Chapter 161

Chapter 161: The Dark Replicas

Hans peered through the smoke expecting to see his prize in front of him. A small grin came over him as he saw the ground was frozen over and a large hole where the floor had shattered. He stared down the hole seeing it go through the underground bunker. "Not bad, just what I expected from the legendary Avalanche. But there is no escaping fate."josei

Alton held Iris in his arms as he was limping through the old worn-down bunker. "Which way Iris?"

Iris' head drifted around as she pointed to the right corridor. "That way… We can escape that way…"

"What exactly is this place?"

"A safe haven. Hans had it built when Sunset Peak fell. It's meant to withstand a coming ice age. Guess he needs some improvements."

Alton stopped for a moment catching his breath. "I'm sorry Iris. I got way too reckless charging in without a plan. I just wanted to end this quickly as possible that I didn't once think of the consequences."

Iris lightly tapped Alton's face dropping her hand deflated. "Don't cry over spilt milk. Even if you were more prepared with the rest of Team Rhapsody, none of us could have expected… You know. The dark replicas… They are all of Alice. If they cloned her, what about me?"

Alton leaned against the wall, adjusting himself, seeing the exit not too far off. "You can worry and speculate about the matter another time. For now, focus on getting out. Once we're in the clear, I'll get a message out to V.I.R.A.L. Let the CEOs handle this mess."

As Alton took another step, a portal opened up. Reacting fast enough, Alton jumped back as two replicas appeared blocking either side. Alton bit his lip trying to find a way out. Iris leaned on Alton's shoulder, pulling up a cube to block off one side. "Put me down…"

Alton didn't think twice slowly putting Iris down. He stood off against the Replica as a slur of cold air crept from his mouth. With a block of a sudden flick, ice cracked alongside the walls and ceiling nabbing at the replica freezing her over. This seemed to do very little as the ice shattered instantly and the replica pinned Alton against the wall strangling him. Alton couldn't break free trying his best to freeze her over but to little luck. Everything became blurry as Alton snapped, freezing the replica's arm solid until it shattered. Alton dropped to the floor, drawing his hilt catching his breath. Casting the frozen blade Alton struck only for the replica to pull out a scythe cutting right through his blade and the wall behind him. Alton stumbled back barley, avoiding the scythe once more. However, there was hardly any distance between them, allowing the replica to kick Alton to the floor.

Iris intervened best she could, throwing a cube towards the replica which turned into a spear. A portal was opened up absorbing the attack. The moment the second portal opened on Alton he reacted leaping forward grazing past the spear flying into the portal. Appearing from the original portal he pinned the replica to the ground freezing her over before standing up and slamming his foot on her shattering the replica into dozens of pieces. Holding his waist, he limped over to Iris, picking her up, struggling to keep her. The wall blocking the other replica was starting to be broken, forcing them to move. Alton dragged himself holding Iris in hand towards the exit. The moment he was about to open the hatch, he froze, seeing Hans and a dozen replicas waiting outside. Alton pinned himself down, leaning against the closed door.

"You're completely trapped. It was an admirable attempt, but I was already well aware this was the only exit. You could go back the way you came; however, a dozen more replicas would be waiting for you. If you're smart, you'll surrender."

"Alton, what do we do?"

Alton took a deep breath panting. "You're making a big mistake Hans. You may think you've trapped me, but I am more than capable of defeating you all here."

"And I wouldn't doubt that for a second. However, you're injured. You had trouble defeating just one of my replicas. And now there's a small platoon waiting, what chance could you have against that."

Alton stared at his hand, a frozen petal growing from the middle, he crushed his fist, yelling back. "You underestimate me, Hans. If I were to allow my Garden form to fully unleash, you would all lose."

Hans agreed scoffing. "And it would be a sight to foresee. I must agree with that ace up your sleeve you would most likely kill all my daughters and me in the crossfire. But I guarantee you Iris and your life would share our fate. Even if you managed to somehow survive with those injuries, the remaining replicas would finish the job."

