Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Always Two Steps Ahead

The eternal flames could be seen for miles. The entire street was cornered off as firefighters took to the scene. Alton hadn't stopped running since the orphanage and although his legs felt like they were going to give way he refused to give in. He soon made it to the scene of the crime as he barged past the crowds ducking under the tape ignoring the police. Looking around paranoid, his heart sunk as he saw Scarlett sitting on the steps to her blown up home with bandages wrapped around her left eye. "Scarlett!"

Scarlett glanced up looking hopeless as Alton ran over. "Alton…"

Alton picked Scarlett upholding her tightly trembling. "I saw the explosion… I thought… Shit, I thought I lost you."

Scarlett stared blankly looking startled. "What are you talking about… It's going to take more than this to kill me…"


She began tearing up sobbing in Alton's arms. "I lost my home, Alton… It's gone, I wasn't quick enough to see the attack coming. One of my maids didn't make it."

The other members of Rhapsody turned up looked shocked by the turn of events. No one chose to say anything during this time as Alton comforted a distort and broken Scarlett…


Scarlett sat on the back of an ambulance getting her check-up. The doctor sighed, shaking his head. "You seem mostly unharmed, but your left eye was too badly injured. I don't see you recovering." Scarlett remained silent as the doctor gave a small reinsuring smile. "Apart from that, you're good to go."

Team Rhapsody stood by as Scarlett's mother walked overlooking weary. "Thank you all for helping clear the mess."

"It's the least we can do Mrs Dawn."

"I insist you call me Lilith." She added. "I was always afraid this day would come. We got away from that wretched family so long ago, it was only a matter of time before they took their revenge on us."

"The Demon Mask, she is Scarlett's twin sister, yeah?" Alton muttered. "Why did you never go back for her?"

Lilith looked away sighing. "It always breaks my heart, no mother should ever abandon their child when they need them the most, but Riley was too far gone. The Syndicate family had twisted her mind so much she only hates chaos and hatred deep within. I had to stop that happening to Scarlett."

"So, you made a deal with the Dawn family? If you don't mind me asking Lilith why did you never go to V.I.R.A.L about this? The Syndicate family is dangerous and something the CEOs would be very much want to know."

"Our families do not have the greatest relationship with V.I.R.A.L. They were the ones who brought us down 400 years ago. Besides, we do not like showing weakness. Looking for help in this desperate hour doesn't sit well with most of the family."

Alton folded his arms, agreeing. "It seems many key members of the Dawn family still hold onto old traditions. Most despise the idea of heroes. Yet Scarlett became one? Why?"

"I'll be honest it was very out of the blue. She approached Jack and me about it. Of course, we were both shocked but not too surprised. These days everyone wants to be streamers, and she has the powers to back that up although she did seem quite keen to hide those powers behind fake tarot cards."

"Maybe she thought becoming a streamer could help take down Syndicate?" Zinnia debated. "I just wish she told us."

"I don't blame her for not doing so… Having that sort of secret in your past which could easily be taken out of context isn't easy to admit. Most people think it's easier just to let it remain dormant." Alton figured. "First, they attack one of our targets, Harmony and Rodger, then they attack Harmony and me again. And now they are taking the fight directly to all of us. Why have they got such a grudge against us?"

"It's because you are different," Scarlett mutters slouching from the ambulance. "Other streamers don't waste their time taking down corrupt streamers or saving everyone. You have brought back the idea of heroes into the mix and Syndicate doesn't like that. Any chance of the hero's society returning is a huge blow in their plan. Disposing of you all will send a message to any wannabe heroes."

"But now we're all sitting ducks, as Riley said all our information is on full display. Syndicate know everything about us so they could easily strike or attack people we care about."

"Speaking of which, how did you all manage to survive the attack?" Iris questioned.

"That would be my doing." Diego gloated leaning against the ambulance. "Sup."

"Diego? What are you doing here?" Alton wondered.

"He was there when Syndicate attacked. Fought alongside us." Gale said.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far. I was just merely defending myself. I didn't really need any of you to help."

"Diego here warned us of the attack. It gave us enough time to soften the blow when the attack did come."

"How did you know about the attack?" Emil questioned suspiciously. "Your powers only let you see a few seconds into the future."

