Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Birth of a Hero Part 2

"This is who you are, my dear Alton. No matter how hard you try, you cannot escape that truth. You are and always will be a child of the Garden." Bargaining teased standing beside Alton taunting him. He leaned in whispering in his ear. "He means to take away everything you worked for. Because of him, Zinnia and Scarlett are dying. Emil is down for the count, and no one is coming to save you. What are you going to do about it? Kill him. Teach him not to mess with Alton Brantley."

Alton stared at Bargaining from the corner of his eye, hissing under his breath. "Get out of my head… I know what you are trying to do."

"Hmm… It seems you still have somewhat control this time. How boring."josei

Monty tried attacking while Alton was battling his demons. Knowing this, Alton raised his hand freezing Monty on the spot as it only hardened with time. Slowly closing his hand, the ice began to crack as Alton made eye contact with Monty. "Freeze and Burn." The ice exploded as Monty fell back, giving Alton breathing room. "You will never have control over me Bargaining. You may think you have me at the bottom of your pocket, but I will never give in to the Garden's will. Know this when I find you, I will kill you."

Bargaining smiled innocently folding his arms. "Well, I look forward to that day… Let's hope you live to see it for your hope."

Snapping from his trance Alton was met with Monty flying towards him. Freezing the area around him, Monty smashed through pinning Alton against the wall as his tattoo came to life of a sword. Hurling it closer, Alton felt powerless as no matter how much power he would put behind his defence Monty would always be one step above. Soon the sword began to plunge into Alton's shoulder as he winced before crying out in pain. This continuous unbearable pain was the breaking point as a shockwave rippled from his body blasting Monty away. Alton fell to his knees, grasping his head in pain, crying. His other eye trickling into the sharp yellow as his hair slowly began to grow in length. Letting out a cry of desperation, he fell forwards hands forward staring down at the floor. Some time went by as Monty tried attacking attack plunging the sword down. Alton vanished, standing away from Monty a strong gust of icy wind behind him. Alton stared on blankly wholly influenced by the Garden as he snapped his wrist from the ice as Monty was knocked to the ground by the unrelenting wind. The power behind said attack was unlike anything seen before. Alton chuckled, raising his head looking down at Monty with pity. "Is this what you call power? No matter what you wished, you are nothing compared to the Garden."

"Shut up!" Monty screeched blowing the area up as he was high in the air. "I will not be denied!"

Alton shoved his arm forward as pillars of ice met on with the Montague. Each one shattered as Monty spun around meeting Alton head-on. Flicking his finger Monty was knocked to the side crushed by sheets of ice as his body froze into the prison. Turning away, Alton sent serval sharp icicles rippling into the block putting Monty down for good. Alton began walking away satisfied that was until he heard small cracks coming from the ice. His eye began twitching as Alton started losing his patience. "Just what is it with this guy?! Just how powerful is this wish?"

Monty broke from his prison untouched, staring forward with a look of superiority. "You really don't get it, do you? I will always be more powerful than you. When are you going to understand you can't win? Your attacks have no effect on me, and all your doing is delaying my victory, why fight it? Just accept your fate, and I'll take this slow and painful."

Alton stared on blankly before scoffing. "So delusional to claim you've already won before the battle is over. I'll make sure to wipe that false sense of pride from your disgusting mouth once and for all. If these starters don't put you down perhaps, I shall go straight to the main course?" All the cold air suddenly vanished as Monty started feeling hot. A dry sweat trickled down his neck as he felt a burning sensation as any cold air was gone. A focused essence of energy flooded above Alton as a small endorsed blizzard floated above him. Holding one hand up the blizzard exhaled as the snow was all melting the freezing attack all in one location. A look of overwhelming glee and joy rippled over Alton's face as he began laughing. "This is power. Now watch as your life flashes before your very eyes. Now die." The attack was slowly released as the stadium began tearing apart shattering from the ice—the cold air escaping flooding the arena. Everyone started losing all senses in their body as no one could move. Alton was so caught up in the fight all while being consumed by the Garden he was unaware the damage about to be caused. This attack would not only put Monty down for good, but everyone else around him with no chance of survival. Alton's cackles erupted as he moved his hand forward. "Take this, final attack, Almighty Ice Ag-."

Alton stopped as his attack died instantly as a sharp pain ran down his spine. Blood trickled from his head as psychic chains held him down. His gaze turned to Scarlett using the last of her strength to stop Alton. He soon came to his senses as the chains shattered. His hands shaking as he stepped back horrified. "What am I doing? I lost control again. I could have killed them again, it's still happening! Ahh!!!"

Monty fell to his knees, gasping for air feeling weak. Even with his wish granted, he wasn't expecting that much power behind Alton. Using this chance, he went back for another strike. "If you are too scared to go through with your powers, then you shouldn't have them."

Alton held his head crying as Monty went in for an attack. "You don't understand! Get out of my sight Montague!" He screamed all senses gone as he sent a flurry of ice forward. Monty collapsed into the ground as the ice shattered by. As it vanished Monty remerged sword in hand. Taken too far back by his actions, Alton couldn't react fast enough as the blade plunged into his chest. Alton stared wide-eyed as Monty stumbled forward still clinging the sword. Alton's Garden form vanished as Alton collapsed to his side as the sword was pulled out. He held his stomach, looking at the blood-covered hands whimpering in pain.

Monty was slightly thrown off seeing Alton down for the count not expecting the inevitable. His shock soon faded into pride as he began laughing, kicking Alton across the snow. He rolled over as blood tainted into the snow. "Where is all that power then, huh?! Look me in the eye… I best you, Alton Brantley, I want you to look me in the eye as you die." Alton didn't respond as he was staring at his wound, losing feeling in his body. His hand trembled as he reached out for Monty. Smacking his hand away, he chuckled standing on Alton's head. "Nothing to say in your final moments? What's wrong are you afraid of dying? May this be a lesson to never mess with Monty Montague."

Scarlett jumped up behind Monty, trying to stop him. Monty dodged, kicking her back down for the count as she scrunched her face screaming. "Don't you fucking touch him, you bastard!"

Monty shook his hand sighing. "Wait your turn bitch. Don't bother trying to save him."

"Please don't…" She whimpered. "Don't take him from me."

"Young love. You put your faith in the wrong boy. This is the end for you Alton. Any last words?" Monty flinched as Alton was staring at him, smiling away. This really put off Monty angering him. "What the hell are you smiling about?"

He began kicking him over and over as no one could save him. Zinnia rolled over coughing as Harmony watched disgusted. "I need to…"

"Zinnia, you can't move. You're too injured."

Zinnia tried crawling over, shaking her head. "No, I can't. I can't let him di-." She stopped feeling empty, unsure of what to do. She didn't move just watching feeling useless once again.

"Is this what a hero does? Watch someone die before their eyes? I thought a hero would always fight for what's right and other people no matter what. I thought you wanted to be a hero, Zinnia Trost."

Zinnia collapsed, losing conscience as she found herself standing in front of her orphanage. A woman walked up with a baby in hand. The baby was a girl with short pink hair. Zinnia stared on in shock as the baby was left on the doorstep as she began to run away. Zinnia stepped forward whispering. "Mother?"

The woman stopped turning around, matching the appearance of her vision just older. "You've grown so much haven't you daughter of mine?"

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