the "I'm just following orders" card. It was almost like she had cheat codes for social dynamics.

The girls shot Emma a flat stare that could've melted steel. Where did she come from, and why was she suddenly cozying up to her own brother? The vibe in the room was like a mix of confusion and low-key irritation, but they couldn't really blame Emma. After all, Allen and Emma had been separated for a long time. Maybe, just maybe, Emma was harboring some deep, buried feelings for her long-lost brother.

The girls exchanged eye rolls and subtle sighs. Also, Emma got used to being the solo act, she didn't think twice about diving headfirst into whatever she wanted. Longing or not, she would do what she wanted.


Zoe fired a warning shot at Emma, her tone carrying a hint of annoyance that could rival an NPC with a broken quest line. "He's your brother. You shouldn't be getting all touchy-feely like that," she said, eyebrows raised.

Emma shot back a sly smile, the kind that said, "I got this." "But I'm Lust now. I'm just getting into character. Besides, we are all in a game, you know?" she replied, sounding as smooth as a veteran gamer explaining their latest boss fight strategy. And just like that, it was another checkmate in Emma's chess game.

The girls exchanged glances, caught between eye-rolling disbelief and a grudging acknowledgment of Emma's logic.

For sure, even though Emma and Allen look like they respawned from completely different parents, that seductive vibe they're both rocking is like copy-paste level similar.

Vivian, lost in her thoughts, couldn't help but connect the dots. 'Seems like the seduction thing has been in Allen's blood from the start,' she mused, recalling the wild ride of what happened between them last night.

"So, like, does this mean you're jumping on the hunt bandwagon?" Allen shot a questioning look at Emma. Given the mess they were in, kicking her out wasn't exactly an option. He figured Emma wasn't down for a peaceful exit anyway.

A wicked grin spread across her face. "Hell yeah! That's the plan. Good thing you caught on before I had to spell it out for you," she replied, all pumped up like a player who just scored a rare drop. To add a touch of casual to the chaos, she casually grabbed Allen's hand, like they were about to embark on a scenic stroll through the chaos.

"But, like, you're dipping out the moment Kafra does her 'time to log off' routine, right?" Allen couldn't help but throw in a reminder, replaying the last encounter of Emma's unexpected appearances in his head. It was like dealing with a character who had a knack for creating cliffhangers, only the cliff was the log-out button.

Emma's smile did a vanishing act, replaced by a pout that could rival a toddler denied candy. "Could you, like, stop with the Kafra mentions? Are you gonna pull a Dad move and have her babysit me? I'm not a kid anymore," she shot back, annoyance painted all over her virtual voice.

lightsΝοvel The girls, sensing the brewing sibling storm, exchanged glances. Zoe inched closer to Shea, eyes fixed on Emma. "Not a kid, she says. But seriously, the way she's acting?" Zoe sneered, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Spoiled kid," Larissa, who was conveniently nearby, chimed in, an eye roll practically audible in her voice. It was like the party just stumbled upon the in-game drama channel, and everyone had front-row seats to the sibling saga.lights

"Entitled kid," Bella tossed in, her words landing in the space like a huss. This prompted a muffled giggle from Alice, who was probably enjoying the drama unfolding like a seasoned soap opera viewer.

"I'm legit starting to feel sorry for Kafra," Shea chimed in, shaking her head in the universal gesture of 'can you believe this?' It was like Kafra had signed up for a babysitting gig and ended up with a full-blown sibling sitcom instead.

"Mr. Jordan should definitely raise her salary," Vivian threw in with a cringe that could rival a boss fight gone wrong. The idea of dealing with Emma on a regular basis clearly came with its own set of challenges.

"I'm with Vivian on this one," Jane nodded, giving a supportive shoulder pat. It was like they were crafting a memo for the in-game HR department – "Handle with Care: Sibling Shenanigans Edition."

Emma whipped around, her eyes shooting daggers at the group. "Hey, I heard that," she snapped, her words carrying the kind of sharpness that could cut through like a sword through butter.

The girls, realizing they were caught red-handed in the gossip party, just pulled off the ultimate power move – the collective shrug. It was like a synchronized dance move, a nonchalant gesture that screamed, "Who, us? Nah."

"Okay, that's enough," Allen declared, the referee stepping into the ring to stop the squabble. "Shall we go hunt now?" he suggested, desperately trying to hit the reset button on the awkwardness. It was like being stuck in a sitcom, but instead of a laugh track, there was just an uncomfortable silence.

He was caught in the crossfire of drama, probably felt like a guy trying to referee an argument between his entire extended family. The only difference? His was a polygamous, with multiple "wives," not just one.

"Of course," Shea chimed in casually, like she was switching from a soap opera back to the game. It was a lifeline, a way to steer the party back on track, and everyone collectively sighed in relief.

The girls were gearing up for another stroll. But not Emma. She wasn't about to let this one slide.

"Hey, I'm not done with you guys yet," she grumbled, her avatar practically radiating stubbornness.

As if on cue, Allen gave her the kind of sharp stare usually reserved for a player who just ninja-looted the best loot. "If you wanna join, we're cutting the chit chat. Useless arguments? Not on my watch," he declared, laying down the law like a seasoned guild leader.

His words hung in the air like a game-changing power-up. Allen wasn't interested in bickering; he had bigger fish to fry. "Players are out there grinding levels, boosting their power. We villains don't have time to lose," he stated, his tone slicing through the tension.

He didn't defend Emma. Nope, not this time. She'd played the spoiled card, and Allen wasn't having it.

Emma chewed on her lip, a clear sign that she wasn't thrilled about it, but she nodded. Allen had a point. This back-and-forth was getting them nowhere, and the last thing they needed was players catching wind of their feud. She knew that sometimes she just had to bite the bullet and keep the peace. It was like putting a pause on the drama and hitting play on the more important quest. So, with a reluctant nod, Emma signaled her agreement.

The party left the drama behind as they ventured deeper into the dungeon, killing sewer slimes lurking ahead. Just like before, the atmosphere was chill for a hunt. The echoes of their footsteps mixed with the occasional *squish* of slime obliteration. They kept it casual, talking about strategy and mundane things.

Emma glided alongside the group, silent and deadly, her whip at the ready. While the EXP didn't come her way due to game mechanics, she was more of a support, adding an extra layer of cool to the party dynamics.

The relaxed banter, the rhythmic pace of the stroll, and the easy camaraderie made it more than just a monster-slaying hunt. Yet Emma still felt strange. Somehow, she still felt distant from Allen. It was contrary to her desire to join this hunt because she wanted to be close to him.

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