Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 603 The Mystic Forest [Part 4]

Chapter 603 The Mystic Forest [Part 4]

Villain Ch 603. The Mystic Forest [Part 4]

The Devil Emperor's chuckle echoed with a bone-chilling resonance. "Nice try. But that only ends here," he declared, a mockery in his tone that cut through the air. The villain swiftly transitioned from words to action, drawing his sword from the healer's body with a malevolence.

Instead of ending it with an expected strike, the Devil Emperor opted for a more cruel approach. With a swift move, he seized Father^Alex's neck with a grip that felt as unyielding as the cold clutches of fate. Father^Alex dangled helplessly, his feet suspended above the ground, the groans escaping him a testament to the agony he endured.

In his feeble struggle, Father^Alex resisted the urge to deploy his healing skills. The futility of such attempts hung heavy in the atmosphere. A sense of isolation permeated the scene—no allies, no reprieve, just a solitary figure left to grapple with the impending darkness.

Father^Alex grunted and weakly resisted. His mind raced. This wasn't just a matter of survival; it was a desperate attempt to glean morsels of information. Why was he targeted? What role did he play that posed a threat to the villains? In the clutches of his assailant, Father^Alex clung to the hope that unraveling these mysteries might yield a slim chance at turning the tide.

"Y-You... Whatever your plan--- I will stop it," Father^Alex uttered, a desperate attempt to bait the Devil Emperor into revealing even a sliver of information. His defiant words, though delivered in a voice on the brink of breaking, hung in the air like a final act of resistance. It was a gambit—a last-ditch effort to extract some semblance of truth from the enigmatic villain.

The Devil Emperor, however, was not one to indulge in banter. He responded with a chilling grin, a silent acknowledgment of the challenge issued by the healer. "Then try it," he retorted, a phrase that echoed with a disdainful confidence. There was an air of finality to his words, as if he found the notion of resistance entertaining.josei

Without further dialogue, the Devil Emperor tightened his grip around Father^Alex's neck, a merciless act that silenced any hope of a retort. In an instant, a twisted snap resonated through the space as Father^Alex's neck succumbed to the overwhelming force. His HP plummeted to zero, the numerical confirmation of his demise.

With a callous release, the Devil Emperor let the lifeless avatar fall. Father^Alex's body, now devoid of any semblance of vitality, crumpled to the ground. The surrounding players, frozen witnesses to this harrowing spectacle, felt a collective shiver coursing through them as the weight of the moment settled in. The Devil Emperor, his dark triumph evident, stood amidst the aftermath of his sinister act.

Other players, witnessing the brutal demise of Father^Alex, felt an involuntary surge of fear mingled with determination. They knew, deep down, that confronting the Devil Emperor was akin to embracing certain death. Yet, a flicker of courage sparked within them as they prepared to face the malevolent ruler.

Their weapons drawn and spells at the ready, the players braced for the impending clash. Heartbeats echoed loudly in their ears, a rhythmic reminder of the high-stakes encounter. Unbeknownst to them, the Emperor, with a disdainful expression, flicked his obsidian wings and ascended into the sky.

Hovering above, he surveyed the battlefield, unimpressed by the postures of the players below. "What's with those pathetic attack stances?" he jeered, his tone dripping with condescension. It was a moment that exposed the vast power disparity between the Devil Emperor and the collective might of the players. His wings cast an ominous shadow over the scene.

lightsΝοvel The Siren's teasing laughter echoed as she playfully prodded the Devil Emperor about the players' defensive stances. "Maybe they think you want to kill them," she remarked with a mischievous tone.lights

The emperor responded with an arrogant sneer. "Oh," he condescended, his lips curling into a grin. "Do they really expect me to get my hands dirty just to take care of low-level peasants like them? They surely dream too high," he scoffed, his disdain for the perceived insignificance of the players apparent.

The succubus, embodying the thirst for chaos, joined in with a provocative question. "Do you want us to kill them?" she asked, licking her lips in anticipation of the impending violence.

The emperor's gaze swept across the players, each scrutinized individually. After a contemplative pause, he dismissed the notion of direct involvement. "It's unnecessary. They are all too weak. But if you are interested in pathetic preys, go ahead," he declared with an air of nonchalance, granting his subordinates the liberty to indulge their bloodlust.

The witch, unimpressed by the prospect of tormenting the weak players, expressed her disinterest with a casual shrug and a nonchalant comment. "Sounds boring," she remarked dismissively.

The Devil Emperor, echoing her sentiment, decided it wasn't worth their time. "Then we should leave now. They are not worth our attention," he declared. A dark portal materialized behind them, and one by one, the villains entered it, disappearing from the scene as effortlessly as they had arrived.

Once the devilish figures vanished through the dark portal, the ominous atmosphere that had shrouded the area began to dissipate. The fiery spectacle ceased, and the once-intense aura returned to normal. Players exchanged glances, their expressions transitioning from confusion to relief. A collective exhale filled the air, and some players even found their legs giving way, slumping to the ground in response to the sudden release of tension.

The mage, scratching his head, questioned, "What the heck just happened? Why did the emperor show up here, and why did they target Father^Alex?"

The dual dagger user chimed in, "I have no idea, but it must mean something big. Why else would they come after a healer like him?"

The swordsman, still recovering from the shock, added, "Do you think Father^Alex has some secret or quest that caught the villains' attention?"

The archer, usually carefree, was unusually serious. "I don't know, but it feels like we stumbled onto some hidden plotline. Father^Alex might be a key player in all of this."

Note: When Allen and the girls are undercover, they switch up their voices to sound friendlier and softer. It's all part of the skill set.

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