Chapter 137

Chapter 137: Christmas With The Dawns

"We must retaliate! Doing nothing shows weakness, we cannot allow such vermin to shove us around any further."

"This has nothing to do with us, they attacked a mere streamer. I say let them brawl out with V.I.R.A.L both will fall in the crossfire."

"Our family name used to mean something! If we were to sit back and do nothing, that would be cowardice."

"I understand you are all on edge, but how about we hear it from them first hand. Bring them in Clara."

Alton was brought in holding an ice bag around his waist. He was met by the family once more. Twelve members of the Dawn family, all well dressed and prestigious looking, each one judged Alton as he felt more out of place than expected in his Santa Christmas jumper. Jack Dawn, Scarlett's father, held his hand out speaking in a dry tone. "Sit, son."

Alton did so without many refusals as he looked around. "Am I in trouble?"

"Not for now, tell us what you know about the Syndicate family."

"They are a family of psychic users who cause chaos… But you probably already knew about that…" Alton whispered, composing himself. "I first heard of the name when one of our targets, The Phantom Streamer, was killed by them before he could be escorted to prison. A member of my team. Emil Montague came in contact with them after the Demon Mask we call her attacked and killed a member of Harmony, she left the other two in a critical condition. Emil fought her off as best as he could but failed to make any leeway. It seems the Syndicate member was after Rodger Bones as he was found dead soon after the dust faded. I encountered the same member a few months back during the V.I.R.A.L League. I don't have much understanding of her motive, but she seemed to be testing me."

"Well, it seems whatever you did allow you to pass with flying colours if they wanted to kidnap you." An old man grouched.

Jack held his hand out, pointing to the man. "This here is the second in command of the Dawn family and my uncle. Daemon Dawn."

Daemon waved his hand away, not caring too much as he leaned forward his bald head on full show. "I do not care for such introductions. What needs did the Syndicate family have for your powers streamer?"josei

"They didn't give much away but from what I was told they wanted me to aid them in destroying V.I.R.A.L."

"So, it is as we fear. If V.I.R.A.L were torn from the frame, the Syndicate family could very quickly rise back to power like they did 400 years ago."

"Are we not going to perhaps comments on the elephants in the room." A woman exclaims resting her feet on the table, holding a cigar to her mouth. "I'm of course talking about the outsiders."

"Don't let this woman's looks deceive you streamer, this woman is the mightiest member in our family. A dissolved clan who merged into our family, she is the head of security for the Dawn family Melissia Elion." Daemon crocked.

Melissia, a mixed-race woman with long dreadlocks and bright orange eyes, eyed down Alton tutting. "I already know what you are suggesting to Jack. Aiding with streamers, this is an insult not only to your family but to the remnants of our clan. Not to mention the enemy among us."

The group stared on at Scarlett who had been silent since the meeting was called staring blankly at the table. The final unknown person in the room, a tall thin man with blonde hair and an eyepatch, shook his head disagreeing with Melissia. "Need us to remind you, Elion, that the so-called enemy you speak of has been in this family for almost ten years. As well as that she has proven time and time again to be devoted to our family." The man turned to Alton shaking his head. "Apologies for Daemon and Elion, they are both fossils to our old ways. My name is Eli Dawn, Godfather to Scarlett and third in command to the family."

"It doesn't matter how great she is," Melissia exclaimed puffing her cigar. "The family only started getting more active after we kidnapped their daughter and raised her as our own."

"In which might I add if we didn't, the family would have her on their side. Say what you want but having both sisters fighting us would be catastrophic." Eli argues.

"If I may say something?" Scarlett's mother demands. The family falls silent as she smiles nodding. "As a former member of that family myself, I too understand your concern. But let me ensure you any past connections with family is in the past. We left that life for something better. The Dawns brought us in on good faith, and we intend to hold that deal forever. However, failing to see our flaws and learn from them puts us back to our demise 400 years ago. This family has spent generations building back to where we once were. If we do not learn from our mistakes and accept outside help, our family will be doomed to fall once more. The world has changed, and so must we. We are no longer the crime family we were once known for, and the hero society is long dead. If we are to defeat the Syndicate family, we must side with the streamers."

