Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 287

Chapter 287: Villain also got second chance 2

He was about to move his dagger thinking it was another night but stopped when his eyes met mine. My eyes had no fear of death.

He was stunned to look at my eyes and his hands stopped mid way. My eyes had no more fear of death. No more fear of anything. They were clear as lake and brave as them.

"You need to end this right here." I ordered and he blinked.

"This is about the safety of my family and my people." he said calmly and i shook my head.

"No.. this is about your pride and nothing else. Stop this fight right now, and I will ensure the safety of your people. But continue and see around. There would be no one more to be saved.'' I said shouting, as Jamie and Roselia moved towards me, the battle was stopped for a min.

"You are the reason for getting your men killed. Are you ready to take the responsibility for so many deaths?" I asked the way Cassius had asked inside the village.

"How can we trust you?" he asked, tilting his head.josei

"The way we trusted you when we came here. The way we saved your members and took them in a cave, trusting that we will be safe with them. The way your elders trusted us taking us in and the way your oracle trusted us and helped me twice,'' I said and his eyes widened.

"Twice?" he asked and it stunned me that he got the meaning of what i said.

But since he had, I didn't lie. So, I nodded.

"She gave this villain a second chance. And now this villain wants to give all of you a second chance. If you do not trust me you can always go and confirm her.'' I said looking at the sky that was filled with the colour of blood, the way land was dyed red by all of them.

So much blood, so much gore for nothing.

"You were.."

"Now there is no need to shout for that, is there?" I asked as the man was still on the same point and he finally nodded.

"Let them go.." he announced and I blinked. That was it! I just needed to tell him that the oracle had helped me in coming back in time, and he accepted everything? If i would have known all this would not have happened.

"But Serul.."

He raised a hand to stop all the questions that were forming in the mind of people.

"I said, let them go, '' he said more loudly this time.

And the members took a few steps back.

"You can go back now. But remember we will meet again. Serul knows how to return his dues." he said and turned back followed by his men who were as confused as Jamie and Roselia.

"What just happened?" asked Roselia, hugging me and I hugged her back.

"It's a long story, Rose, it is a very long story." I replied as Jamie also came towards me.

I opened my arms but instead of hugging me, he punched me straight on my face. I looked at him wide eyed, it was the first time he had hit me like that.

"What was this for?" I asked as I rubbed my nose, which had a bit of blood around it.

"For playing all the stunts. Worrying us for two days and making everyone suffer. Look at my comrades. They are badly injured because of your one foolish mistake" he said in a cold voice and you bowed my head.

He squatted and looked at the injuries of his man.

"Roselia go and bring water for them" he ordered and rose, who was looking at me with worried eyes nodded and left.

We heard footsteps and saw Cassius coming towards us. James stood up again and walked towards him, and just like me he stood up in front of him and with a cold smile punched his gut in one swift motion.

"Aaahhh" he groaned and I was sure that the intensity of that punch was 10 times higher than the one I had taken.

"Have you been blind to not notice that you have crossed the estate boundaries, and did you even not know that in case of being lost, stay there and wait until someone comes and finds you? Travelling like this is a garden or what? Do you even deserve to be called the duke? Let alone archduke at that" berated Jamie, and i was sure they were going to have a fight again but surprisingly Cassius nodded.

"I know I have made many mistakes. I apologise for all of them." he said with a little bow, surprising both Jamie and me.

We looked at each other and then Jamie looked back at him.

"You better apologise the same way to my comrades when they nurse back to health." he roared and crouched again to help his knights in standing and walking.

Roselia walked back with two pitchers of water, she gave one to them and one to us.

"We have two carriages and many horses with us. Come let's go back home." she said, passing the pitcher to Cassius.

We nodded and followed her silently.

Both carriages were filled with the injured knights, and we took the horses to go back to the marquees palace.

Though I wanted to take the carriage too but under the glare of Jamie, I took one horse and rode it silently.

It took us a long time to finally reach the marquess palace. It was already more than midnight when we finally entered the territory back.

"Who were they?" asked Jamie and I was sure he had some idea about their identity.

"It is a long story. But they promised to help us get a local carriage and reach the town. But when they saw all of you, they thought that we were spies of knights and were there to help you in capturing them.'' I replied shortly and he nodded.

"So, this injury in hand you got out of their love and hospitality?"

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