Chapter 162

Chapter 162: I Am Thou, Thou Art I Part 2

"This power it's unlike anything I've ever seen. The Garden is truly remarkable."

"And it's all yours. As our contract confirms. Although a mere echo of its true power, the Garden is yours to command. Whether that's to divide and conquest or to rally together the masses you hold power. The Garden chose you."

"Yes, it chose me… The world will soon know my name. The Garden is my gift."

"Just don't forget your end of the bargain Hawthorne. All of this is yours. Do what you want, but there is one thing you must achieve above all else. Resurrect the legendary hero Gatekeeper. Let her live on in the vessel. Bring my sister back to life and all of this is yours. Forever."


The clashing of metal rang through the sky, mixing with the blizzard in the not so distant. Sparks flew as the two Children of the Garden were unrelenting breaking at each other's defences. Bargaining stabbed his sword forward as Alice countered slamming it into the ground. She stepped back into a portal appearing behind with an insane look jumping up, slashing her scythe down. Bargaining stepped back kicking the sword wedged into the ground forward. It spun on the spot countering Alice before returning to his hand. "It seems Hawthorne has been working you harder little sister. You're basically the number one streamer now. I'm not surprised. I expect nothing less from the most power Anti-human to ever lived."

Alice giggled, standing on the end of her scythe leaning against it. "It's been so boring, though! Everyone is so lame and weak. Nothing like this, even if your real powers aren't on the table. Come big bro let's play some more."

Bargaining shook his head sighing. "It appears that it cannot be helped. Remind me, dear Eve, out of the hundreds of fights we've been in how many did you win?"

"Hmm? I believe out of the 468 fights I won 231. You've won 232 with 5 draws."

"Soon to be 233."

Alice smiled vanishing into her portal as dozens more appeared around. Not leaving any to chance Bargaining sent a lightning storm into each portal to flush out Alice. The lightning all rippled back as he swung the katana around, absorbing each attack powering up the next. Once Alice appeared, Bargaining stabbed the sword into the ground as the area began shaking with purple electricity rippling out all targeting Alice. As they were about to connect, Alice started to flying around, cutting down each attack while avoiding the others. With each of the attacks gone one last one flew in from behind only to vanish like it was never there. "Hmm, so it's true. You still hold some semblance of your time as the sixth stage of grief. Salvation, anyone who seeks to defy salvation will find their attacks become completely useless almost like they never happened. One such seal which is unmatched. Unless it's by a Child of the Garden."

"Even with that borrowed body, you aren't doing too bad Adam."

Bargaining chuckled holding his arm out, dragging the sword from the ground. "I've only just begun." The moment he finished the final sentence, his whole body vanished appearing behind Alice with a loud bang echoing. Wavering his arm around his sword was met by Alice's scythe as a mighty explosion rippled shaking everyone to the core.

"How is she keeping up with that monster?" Diego muttered not even bothering to fight.

"I don't know how… But I don't think that's Zinnia anymore." Blossom muttered. "I sense something familiar… Something evil."

Bargaining crouched against the titan, pushing himself off towards Alice as the two kept their battle going with clashes of unmatched power. Bargaining fluttered to the ground using the sword to drift around shooting serval bolts of electricity at Alice. Spinning her Scythe around, she reflected each one opening a dozen portals all tracing heavy waves of light. As they were charging Bargaining stood up calling on an electrical clone of himself. He didn't give a moment to think as he stabbed himself with the sword as the electrical energy flowed through him, lifting him in the air. With his eyes closed, he placed his hand on the katana unleashing a barrage of blinding lighting strikes. Alice attacked with her own as each attack was countered. However, Alice's onslaught was just too much as Bargaining was overwhelmed. He tried cutting down the attacks, but it was futile as he was smashed to the ground. Struggling to stand, he fell to one knee holding his katana by his side. With the last of his built-up strength, he slashed the katana across as a large shockwave flooded the sky. Alice's vision jolted to this attack with a concerned look only for it to vanish due to Salvation's seal.

