Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Deck The Orphanage Part 1

Gale and Emil were squatting sitting on a wall overlooking the city chuckling to each other. Iris walked past, staring in their direction oddly. "I'm already regretting this idea."

Gale hopped down from the wall striking an exaggerated pose with both arms in the air. "Operation Lockhart has now begun. Your mission if you choose to accept it is to set up Alton and Zinnia on a winter wonderland date."

"Great, what ideas do we have then?"

Both Gale and Emil began laughing as they patted each other on the back. "Ideas? What ideas do we have? What ideas do we have?! Well, umm zero…"

"Yeah, we've never really been on a date, so we don't really know what you do," Gale whispered sadly.

Iris held her chin, thinking. "Hmm, I do vaguely remember going on a playdate with my nursery, I think we went to a ballpark…"

"Do people go on dates to ballparks?" Emil questioned unsurely.

Gale shrugged his shoulders. "Doesn't sound like an issue to me. We'll add it to the list. Oh, but don't we need somewhere for them to eat? Dining out is a big part I heard."

Iris began hitting her fist against her hand, thinking as she gasped clicking her finger. "I've got it, the local fast-food restaurant. It's cheap, and you're bound to like something!"

"Everyone loves a good cheeseburger," Emil admitted going along with the plan.

"Oh, but don't we need to end the date with something to seal the deal? To make it memorable." Iris questioned. "Hmm, what do first dates do to end the night?"

"Doesn't Alton have an old game console?" Gale suggested.josei

Iris smirked nodding looking proud of herself. "That's it, they go to Alton's apartment and play video games. I must admit I've outdone myself this time."

"Well if it isn't the goons of Rhapsody and Alice's sister." Diego smugly threw at them dressed in a long trench coat and scarf. "What are you three scheming?"

"We're trying to set up a date for Alton and Zinnia."

Diego's eyes lit up as he smirked. "Ooh, a secret date. I dig it. A pair of love birds spiring off into the unknown their paths intertwined by destiny. How poetic."

"You sound like you talk from experience Diego?" Iris questions.

Diego boldly laughed, flicking his scarf behind him. "Why of course I do, these goods look aren't just for show you know. I would be quite intrigued to hear what sort of ideas you have?"

"Well, bozo we have the perfect date already planned. Iris here is an expert in dates." Gale boosted

"I am?" She whispered, clearing her throat going with it. "I mean, yeah I am!"

"Ooh, now I'm excited, let's hear it."

Iris rubbed her hands together, acting cocky. "Well first we send them off to a ballpark to play then it's off to my favourite restaurant Viral King. And then after it is back to Alton's for some ass-kicking fun playing video games."

Diego stared at each one of them slightly lost as it took him a while to put the pieces together. He scoffed laughing. "That sounds awesome. Man, why didn't I think of that for my dates?"

"Where did you take your dates, Diego?"

"Only to the finest dining experiences known to man. It's only the best for me. Five-star dining walks along the beach and slow dancing under the stars."

"That sounds boring…" Iris whined.

"And expensive…" Gale muttered.

Emil kept thinking before interrupting them. "Wait a second does Rhinefield even have a ballpark? Where did you go for your playdate Iris?"

"It was a long time ago, but I'm pretty sure it was a small park in Sunset… Ooh, crap."

"Yeah, that probably won't work. Well, how about this what are their hobbies? If we can find something, they both like we can bring it together."

"Well, Zinnia likes karaoke. Oh, and she likes superheroes!" Gale recalls. "She is also a huge pizza fan."

"The Karaoke bars does do Pizza nights on Wednesdays." Emil states. "But what does Alton actually like?"

Everyone remained silent, all clueless for an answer. Diego gave a blank look. "Your all telling me you have no idea what your leader likes? Haven't you known this guy for almost a year?"

"Now that I'm thinking about it, I hardly know anything about the guy… Scarlett might know something, but she's refusing to help us."

"Hmm, well we might need to… Can you all do me a favour and move two steps to the left?"

The three streamers did so confusedly. "Why did we do that?"

A car was flown in their direction crashing exactly where they were standing a few seconds before. "Oh, that's why."

