Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 288

Chapter 288: Calling it ours!

"So, this injury in hand you got out of their love and hospitality?" he said in a mocking tone, i could see he was pissed.

"I apologise for what happened brother but I have never thought that it would happen, I have thought that we would take a local carriage and return. No, I am not shrugging off the responsibility of my actions. I am guilty and i am feeling bad for everyone but i could not go in past and change it. Can i?" I asked in a tired voice and he looked at the other side without replying.

"We are going to reach the palace brother. Are you going to stay angry with your little sister?'' I asked rather pitifully and he sighed.josei

"If it would ever be repeated, Marianne I would make sure to lock you inside the house for your rest of the life." he added as he jumped from the horse.

Cassius jumped and stood in front of me.

"Don't use your hand to come down. Jump down, I will hold you." he said, opening his arms and Jamie, who was walking towards the carriage, stopped. He turned back and his gaze stilled on me.

As if he was waiting for a good show, he continued to stay there and look at us. I pursed my lips but Cassius did not take the hint.

"Come, Marianne. Don't be stubborn again. After what happened between us in the woods. Did this even matter?" he asked and this time Roselia, who just came out of the carriage and helping others forgot about all the injured man and stood beside Jamie, with his mouth agape. His eyes were still on me too. 

I jumped before the man could open his mouth and speak further. He did not feel embarrassed at all, no matter what he spoke and where he spoke.

He held me though waist, his hands tightening there and i put my hands on his shoulders. He smiled and moved me slowly down. My breasts passed so close to his face that I could ever feel his breath. I closed my eyes. I know what look would be in his eyes.

He moved me in so much slow motion that it felt like he took ages in putting me down.

In the end, I heard Jamie coughing and only then did the man come to his senses. But instead of feeling ashamed, he smirked looking back at Jamie and Roselia blinked, she even rubbed her eyes to be sure that the man she was looking at was actually Cassius.

I would not blame her though, my reaction was somewhere close to that too.

"Everyone would be already slept. You both are looking too much in the mood." said Jamie and Roselia elbowed him, '' I mean in the mood to rest. I mean you are tired and injured. So go and take a test. Yes, rest is what I meant" i just wanted to beat him and then close his mouth before he spouts more nonsense. What in the world was he talking about? 

"Uhh.. i think we should go and help other knights in getting to the infirmary." said Roselia dragging him with her. When I took a sigh of relief that the torment ended finally, she turned back and winked at me and I glared back.

"Come lets go. You really need to rest Marianne." said Cassius as he held my hand and took me towards our chamber.

'No, wait, my chamber. He was just a guest there' i reminded my mind who was spouting nonsense like Jamie. But then the idea of calling it ours did not seem too bad to me.

When we walked in I was sure that everyone would be sleeping, but somewhere I hoped that Killian would be awake so that I could hug him. I have always loved him in this life, but I was sure that I had treated him very cruelly in the past.

Still he was upset for me and hurt when i died was something i could have never thought.

Isabella must have forced him to kill me, but the question was how? What did Isabella have that she was able to force Killian. Killian was not soft hearted and loving in the past life like he was in his life. He was cold and stone hearted to not care even about Cassius, much less Isabella.

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts for now.

Most of the lights were already dim and there was silence in the palace. But as we entered, the room turned into an uproar.

All the maids and servants looked at us as if we were some foreigners that they had seen for the first time. But then chaos ensued as they started moving and buzzing around, drinking water, asking for a physician, food, and other details.

And just when I thought things calmed down, mother climbed the stairs down with that angry look that reminded me of the punch Jamie gave to me in the woods.

"Mother," I hugged her with all my might, before she could shout at me and thankfully she returned the hug back.

"Are you okay, Mari?" she asked in a loving voice which made me instantly relaxed and I nodded.

"I am much better now, mother." I said as I let her go.

"Good, because your punishment is still due. But I can see that you are injured enough to let it go for now, and Jamie already has done his work" she commented and I rubbed my nose again.

"But you, my son.." She said looking at Cassius "are very careless and as your mother in law it is my duty to teach you some lessons. How could you both not notice that you crossed the estate and instead of coming back you ride your horse in the opposite direction." her voice was harsh and strict like it used to be with me and Jamie when we do mistakes, but would Cassius accept it?

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