Alice slammed to the ground dragging Bargaining across the floor, holding him against the tree with her scythe to his neck. She was about to do the deed when she hesitated standing up. "This wasn't fair at all… I won, but it felt like I was cheating. It's no fun without your powers and seal. You toppled nations 400 years ago with those powers."

Bargaining chuckled leaning against the tree. "Liar, you've gotten soft. You can't bring yourself to kill Zinnia. I see there is still much improvement for Hawthorne's experiment. But we're so close."

"I don't get you, Adam. First, you betray the Garden and kill me 400 years ago, and now you had me resurrected into this body. But that's what makes it all so exciting. I have no idea where this game is going."

"I'm glad I could entertain you for so long. I'll promise you this sister. I will bring you back. When the Garden falls, we will rise."

Alice stood up, staring blankly as she held her head in pain. "Father? Return? But the others? I understand… The Child of the Garden is secured. Returning at once."

Alice stepped into a portal as Blossom tried stopping her. Vanishing the streamers were left alone. Blossom went to Zinnia's aid as she screamed panicking. "Zinnia, Zinnia, it's ok. You're alright."

Zinnia looked around sweating. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Diego questioned.

Zinnia looked down in disappointment. "I… I let Bargaining take over my body."

"The stage of grief?! The hell would you do that for?" Jinx barked.

"If I didn't none of us would be here right now…"

Diego held his hand out, helping Zinnia up. "Well, we've got bigger issues right now. We have no rescue coming. We're stranded God knows where and there is no sign of your crew. Alice mentioned something about the Child of the Garden is secured. Any idea what that means?"

Zinnia almost fell over again, being helped by Jinx and Diego. "Alton… It's got to be, they have Alton."josei

"Shit, who would have guessed Frizzle Tooth was in possession of powers from the Garden. I'm not even sure the CEOs knew." Diego muttered. "The hell do we do?"

"We retaliate," Morto ordered walking from the titan brushing herself down. "If these traitors want to overthrow V.I.R.A.L and take control, we must be there to crush every last one of them."

"No. No. That's not how we do this. Alice, Iris, many other streamers are just pawns in this. Being forced to fight us against their will. We need to save them."

Morto scoffed ripping a broken nail off. "I do not have time for such trivial hero bullshit. Every streamer will be sent to crush Hawthorne and his traitorous Frizzle Tooth."

"I said no." Zinnia echoed, holding her sword towards Morto. "Alice, Iris, they are all my friends. I won't let you kill them. No matter what I will save them from the Garden."

Morto inflicts a death stare on the streamers sending chills down all their spines as each begins to lose faith in themselves. "You dare raise your weapon against a CEO? You are walking on dangerously thin ice, miss Trost. Choose your next words carefully as they might be your last."

"I don't care about your threats or rules. I am a hero like my parents before me, and if you think I will charge into battle to bring innocent lives to an end, you're wrong. I don't care how many laws I'll break; I will save them."

Morto continued to stare before tutting. "Kurt was right about you Zinnia, you're just as selfish and dim-witted as your father. Very well, Ingrid. I accept your terms. I shall leave the destruction of Frizzle Tooth to you and the rescue of Alice and Iris Hawthorne. But might I ask? Just how do you plan to do complete such a task."

Zinnia smirked phone in her hand. "How else? The old-fashioned Team Rhapsody way. Expose their lies and misdeed and take them down for the world to see."

"How amusing. How very, very amusing. You've got a lot on your plate, young lady. A child of the Garden and reincarnation of the most power Anti-human. The stolen powers of the Garden and an army of obedient brainwashed streamers. And just how were you planning on topping that?"

Zinnia looked slightly thrown off, feeling more alone. However, in the distance from the fog, hope arises as Team Rhapsody reappeared looking relieved to see her. "How? Isn't that obvious. As a team."

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