Diego turned as people were running in fear as serval masked figures appeared. Crossing his arms, he turned back to team Rhapsody. "Sorry I wasn't frank with you guys. I didn't just happen to run into you out of the blue. These masked goons had been following you Rhapsody members for a while. I was waiting for when they would attack."

"Hold on, hold on! I recognise that mask. It was the same one that villain who attacked Harmony and me back during the Paradox raid. The Syndicate family." Emil yelled.

"Syndicate family, huh? Well, this just got a whole lot more interesting." Diego smugly said watching the members surround them. "I've heard small whispers of your kind before. Records of the old world mentioned a crime organisation that ruled over this city. To think such evil still has the audacity to show its head."

"Diego Jolts, we have no such squabble with you. Stand aside while we deal with the remnants of Team Rhapsody."

"They're all yours." He throws away standing aside. "But before you do the all off with their heads show I have a question for you. What is an ancient fossil like you trying to achieve?"

"Isn't it obvious?" One member cackled. "We intend on bringing down V.I.R.A.L and bringing the Syndicate order back once and for all."

"I see, well now things have just changed. You see, I quite like my job and it pays well. So, if some evil organisation is willing to take that away. Well, I might just have to fight for my rights."

"You claim us to be the evil ones, yet you side with the corrupt V.I.R.A.L. When we topple this nation, the world will know true evil."

Diego tilted his head, avoid a gunshot from behind. Turning to the Syndicate member, he cracked his knuckles eyeing down his opponent. "We'll see. History isn't kind to losers like you. You three back me up here. I'm about to go full throttle."

"Looks like we're doing this. Are you sure you can fight Iris?"

Iris held her hands out as her cubes began hovering around her. "They have no idea who they're messing with. Let's do this team!"


 "Morning sleepyhead." Rebecca giggled as Zinnia dragged her feet into the hallway, half asleep. "I thought you would have slept in more?"

"I wanted to, but I promised you we would get a tree today."

"Don't worry about that I was about to take Sally and Fran out to pick one for me."

Zinnia yawned, shaking her head. "No, no. I want to search for one?"

"Haven't you got to stream though?" Fran questioned wiggling her eyebrow.

She shook her head, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Not today. It's our day off. I'll get changed."

Slouching over she yawned again creaking the door to her bedroom. She stopped dead in her tracks seeing someone standing by her bed holding the framed photo she received from Alton the night before. As Zinnia quickly woke herself up, she tried sneaking up on the intruder. She suddenly stopped unable to move as her whole body locked up. The figure turned their crimson red eyes glowing through the Demon Mask. "Zinnia Trost, correct? Yes, the family has spoken much about you. We first thought you not to be a threat, but once we got a good look at what you could truly do. We couldn't let it slide."

Zinnia gritted her teeth hissing. "Who the hell are you?"

"You mean my sister didn't bother to tell you about us?" The Demon Mask taunted taking off the mask. Throwing it aside the girl stared on at Zinnia looking almost identical to Scarlett with much shorter hair and a large scar across her face.


"Close, I must admit my sister always did get my looks. My name is Riley Syndicate, and I have come for my sister."

"Syndicate! The crime organisation?! I'll… I won't let you take her."

Riley threw Zinnia through serval walls. Rebecca screamed as Zinnia lay on her front, looking up at the villain. "Zinnia!"

"Get back! Don't come any closer!"

Riley waltz in looking around giggling. "I didn't know we were having a slumber party! I should have brought my sleeping bag. Shall we start talking about boys? How about we start off with the man of the hour. Tell me everything about Alton Brantley." Zinnia was held in the air again, struggling to breathe.

Zinnia held her breath as electricity rippled through her blasting out the blitz of energy knocking Riley back. Falling to the floor, she turned to Rebecca and the others. "I said run!"

The door was slammed shut as a sofa slammed against it. "Nobody is going anywhere! You want to be a hero right Zinnia? Let's see if you can stop me from tearing your precious family one at a time while they scream for mercy!"

Zinnia held her hand out as the electrical katana rippled into existence. "I won't allow it! I'll take you down right here for I am Ingrid."

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