Chapter 177

Chapter 177: Go to the Light Part 3

Lifting the truck, Scarlett gave Emil enough time to get the last civilians out. Throwing the truck aside Scarlett landed looking around one last time. "I think that's the last of them. We should regroup with Alton."

"Agreed. This is going as smoothly as can be."

"Alton, now that's a name I haven't heard in a while." A voice played off trailing with her words. The two streamers turned to a girl with a broken half mask with stained blood dripping from the eye. "Just hearing that name gives me goosebumps it's contagious."

"Are you a member of Villain's Wrath?" Scarlett questioned carefully.

"Yup. Streamer Fate reporting for duty." She goofily said saluting. "Now a question for you. Where's your leader?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I want to kill him silly, duh!" She scoffed.

Scarlett scowled her swinging her arm around. "Like that's going to happen!"

Letting off a rapid array of explosions, Fate leapt into the air floating upwards before landing safely without an issue back onto a lamppost balancing. "Now that wasn't very nice. You need to at least ask me why I want to kill Alton?"

"Alright, I'll bite. Why do you want to kill Alton?" Emil raised.

Fate clapped her hands together quickly. "Wonderful, now this is the part where I tell you all about my evil plan, and then you figure a way to stop me."

Scarlett looked up as the truck she had lifted was floating above her. Fate giggled bowing as the truck slammed to the ground at high speed. Using her powers to hold it back, she found herself struggling more and more as the truck was somehow getting heavier by the second. This was matched by a burden grudging onto Scarlett's chest, making it harder for herself to focus. Soon enough, she couldn't hold it any longer as the truck crushed the two streamers. Fate waited a while as Emil holding Scarlett emerged from the ground. "Never do that again…" Scarlett whispered looking traumatised.

"Thank God that didn't kill you. If you had died there, I would have been so sad and disappointed. I'm glad Team Rhapsody are all the stories made you up to be."

Fate glanced to her left confused, seeing a small paper aeroplane fly towards her. Catching it, she gave it a strange look before it exploded in her face sending her flying back. "And maybe more darling." Scarlett mocked.

Everything around the two streamers began floating as Fate appearing spinning in the air laughing to herself as the music started blaring out. Still floating, she began dancing to herself. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Ra ra Rasputin Lover of the Russian queen. There was a cat that really was gone. Ra ra Rasputin Russia's greatest love machine. It was a shame how he carried on!"

"This girl is nuts."

Fate turned her gaze to Scarlett and Emil as both found themselves pinned to the ground, unable to move as a heavy force dwelled on them. "You can thank the traitor of Sunset Peak for that. Your dearly departed Alton Brantley."

Scarlett kept struggling hissing in spite. "I won't let you lay a finger on him."

Fate shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, I believe that. I really do, truth be told Mistress Justice you scare the living shit out of me. But I distracted you all for long enough." Shaking her phone around, she arrogantly called them out. "Make sure you keep watching, what happens next you don't want to miss."


Prisoners were thrown left and right all being teleported back to where they once were thanks to the combined effort of Priest David and Pokiero. Gale jumped back into one of Alice's portals which opened above David. Inches away from striking he was simply teleported away right next to Zinnia, knocking her clean off her feet. Both collapsed as Gale panicked. "Shit! I'm sorry!"

Zinnia held her nose, which was bleeding as she whimpered. "You hit like a damn freight train Gale…"

David scoffed, watching the events take place. "Truly pathetic. Even after months of working together, you are all sloppy and out of touch."

"It really makes you wonder how I lost to a bunch of losers like you." Pokiero dug in.

Alice walked forward, turning to her allies. "You both rests now. I'll handle this."

David was now more than paranoid seeing his next opponent. "This isn't good. Not one fucking bit. Alice bloody Hawthorne."

Alice stared dully at the two, holding her hand out. "You may now address me as Gatekeeper please." Serval light beams struck the two as David rushed to the rescue teleporting each of the attacks to the best of his ability. He began panting using up all his energy at once.

"It's hopeless we cannot win." He boldly claims.

Pokiero stared down shaking her head. "No, I refuse to let it end here." She turned to him, pulling him in close staring into his gaze. "Fight for me until your last breath."

