Chapter 129

Chapter 129: Birth of a Hero Part 3


The woman stopped turning around, matching the appearance of her vision just older. "You've grown so much haven't you daughter of mine?"

Zinnia stood in shock, unsure what to think. She spent her whole life looking for her mother and to have that woman standing in front of her Zinnia was overwhelmed, to say the least. She turned to the baby wrapped up kneeling, picking her up, cradling her close. Staring at the child, she just knew it was her. "Is that really you?"

Pulling her hood down, she smiled nodding. Her hair was much shorter, almost shaved but still sharing the same vibrant pink. "You have my stunning looks I see… Wow, not much of a joker, are you?"

"This isn't real."

"Perhaps." She shrugged off. "I've seen your streams. I couldn't be more proud honey."

Zinnia smiled, but that faded as she stared on, confused. "If you've been watching, why haven't you come for me?"

"It's complicated… I did this to keep you safe."josei

Zinnia looked down at the baby in her arms swelling up. "You left me on the doorstep of an orphanage with no reason! You abandoned me."

Hannah sighed, lowing her head. "I did, didn't I? I could say sorry, but I know an apology isn't what you are after. One day I know you'll understand."

"It's because you're a villain."

Hannah turned around, looking startled. "How do you know about that?"

"The Garden showed me a vision. It took me to the past and showed me who you really are." Zinnia frowned on gripping the cape wrapped around the baby. "All my life, I looked up to you. Held onto this cape you left me with as a sign. A sign of being the best I could be, to follow in your footsteps and be a hero! But that's all a lie… Why? Why would you do that to me?"

Hannah took a deep breath looking to the sky. "It's true. At one point, I was a villain. I only cared about myself and making as much money as possible. I would steal and cause chaos for my own self-gain. I hurt good people, innocent people. Your father was the one who would always try and stop me. Now that man was nothing less than a hero, he would never give up if it was for good and justice. Even with the grasp, the Syndicate family had on him."

"Syndicate family?"

"You've probably heard of them, well what's left of them. Back then, they had full control over the heroes and villains. A total monopoly you could say… They had dirt on your father and forced him to take down corrupt mayors and villains who didn't kneel to their rule. Even then, he would eventually stand against them. Got me all rallied behind that doofus." She giggled, looking gloomy. "He didn't just save our city over and over, but he saved me. Pulled me out of that dark hole I held myself in and showed me the truth. Because of him, I found my actual purpose. I became a hero because of him."

"You became a hero… Because of dad?"

Hannah laughed, rubbing her eyes. "Don't tell him that though… He would never let me live that one down."

"What happened to him?"

"He's gone Zinnia… He lost to the Garden so many years ago."

Zinnia bit her lip nodding. "I expected something like that… Doesn't make it hurt any less. Mum…"


"How… How do I be a hero like you? Time and time again, I mess up. I put my friends in danger and even tried to kill my best friend. I fucked up really bad, and I don't know how to get out of this mess. Even, after all, I tried doing, I'm still a failure of a hero who can't save anyone."

Hannah walked up to her daughter kneeling to her level, smiling, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Zinnia. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, and we have to live with that. Your father and I both made many mistakes, but we didn't let that define us. We carried on when others didn't and pushed through. As a hero, people count on us till the very end. They look up to us and believe in anything when we put our minds to it. No villain stands a chance against that. Don't forget who you are Zinnia. You're already more of a hero than either one of us, a hero never knows when to quit, nor do they ever give in to evil's might."

Zinnia giggled slightly. "That was pretty cheesy."

"Yeah well, that's your father for you. The way I see it you've always been a hero Zinnia you just need to realise it sooner. We are both so proud of you, sweety. Don't like some revenge fuelled villain like Monty holds you back. You have the power to be the greatest hero ever, so go on. Inspire a new generation. Bring heroes back into the light and show the world just who Zinnia Trost is."

Zinnia gripped her chest feeling something awaken. She wiped her eyes smiling. "Thanks, mum… I really needed that."

"Don't even mention it. That's what parents are here for…"

"Will, I ever see you again?"

"When the time is right, I'll find you. Just wait a little longer my little flower. "Hannah stood up, walking away. She stopped turning around scoffing. "Oh, and sweety don't worry about trying to kill your friend and all. Your father tried killing me at one point, it sorts of runs in the family. Perhaps it's meant to be?"

Zinnia went bright red yelling. "Mum! You're so embarrassing."

"Ha, just you wait till you meet your father. He gives anyone a run for their money. His dad jokes hoo boy…"

"But you said he wasn't around anymore?"

Hannah didn't respond to that as she stood at the end of the road, turning around with tears in her eyes as she held her hand up. "Go now! Be a hero Zinnia! Be the hero we could never be!"

Zinnia sniffled putting down the baby knocking on the door. Walking away, the door opened as Rebecca looked down, taking the child in. The same warm feeling grew as Zinnia looked up as a strong wind was brewing alongside crackles of lightning. "I promise you, mother. I will make you proud. Ingrid will save the day."


Zinnia's eyes ripped open as Harmony fell back looking shocked. "Zinnia?" Looking down at her body, she had electricity roaring around covering her hands. She clenched her fist tightly, smiling. "Are you alright?"

Zinnia turned to Harmony with a bold, heroic smile. "Don't worry, Harmony everything is fine now. Ingrid will take care of this."


Zinnia teleported to her feet as a crackle snapped through the air, getting everyone's attention. Monty twisted his gaze grinding his teeth. "What does it take to get through your skull you've lost?!" Calling on a massive swarm of fire the area Zinnia stood at was blown away. As the dust settled serval after images of her appeared falling into each other before powering up Zinnia. A purple mask rippled onto her face made from the electricity as a cape spawned out fluttering in the wind. Her smile turned into a serious look as she held her arm out. Another bolt of lightning snapped down, striking beside her as a katana appeared in her hand. Spinning it around, she aimed it to the ground as lightning rippled around it. The wind blew behind her as she kept turning her sword until a small tornado came from the blade. Once it did Zinnia vanished appearing above Monty. Pulling her sword backstabbing it forward as the tornado roared down with an earthshattering strike picking Monty up engulfing him in a never-ending blast of torment. As Zinnia landed, she held her katana up calling on an onslaught of electricity which mixed with the tornado causing significant damage. 

Monty fell out collapsing on the floor panting. "What the hell? How the hell do you have this sort of power?! I won't be denied my destiny! I cannot. I hate you all!"

Zinnia pointed her sword towards Monty eyeing him down all while having her gaze on Alton struggling. "I won't allow your anger and rage hurt anymore! Monty Montague, your unbinding thirst for revenge, has set you off course and on one of pain and horror. You seek to harm and kill others for your own mistakes blinded by the pain of yesterday. I cannot stand for such villainy and will take it in my power to take you down once and for all." 

Monty was panting over and overworking out where Zinnia's sudden power came from. The panting eventually turned into laughter as he pulled out two machine guns from his tattoos spraying Zinnia down. Swinging her sword down once all the bullets were cut down, leaving not a graze on her body. Monty began flinching his desperation growing. "Just who the hell do you think you are to stand in the way of Monty Montague?!"

"Who am I? My name is Zinnia Trost daughter of the legendary hero Geostruction, and I intend to bring the age of heroes back! This is who I am."

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