Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Deck The Orphanage Part 2

Diego pivoted his head around eyeing down how many grunts he would have to beat down. He counted there to be at least nine with very likely to be more hiding in the wings to back them up. He began pointing at each of them debating who to attack first. "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Catch a tiger by the toe If he hollers let him go, Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

My mother told me to pick the very best one." Diego turned his head around as his imagination played out being attacked from behind. Stepping out of the way of being ambushed by psychic powers, he faced the attacker sending the same attack back. "And you are it."

Gale was held down by the psychic unable to move. The Syndicate grunt moved in crushing the streamer, Emil emerged from the ground performing a backflip kick knocking the villain off guard before throwing a punch downing him for the count. "Don't get sloppy Gale."

Fate hit Emil as he too was lifted in the air before being smashed between different trees. The grunt was pressed into the air by Iris' cube as they crashed into the fountain across the street. "You were saying, boys?"

Diego took on the bulk of the group as he casually walked up to each of them, allowing his imagination to guide him. Sensing into the future when and where the attacks would come from Diego took advantage of this avoiding each attack with no problem. Bridging the gap, he grabbed a Syndicate member by the head, smashing it down onto his knee. Stuck in the sense of daze, Diego swung his foot down low, sweeping them off the floor before back kicking them into a shop window. Diego turned around smugly laughing as he wiped his hands down. "So, who wants to go next?" Three stray gunshots went off as Diego ducked dodging them as two struck the members in front. As they screamed out, Diego rushed in smacking him from the back of the neck stunning him further. With both hands, Diego picked up the villain before with all his might throwing them on two more Syndicate members.

Iris was guided by her cubes as they flew her around the streets with massive strides. Although she could see minimal her powers shown, supported and fought for her as she could see so much more with them alone. The cube crashed to the floor, extending into a long pillar smashing two more goons off their feet and down for the count. "They don't seem to be putting up much of a fight."

Emil bunny hopped over one Syndicate member before turning and breaking her with a baseball bat. It shattered in half as he threw it away. "If this is the infamous Syndicate family that gave the heroes of old trouble, then this is a joke. Pure easy mode."

Diego twisted the last member's arm spinning him around, throwing him to the floor before lifting his foot up and slamming it down on their mask. "Something certainly isn't right here." The four watched as each member got up showing to be not severely injured. Diego had started to put the pieces together, seeing the bullets on the floor were rubber. "They aren't trying to kill us. This is a distraction."

The syndicate members all began walking away before vanishing. Gale kept looking on confused. "What are they distracting us from… Hang on." Gale's phone went off as he looked concerned. "It's Alton… Hey, what's up? What?! Where… Crap we're on our way!"

"What's wrong?" Diego questioned.

"The Syndicate family are attacking the Orphanage. They are after Zinnia!"

"We need to move now." Emil barked running ahead.

Diego kept looking conflicted. "You lot go ahead; I need to check in on something."

"Come on crew let's move."


Zinnia smashed through the kitchen swinging her katana around as Riley was hopping around avoiding the strikes stuck with a smug grin as she kept total eye contact with Zinnia. She hopped in forward, jumping off from Zinnia's head landing on the table letting off a psychic blast crashing her into the cupboards. "I've been looking forwards to this. Alton was a slight disappointment when we fought, I hope you do not do the same."

Lying back in the rubble Zinnia glanced up at Riley before shooting her katana blasting out a vast ray of electricity. Half of the orphanage was blown away as Riley flew up, avoiding the attack. Zinnia pulled herself up, flipping the sword around, holding it just in front of her face as she stared on with a severe look. "Why come here? What could you possibly hope to achieve fighting me here?"

Riley spun in the air dodging more electrical surges as she kicked a chair up, sending it flying forward. Zinnia cut it down as Riley passed ahead holding Zinnia up. "I'm just here to remind you. For you see my pink-haired friend our family was destroyed by heroes these days they aren't many heroes around. So, when one does show up, we better make sure to deal with them, so tell me Zinnia are you really a hero? One who protects the innocent and fights evil to her last breath?"

"You bet your ass I am!" She grunts.

"I see. Well, allow me to give you a pep talk in why that's a bad idea." She giggles, throwing Zinnia around the house before finishing her brutal show, crashing her through the stairs and back in front of Rebecca and the others. Gripping her cheeks tightly, Riley made Zinnia look at them. "You see playing the role of hero may sound heroic and fun but believe me it doesn't just put a target on your head but everyone you care about. You may be able to protect some random family on the streets but when the bad guys come knocking on your door and hold your family hostage, what will you do? Save them? Watch them die? You're no hero. Heroes hide their identity you strut around with it all on show. It wouldn't take long for anyone to give a quick search and find everything about you."

