Chapter 178

Chapter 178: Go to The Light Part 4

"Marvellous! Marvellous! Simply marvellous. You showed those crooked criminals no mercy! You are the Alton Brantley the others boost about so often. Such joy."

Out of breath, Alton stood up straight wiping his bloody lip. "What others?"josei

"It's one for all and all for the people." A voice whispered in his ear. Alton froze in undeniable terror as his whole body tensed up. "Ha! Look at him, Marco just one small little whisper, and he's falling apart. Hello Alton."

Fate walked past him before hugging him tightly. "Boy, have we missed you? It's been what nearly seven years since you tried killing us? Those were the days."

Marco stood idly by keeping his distance as Alton's lips began trembling. "This isn't possible. This is a trick. I watched you, no know you both died. My father killed you!"

"Still living lies are you, man?" Marco sighed, shaking his head in disapproval. "It may have tricked your new buddies but yourself too? Alton, I'm disappointed. Were six years all it took to get over it?"

"This is your doing." Alton hissed pointing at Valhalla. 

"Me? Alton? How is this me? Get a grip."

Destiny and Marco tailed Alton walking around him. "You must know why we're here, Alton. You should have seen this coming."

"Don't do this. I'm begging you."

"Aww isn't that adorable. He's begging us for his life. I'm touched."

Alton stared furiously at the two. "No… I'm begging you to stop, so I don't have to kill you again."

Destiny stopped moving, looking away, biting her lip nodding. "There he is." Alton was rammed into the truck behind him held down with almighty strength one even he couldn't overcome. "Don't fight it, Alton. You know this was always going to happen. Let nature take its place!"

Pushed further into the truck Alton let out a scream of anger as the truck frozen over entirely. Eyes over Reality watched curiously from the sidelines a comedic smile never leaving his face. Alton emerged from his cage, letting all control go. A storm began brewing as the sky turned a damning grey. His hair flustered out to his waist, and both eyes matching the Garden's toxic yellow glare. Frozen flower petals danced off him as Alton stared sinisterly at them. Moving his shoulders back, he burst forward shooting a ray of ice forward. Marco stood in front of Destiny, taking the hit dead on dying it down through a barrier he called up. Alton kept at the wall unleashing brutal attacks after attacks slowly cracking the shield. Forming it around him. Marco shot it back as Destiny made it float high into the air before increasing Alton's gravity alone, bringing it back down with an unholy amount of speed. The crash caused everything to be knocked back as glass shattered all around. Alton ripped from the ground, grabbed Marco by his neck, spinning him around, and threw him flying into the book store. Alton's gaze turned to Destiny as she stepped back thrown off. Valhalla jumped down, wielding two battle axes as she began swinging at the streamer, leaving no place to counter. Alton blocked each attack with his ice each shattering after a few hits. This increased to less to even just one blow after a while. Valhalla leapt in the air swinging down breaking Alton's guard, forcing him to his knee. 

Giving no time to use this advantage, Alton swung his arms striking. Valhalla blocked the attack as the ground broke around them. "Now, Marco." A small cube formed around them blocking off the streamers. Striking back what felt like to Alton the power of one thousand punches, he was flung around the cube like a bouncy ball over and over until it's broke causing Alton to fall to the floor.

"Keep on your toes. It's far from over."

Valhalla started on before finding her axes shattering into ice as she threw them away in shock. Alton stood up on one knee, holding a small blizzard in his hand. "Whiteout!" Fully blinded for a short moment, Marco was quick to react again. He summoned a barrier to enclose the blizzard shrinking it and revealing the area. Alton was held in place by Destiny as he struggled to move.

"You stand no chance. We worked with you for two years. We know your every move before you make it!" Destiny yelled, throwing her hand down, sending Alton to the ground his body breaking under the gravity force. His hand was closed, struggling to open. But against odds, Alton pushed through ripping his hand open breaking two of his fingers in the meantime as a ball of snow appeared. 

"Relentless Avalanche."