"Don't worry about me. If it stops my father's tyranny, I don't care what happens to me."

 Alton stared at Iris, giving her his best reinsuring smile. "I can't do that Iris… If I surrender, do you promise not to harm us?"

"Alton, Alton, Alton. It would be my honour."

Alton began debating it turning back to Iris. "I'll surrender on one condition."

"List it… I'm all ears."

"You let Iris go. It's me you want."

Hans was taken back by the request thinking. "And what makes you think I would let Iris go? Last time she managed to escape, she came to your aid. What's to say she doesn't go straight to V.I.R.A.L instead. I could have the whole company on my doorstep within the hour."

"Let them come, I say. They wouldn't stand a chance against the might of Hans Hawthorne. Besides, I have something far more rewarding."

"And that is?"

"Unlike your copies. I am an actual Child of the Garden. Think of the knowledge you could learn?"

Iris looked distressed, unsure what Alton was up to. "Alton… What is going on? You have a plan, right?"

Alton turned to Iris, staring at her, confirming her fears. He didn't have any plan. This was no bluff, he was really giving up for her sake. "So, Hans? Do we have a deal?"

"Allow me a moment to think it over?"

The room fell silent as Alton turned back to Iris. "This is clearly a trap…"

"You now only just realised?!"

"There's not much we can do…"

Iris crawled over sitting next to Alton, leaning on his shoulder. "Yes, there is, don't give up. Fight them. I don't care what happens to me. Stop him before he hurts anyone else."

Alton places his arm around Iris, comforting her shaking his head. "I cannot do that, Iris. He said it himself even if I fought his entire platoon. I don't have much chance of victory without losing you or dying myself…"

"So what? We just give up?"

"Fraid so…"

"Unity wouldn't have given up."

"No… She wouldn't have." Alton whispered. "If she was here, she would slap me and tell me to snap out of it. She was just so one minded. No matter how much the odds were stacked against her, she would fight no matter what."

"Then let us do that. Together we can beat them."

"Sam's dead Iris…"


Alton held his head in shame. "She died back in Sunset Peak, and it's my fault. We were in the same position. An unstoppable force we had no hopes in beating… That force was my father. I wanted to run so badly, but she insisted we stand a fight. Rallied up the others to do the same as the leader she was. We were so drunk off motivation for a short while I honestly believed we could. But then the fight happened. We fell one by one. The city froze over, and I was the only one standing. If I had just run away, taken Sam with me, none of that would have happened. I play hero and people die. I'm not letting the same events play out here."

"Alton… I didn't."

Alton stood upholding his side smirking. "It's fine. Just trust me on this one. Everything is going to be alright. Find your sister. My team tell them what happened. Everyone needs to know what is coming."

"Good news Avalanche, I'll accept your terms. Come out now, and I'll let Iris run free."

Alton held his hand out to Iris. "Come on, let's go."

Alton pushed the door open as the two walked out in the open. Hans clapped slowly laughing. "You're not as dumb as I thought Alton. Even you realised you had no hope. I respect that."

"Now you keep your end of the deal."

Sighing, he waved his hand. "Get out of here Iris… Scram!" Alton nodded as Iris ran away, knowing what she had to do. "Now that she's out of the way." Before Alton could unleash his Garden form, he was shot by dozens of arrows forcing him to fall to his knees. "Do you take me for a fool Alton? Did you seriously think we wouldn't suspect you to fight back once she was gone?"

Alton managed to stand up, leaning his head back panting. "No. But that was never my intention. I know what you really want. What all of this is about, you're wrong. Believe me, no matter how many replicas you make, you will never be a Child of the Garden."

One of the replicas spun their scythe around, cutting Alton down as he collapsed down for the count. Hans walked over, lifting Alton by his head kneeling to his level scoffing. "And soon neither will you."

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