"I won't let you hurt them!"

Riley laughed at Rebecca shaking her head. "Do you hear that she honestly still believes she can win?" Zinnia was blasted out of the building being sent flying around before zipping back into toppling over the rubble. Pulling herself out of the rubble Zinnia reacted fast yelling as she stabbed herself with her weapon, causing an afterimage of her to appear. The two flew around before stopping and rapidly launching towards Riley. Taking a gamble at who to strike Riley took down the right projection. To her anger, this happens to be the copy as Zinnia slashed through her. Riley couldn't move as Zinnia cut the air serval times before concealing her katana. Riley was cut down serval times falling to her knee her eyes glittering with a crimson red. "That will not be enough to defeat me."

As Riley rose, the roof caved in as both were knocked back in the shockwave. "What about me, then?"

"Alton Brantley. I've missed you." Riley chuckled, standing up patting the rubble of her. "I remember it merely yesterday when we stood here."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but she was right. You look exactly like Scarlett. The long-lost identical twin consumed by the Syndicate family."

"Never lost, never forgotten." She giggled bowing. "But tell me my sweet darling how can you fight if you're too busy protecting the innocent?!"

As Riley tried kidnapping one of the orphaned children, an ice wall rippled into existence blocking them off. "You were saying."

Riley sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "Should have known your ice powers would return… No matter, I'll make this quick. May I have this dance?"

Alton rippled up serval walls blocking Riley's hold on him. As her attack failed, Alton smashed the walls sending shards of ice at her. Ramming forward Alton tackled Riley to the ground rolling over kicking her upwards. As she was in the air, Alton blasted her with an icy wind which sent her through the building. Jumping up, he turned to Zinnia. "Sorry I didn't get here sooner, I was preoccupied."

"How did you know Syndicate would attack?"

"I didn't, but they attacked me on the way to Scarlett's for dinner, so it wasn't impossible to suspect such terms."

"You went to Scarlett's for dinner? Are you two seeing each other now?"

"Don't start this…" He grumbled.

Zinnia shook her head, holding her hands outgoing red. "It's not that. I'm happy for you… You two suit each other."josei

"Are we seriously having this conversation now of all times?"

Riley teleported into the picture tutting. "Are we forgetting someone?" Alton was dropped to the ground as the wooden floor began caving in."

Alton was trying to counterattack as Zinnia charged up her attack. As this happened, the rest of team Rhapsody crashed the party as Riley distanced herself letting go of Alton. "Scarlett?" Emil questioned, looking lost.

Riley scoffed, covering her mouth. "Well, lookey lookey. Not one but two more members of Rhapsody and the child reject from Frizzle Teeth. You're here earlier than expected."

"It would be wise if you surrendered. You are completely outmatched and powered."

"Perhaps… So, it's a good thing I never intended on fighting you. Look at you all crowded here looking to fight the wrong fight."

"What are you talking about?" Gale pestered.

Riley stumbled back holding her stomach. "I must admit Zinnia you pack more of a punch than I first thought. And Alton, I must apologise, it seems I slightly underestimated you."

"So, you're willing to give up?" Iris mocked.

Riley scoffed at her remarks. "Is that so? Hark, you've figured me out. Years of plotting wasted! Is what you expected me to say no? Sorry to disappoint you but I'm far from defeated. How about we play a game? If everyone from Team Rhapsody, where am I?"

Riley's laughs echoed as she vanished. Gale scratched his head, shrugging his shoulders. "We showed her."

Zinnia went to help Alton as he shot his hand out. "Just wait there…" The yellow tinge in Alton's eyes faded as he stood up. "Are you alright?"

Zinnia nodded. "I am… but at my home."

"I'm sorry. Glad you guys got here when you did."

"Yeah well, we too also got attacked by Syndicate. It was clearly a distraction."

"A distraction… Wait for a second…"

"What's wrong?"

"I thought Zinnia was in trouble, so I left Scarlett alone. You guys came here to help. Oh shit!" Alton screamed, ploughing past everyone.

"What's going on?" Iris yelled.

"They're after Scarlett, all of this was to get us away from her!" Alton figured out storming out the building. A loud explosion rippled through the streets as Alton stopped in his tracks seeing a massive explosion coming from the direction of Scarlett's manor. Alton's eyes widen as his mouth dropped. "No… Scarlett!" 

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