The snow flew into the air before coming back down in a large quantity devouring the area sending each of the streamers against the wall bewintered by the attack's power. The snow faded as the three were struggling to stand beaten and wounded. Marco was the first to stand only for Alton to appear in front of him. Kneeing him in the stomach before backhanding him past his face Marco crashed to the ground down for the count. Valhalla rose from her defeat punching Alton in the front, making him flip back falling onto his back. Leaping onto him she kept landing hit after hit never letting go as Alton was put on the brink of defeat. Something snapped in him as all thoughts and feelings were thrown out the window. Valhalla was thrown off as Alton began floating in the air surrounded by flower petals. His body began jerking around as a storm riddled in Alton's mind as he began to laugh to himself. "You cannot stop the Garden for it forever grows! Now purge with the rest of the traitors! Almighty Ice Age!" The buildings began to frost over with black ice matching Sunset Peak as the world ending attack was cast. An array of ice flickered forward seemly from Alton until it stabbed him throughout his entire body stopping his dead attack centre.

Alton gagged falling from grace to the ground. His entire arm froze over as he trembled to see a pair of old worn boots, he knew better than any pair of shoes. "Now, now, my boy. There is no need for such violence." Any logic tossed was now back haunting Alton as all senses were blindered into fear and terror. Alton glanced up devastated, seeing the man of his nightmares before him. "Merry Christmas Alton."

In a state of panic, Alton swung his arm forward only for Crypto to shatter it into a million pieces. Alton screamed in unholy pain, falling on his back, bleeding everywhere. "Not so fast." Alton continued to cry out in absolute despair as he shook his head tutting. "My oh my. Does it hurt? Good." From the smoke, a strike of lightning appeared as Zinnia floored in panting. She stared up in horror seeing Alton on death's door. "Alton!"

Marco stopped her attack forming a barrier around her. Zinnia tried her best to break free but found it impossible. Crypto nodded. "It's time."

Valhalla nodded, starting the recording. Zinnia kept on screaming and shouting as Crypto drew a gun from his back pocket. A simple pistol, enough for his deed.

"Stop! Stop it!" She screamed in desperation.

Alton turned, biting his lip as he tried running. Crypto reacted fast shooting Alton in both knees as he collapsed once again. "You always knew this was coming to Alton, no matter how much you run, you would always come to this moment each and every time."

Smoke covered the streets. The droning sound of screams flooded through blocking out all other sounds. This was met by one additional sound, the click of a gun. Alton tried crawling away blood smudged against the ground using his only arm to dig at the floor. He kept looking backwards in devastation as Crypto walked up, stopping his path. Destiny and Marco more watched from the side-lines, the look of justice gleaming in their eyes. Crypto kicked Alton over, stepping on him crushing his rips. Alton couldn't put up much of a fight, not anymore, he stared scared for his life as a gun was firmly pressed against him. A cold breeze shook through the wreckage as Crypto waited idly looked away, hiding behind his mask. Clocking the firearm, he whispered in a dry ominous tone. "Send Lily my regards Avalanche."

"I beg of you. Please don't do it! Don't take him from me! No!" Zinnia screeched breaking the barrier. It began to crack and falter before finally giving way. The moment it made one more sound was matched through the bombardment of noises—the sound of a stray gunshot piercing the screams reaching that with silence.

Zinnia collapsed to her knee's tears flooding from her face as Crypto stepped away, looking down. He glared to the camera taking his mask off, showing his face. The dark-skinned man rubbed his rough beard as he stared down at Alton with his navy-blue eyes. "It's done. May you forever rest in peace Lily…"

Destiny took a little while to catch her breath as she gulped. "What should we do about her?"

"Team Rhapsody? They are just as much victims as you. Leave them, they are free."

Crypto walked over to Zinnia, patting her head. "You'll be thanking me for this soon enough."

Villain's Wrath all faded into the smoke as Alton made small wheezing gasps. Zinnia took notice crawling to his aid, unable to control herself. Alton's gaze stared blankly forward. "Zin… Zin are you there?"

"I'm here… Alton, you can't. You can't leave me. Please fight!"

Zinnia held him up blood staining her streaming outfit as she cradled him tightly. "Zin… Please, whatever you do… Do not go after Villain's Wrath."

His last words trailed off, and his last breath was stolen. Zinnia died inside seeing her best friend dead. She began shaking him losing all control of emotions as she started screaming in pain hugging Alton close. The rest of Team Rhapsody showed up each frozen in devastation. "Impossible… Alton, he can't be." Emil whispered.

"How. How did this happen?!"

"Alton… No, I… The Alice doesn't believe it."

Scarlett fell to her knees, staring blankly forward. "Don't you dare… Don't you bloody dare!"

By the time the ambulance had arrived, it was already too late. No matter how much they tried, it was impossible to deny it through tears and broken hearts. Alton Brantley, leader of Team Rhapsody, was in fact dead…

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