"I cannot allow my past to defy me," Scarlett whispered teary-eyed. "The Syndicate family tortured and manipulated me for their twisted goals. For that I can never forgive them, I joined Team Rhapsody to make a difference, and now my past is latching onto them I can't help but feel responsible. I made it my mission when your family took me in to bring down that evil once and for all. This doesn't change anything."

Eli turned to Daemon with a cheeky smirk. "Does that answer your question?"

Alton was lost in thought, this felt too close to home for his own liking. What Scarlett is going through isn't too far off the horrors he had to face. The difference here is that he can make a difference here instead. "Team Rhapsody will help you take down the Syndicate family."

"Alton…" Scarlett whispered in shock.

He stood up, shaking his head. "This is personal. Not only are they now after me, but this affects people I care about. Whatever you need, we will be there to put an end to this evil."

Jack grinned, leaning back in his chair. "I am glad to hear it. Leave us, I wish to speak to my daughter and Alton alone."

The three advisors left as Eli patted Alton on the shoulder. As the room was now emptier, Jack stood up, turning away. "I must once apologise for all that happened today. I cannot help but feel responsible. Let it be known what you did today will not be forgotten. Our family is most grateful the way I see it; you are no different to anyone here. I can easily consider you apart of this family."

"Father?!" Scarlett gasped.

"No need to be alarmed daughter, it's just an expression of good faith. Now, I cannot allow you to leave without a celebration for it is Christmas and you were invited for Christmas dinner. I shall check with the cooks to see how it is coming along." Jack added, leaving alongside Scarlett's mother.

The two streamers sat in silent as Alton tried making eye contact with Scarlett who couldn't even muster the courage to look. "I'm sorry."

"What could you possibly have to apologise for?" Scarlett whispered.

"For not being a good enough leader. If I was more trustworthy, you might have felt more comfortable telling me about your family's past. It must have been hell keeping that from everyone."

"That's not it," Scarlett said glancing up wiping her eyes. "I was just afraid you would look at me differently if you knew the truth."

Alton nodded, holding his hands on the table. "I never knew where I really came from. I found out on Christmas many years ago I was adopted. My father discovered and brought me home. I guess my parents really wanted a family, so just accepted me like that. It wasn't until my powers started that something changed within my father. I didn't notice it, to begin with, my mother kept it a secret. But it wasn't until my tenth birthday when… He tried to kill my mother and me. We shared the same powers, yet he felt cold and dark. I would live the next five years in total fear of him, moving from home to home never living the childhood my mother would have wanted. All that running was for nothing as he would soon find us. That was inevitable. What wasn't was when he took my mother from me in cold blood. I was too fearful of him. I lost all sense of control… I hurt people close to me because of that… Sorry, I never knew what happened to him since. But I still live in fear expecting to wake up in the night to find him in my room waiting to kill me. I'm not much different to him. His pure lust for carnage and destruction is not so far off my own. If I wasn't stopped, I could have easily killed Gale, Emil, Paradox. Others. I'm scared of the truth that I will become just like that man. But if I can help others who are in similar situations like me then they won't go down the road I am. I'm not helping your family to stop the family. I'm going to do it to save you. To save you, Scarlett, from your past, so you don't have to live in fear of what you could become."

Scarlett remained silent as she moved her hand over, holding Alton's tightly. "Neither of us will. Alton, I cannot thank you enough for what you've done. We'll take down the Syndicate family once and for all… And then you should tell the others what you told me. If your father does ever show himself again, we will stand together."

The door opened as the two quickly let go sitting back in silence. As the food was being served up, Alton made eye contact giving a faint smile. "It's a promise."

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