Completely infatuated by her, David gained his second wind as he jumped from the truck ready to fight with no fear. Alice gave a dodgy look attacking once more. Easily able to keep up with the newfound power, he teleported each attack away with some targeting Alice. Thrown off by this, she took her own attack head-on spinning in the air landing back on her feet startled. "It appears the priest now believes himself stronger than ever just because of motivation."

"Placebo effect. Wonderful."

Choosing to move in for a closer attack Alice was teleported away with each passing attempt. "The Alice cannot land a single attack it seems. Conclusion, a new tactic is required."

"To think this is all going so well for me! And to think I would have the likes of Alton to thank for this?!"josei


"Ironic isn't it? The one who put me away put the offer to move all of us himself to the CEOs, why the hell they agreed I don't know. The world is a strange place."

Zinnia stood up, moving her arm around a fire in her eyes. Moving forward, she rippled around at high speed as lightning kept striking at different places she once was. David tried his best to keep up but even with his boost in prowess was unable to keep up. "How is she this fast?!"

Pokiero looked stunned, not knowing of Zinnia's new power unable to read her. Before her eyes, David was launched into the air as Zinnia cut through him serval time in a dash of electricity. She slammed down past him, causing a hail of lightning strikes to match taking him down for the count. Zinnia kneeled to the ground glared up at Pokiero holding her hand behind her. Slowly tremendously she began running at the former streamer catching her off guard. Although Pokiero was more than ready moving her hand to the blindfold. Inches away, she lifted it up cackling. "You never learn, do you! You fell for the same trick again!"

The mind control seemed to not work this time. However, to Pokiero's horror as Zinnia moved her hidden hand into view, letting out a flash of light blinding her temporarily. Unable to attack Zinnia pressed her katana against Pokiero cutting through her as charges of electricity bombarded her before she fell to the ground defeated. Zinnia stopped in her tracks slightly flustered by the mind control but unlike before she had it much under wraps. "That's our Zinnia!"

Zinnia turned around proud of herself, she knew it herself how far she'd come. Unable to raise a finger against team Rhapsody's first foe to take down her and one of Vanguard's priest alone. She had gotten to this point thanks to her friends and willpower. "How did my powers not work on you? No, they made much too little effort… That's not impossible unless… Unless the target is in love."

Going slightly red Zinnia kneeled to her level whispering. "Maybe I am. Just know this Harriet nothing will stop us anymore. I'm a hero."

Pokiero laughed lying on the floor, beaten. "Heroes. One who saves everyone. So, tell me what happens when the hero needs saving?" Zinnia glanced at her phone, staring in horror. "This was all part of the plan. His plan. If I can't seek out my revenge. He will for me."

"Whats wrong Zinnia? Zinnia?"

Staring at her phone Zinnia began to lose it, throwing it aside freaking out in anger. "Zinnia, calm down." Gale insisted. "What is it?"

Alice checked her phone too; her eyes widening slightly. "Oh, no. A stream has gone live under Villain's Wrath."


"The title. It's the title!" Zinnia yells running off in a panic.

"Title?" Alice points her phone to Gale who looked just as worried. "Streaming the death of Alton Brantley… No way…"

"All of this, it was a distraction. We need to hurry before they get to Alton!"


Fate hovered to the rooftop as she leaned forward in awe, watching Alton. "Look at him go. He's relentless just like before."

"Enough admiring him. We have a job to do."

"Oh, I know division. I have no doubts about what we are about to do. You just can't help but admire that power."

"Stolen power that is."

The two streamers turned looking down. "Crypto, sir… Sorry."

Crypto shook his head, staring down at Alton's might. "No need for petty apologies Fate, we are all here as a reminder of what one boy can do. He took everything from us, and that is partly my fault. Did you distract the streamers?"

"As intended, sir. We won't have long though. Team Rhapsody will make quick work of their old enemies."

"Then, we move now. Alton Brantley is as good as dead." 

Crypto fell from the roof as Division and Fate stared idly. "Don't get any second thoughts now Fate. Former friend or not you know what he is."

"I know… I just wish it didn't hurt as much. What do you think Sam would do?"

"The right thing. But we left that life behind. We are Hero's Might no more. Time to give Alton a family reunion like no other."

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