Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 602 The Mystic Forest [Part 3]

Chapter 602 The Mystic Forest [Part 3]

Chapter 602 The Mystic Forest [Part 3]

Villain Ch 602. The Mystic Forest [Part 3]

Father^Alex's throat tightened, the lump within betraying the anxiety that pulsed through him. Summoning his courage, he shot back, "What do you want?" His words hung in the tense air, the beats of his heart reverberating through the chest. The absence of his main team heightened his vulnerability; if the villains deemed him a target, resistance would be futile.

The unusual nature of the encounter gnawed at Father^Alex's senses. No game announcements, no warnings—this wasn't a scripted event. It felt like an impromptu ambush orchestrated by the Devil Emperor himself. He recognized the sinister undertones.

Father^Alex's mind raced to decipher the motives behind this unexpected confrontation. Daily villain hunts were commonplace, but they were typically solitary endeavors or, at most, a trio or quartet. This orchestrated convergence, the overt mention of his name, fueled his apprehension.

A chilling realization gripped him: this wasn't just a random encounter. The Devil Emperor and his retinue had a specific agenda. Especially since the Devil Emperor mentioned his name directly.

The Vampire Queen shot Father^Alex a pointed look. "What do we want, I wonder?" she mused, a mockingly innocent tone underscoring her words. A sly smirk played on her lips, an ominous prelude to the impending revelation.

Her words were like a prelude to a malevolent symphony, and before Father^Alex could grasp the full weight of the situation, the Witch chimed in, her voice mirroring the mocking tone. "Your life, of course, Mr. Great Healer," she sneered, punctuating her statement with a derisive giggle.

Father^Alex, his frown deepening, struggled to reconcile with the unfolding nightmare. While the threat to his life was anticipated, the casual cruelty of the villains left him momentarily stunned. Stammering, he mustered the courage to voice the question that hung heavy on his mind. "W-Why? Why do you want my life?" His words trembled with a mix of fear and confusion.N♡vεlB¡n: Inspiring Minds, Illuminating Souls.

The Devil Emperor unleashed a low, menacing chuckle, relishing the discomfort he instilled. "Because you are dangerous for us," he responded, the words dripping with a cold, matter-of-fact conviction. The simplicity of the statement added an unsettling layer to the encounter. Father^Alex, still grappling with the shock, sought to comprehend how his role as a healer, committed to aiding others, could be perceived as a threat by the very villains he had opposed in the game.

Father^Alex's bewilderment manifested in the deepening furrow of his brow. "I'm dangerous for you guys?" he echoed, palpable disbelief threading through his words. The very notion seemed ludicrous to him. A healer by profession, his role was grounded in support, not aggression. How could he pose a threat to the villains?

The perplexity etched across Father^Alex's face mirrored the sentiments of the onlookers—players who had, until this moment, regarded him as a mere healer navigating the Hell's Gate. The Devil Emperor's cryptic declaration had shattered that perception, leaving a lingering uncertainty in its wake.

A collective shift in perspective rippled through the assembly of players. Eyes glazed to Father^Alex, each gaze tinged with newfound intrigue and suspicion. Unspoken questions lingered in the air, a shared curiosity about what clandestine quality Father^Alex possessed that had drawn the villains' attention. Opportunistic players seized the moment, activating their screen recording functionalities to capture this unprecedented encounter. Father^Alex, unwittingly thrust into a spotlight he neither sought nor understood.

The Necromancer's words slithered with sinister intent as she affirmed, "Yes, you are very dangerous. You could destroy our big plans." Her evil smirk painted a picture of malicious scheming, leaving Father^Alex grappling with the ominous weight of her revelation.

The confusion etched across Father^Alex's face was palpable as he sought clarification. "What do you mean? What big plan?" he inquired, curiosity tinged with a hint of apprehension. Deep down, he sensed that this wasn't just a personal vendetta against a lone healer. The mention of "big plans" hinted at a narrative beyond the confines of individual players' stories, a revelation that could potentially unravel the carefully woven threads of the game's secrets.

Another collective gasp echoed through the Mystic Forest as the Devil Emperor's response manifested in a swift, unpredictable strike. In a blink, he materialized before Father^Alex, the ominous silhouette of his figure poised for a lethal act. With ruthless efficiency, the Devil Emperor drove his weapon into the healer's heart, a devastating blow that sent Father^Alex's HP plummeting precipitously.

'W-What?!' Father^Alex thought in shock. He hoped for more information but he didn't expect the conversation to turn bad in a snap.

Time seemed to hang suspended as the world absorbed the shock of this brazen assault. Father^Alex's group, initially poised for retaliation, found themselves ensnared by an invisible force—fear. The weight of the unexpected attack had a paralyzing effect, freezing their limbs in place. Even the carefree archer succumbed to the grip of trepidation.

Father^Alex's form staggered, the gravity of his wounds compounded by the insidious onset of the bleeding status. The red indicator pulsed ominously on his interface.

The Devil Emperor lingered, an imposing figure in the aftermath of his ruthless strike. The surrounding players, once passive observers, were thrust into an unforeseen narrative twist, grappling with the implications of an unscripted event that defied the rules they had come to understand.

A twisted grin adorned the Devil Emperor's face as he taunted Father^Alex. "Do you think I'll tell you?" The Devil Emperor's malevolent hiss reverberated in the air, a chilling accompaniment to his sinister smile. The words dripped with malice, echoing the cruelty of the unanticipated strike moments ago.

Up close, Father^Alex couldn't help but acknowledge the magnetic pull of the villain's aura—an unmistakable manifestation of the devilish ambiance that surrounded him. It was a presence that had intrigued many players, drawn to the enigma that was the Devil Emperor.

In response, Father^Alex, though weakened, summoned a smirk of his own. "I never expected that…" he admitted with a breathlessness that betrayed the gravity of the situation. Yet, a glimmer of pride infused his voice as he added, "But at least I tried." In the face of danger, there lingered a resilient spark of defiance.josei

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