"Well, you aren't totally wrong there. While it is true, my imagination allows me to predict the future clearly for a few seconds, I can see far further than just a few seconds. I can quite possibly see hours or even days into the future, all be it the further I look the blurrier the vision. I can only see about two hours into the future easily enough to make out small details. I had my suspicions on the attack when the first distraction happened. So, I looked further forward and made out a building exploding. I couldn't for the life of me make out what it was, but I could very quickly put the pieces together and know this would be the most likely place to be hit."

"It's very unlike you to risk your life for others." Iris jabbed.

Diego scoffed shrugging his shoulders. "I am rather offended you think of me so poorly. I not only save your lives but the lives of the Dawn family, and this is how you repay me. Tut, tut."

"I can ensure you Diego my family will reward you for your heroic rescue."

"Why thank you, Scarlett. Perhaps I misjudged you. Seeing how the danger is over, for now, I'll take my leave. Please don't expect me to be saving your bacon often, you lot are really cramping my style. Goodluck putting down Syndicate."

"I really don't get that guy." Zinnia muttered. "I can't work out if we should trust him or be weary. He reminds me too much of Vanguard."

"Diego isn't stupid. He is more than aware when he will lose a fight. Don't expect him to be trying to take us down anytime soon."

Lilith was in the middle of checking up on her daughter as she turned to Alton. "Brantley, may I please talk to you in private." Alton didn't give much of a reason not too as the two walked a small distance away. Lilith folded her arm, looking worried. "I'm sure it doesn't take a genius to understand why I'm talking to you."

"You're worried about your daughter. Anyone can see that."

"It's not just her. I'm worried about you and your team. I cannot help but feel like we've dragged you into this. If my daughter didn't join your group, this wouldn't have happened."

"I don't regret having Scarlett on my team if that's what you're suggesting Mrs Dawn." Alton insisted. "We're a team, we stick together through hell and back."

"I'm glad to hear it. As you can clearly see, Syndicate is now more dangerous than ever. This is nothing new to you with the whole Garden ordeal, but it's clear Scarlett is no longer safe here. Neither is your friend Zinnia."

"Her home was also hit; her guardian was almost killed in the crossfire."

"Disgusting. The lengths the family will go to succeed is frighting. While we rebuild our home, the family is moving to our second location just outside of the city. However, I fear it not safe for Scarlett. Moreover, I also worry about you."

"I understand. This is the second time Syndicate has attacked me, and now they want me to join them. This is pragmatic."

"Indeed. While our family looks into the matter, we would plea you look after my daughter while we gather our forces. Do you have any place you can stay?"

"While I would say the Montagues or Frizzle Teeth. I don't really want to drag anyone else into this. My apartment should be fine for the time being."

Lilith looked slightly concerned. "Are you sure? Wouldn't that be obvious?"

Alton shook his head, confident. "Unlike the others, I am stricter when it comes to my public information. I brought the apartment in another name. It belongs to an old friend of mine, so any source of me living there is strictly off the books. If Syndicate did go looking the only lead, they have is a frozen wasteland in the middle of Sunset Peak."

"That does bring some comfort to know. What about the other residents? Wouldn't they possibly be endangered?"

"Luckily, no. I live on the fourth floor while the other three are being renovated. Most occupants left weeks ago. Very few people live there."

"That makes me happy. If it isn't too much of a bother for you? We will reward you for your time."

Alton held his hand out. "No worries there, you are all in a rough spot. I don't expect anything in return. There's not much room, but Scarlett will be safe."

"What about your other friend?"

Alton went blank for a moment realising Zinnia too was out of a home. He bit his lip releasing the ordeal. "I can't ignore the fact Syndicate also attacked her… This is a problem; it is probably best if we all stick together. Splitting up could easily leave a target on our backs. I suppose she will have to stay at my place too."

"Is there a problem with that?" She questioned.

"No… Nothing to concern you or your daughter over. I'll make plans."

"Thank you, Alton Brantley. You have been nothing but joy for our family. We are most humbly grateful for this, if you need anything, please feel free to let us know."josei

Lilith was ready to leave when Alton suddenly had an idea. "Say do you keep any records of people who have worked with you?"

"Not particularly, but there is always something. Why do you ask?"

"If possible, could there be something on my father? Jack mentioned he worked with him years back."

"Hmm, this is news to me. I'll look into it. It's the least I can do. Thank you once again, Alton Brantley."

Alton watched Lilith return to the remains of her home, leaving him feeling more conflicted than ever. Looking back, he saw Scarlett and Iris talking. His sight turned to Zinnia as he felt incredibly uneasy. As the fire still crackled with life, Alton felt a chill run down his spine. "How am I going to work this?"

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