Chapter 222

Chapter 222: Rise of a Hero Part 2

"I can smell great fear; tell me, have you ever felt true fear before you, have you? You would never have known true fear. Until you met me, isn't that right, Alton Brantley."

Alton's heart dropped back down as his voice stuttered, trying to let any sort of words out. Licking his lips, trying to put on some false confidence, Alton spoke up, uncertain of his future. "How do you know who I am?"

Kira and Shane both glanced at each other just as lost as the Blight Father cleared his throat, grinning. "I know everything about you, Alton. You have gone through so many losses betrayed and abandoned you truly feel alone. You feel guilt, anger, despair. The guilt you weren't strong enough to protect them. Anger that they left you for no good reason and despair over the fact things could have been different. Even to this day, you still blame yourself for what happened to Percy Misharp."

Alton collapsed to his knees, horrified, feeling all train of thoughts fleeing from his mind; this man was unlike anything he had ever foreseen. "That's… That's impossible. Just who the hell are you?!"

"I am the Blight Father. You have nothing to fear, not anymore. You should consider yourself lucky, Alton, for I have taken an interest in you. Very few people can do that. From now on, you'll be under my watch. In fact, I've already got a task for you."

"A task?"

"Correct. You were sent here, were you not? For you see, Alton, I see everything. I can see your past, present and future. That is why you've been brought here. To see it for yourself. So, tell me, which sin do you want me to grant you? Greed, wrath, pride, perhaps? You want to be a hero, correct? At least the boy Kurt Hatching does."

Alton gripped his hand, glancing over all his options, thinking very carefully of his next words. "I suppose I did once want to be a hero. I got that taste a long time ago. But the only thing heroes are good for is throwing their lives away."

"Correct, to a certain point of view. Broadening your horizon might change that. So, tell me why?"


"There is a reason for everything. A motive, what is yours? Why did you want to become a super-hero, Alton?"

Alton looked down, holding his arm tightly. "Why I wanted to become a super-hero? It may sound silly, but…"

"It's because you want to continue a legacy of someone else. Not out of love, something else. This girl. It matters not who she is to me. That is what you were going to tell me, wasn't it?" The Blight Father interrupted. He tutted to himself, wagging his finger sill enwrapped in darkness. "It's much simpler than that, though. You simply seek attention, Alton. Not just of her but of all others. You wanted to become a hero because you were hidden away so much cursed with your powers. The first sign you could make a difference you jumped aboard without a second thought. That is who you are, Alton Brantley. You became a hero the same reason people became streamers."

"That's not true!" Alton snapped, defending himself. "It's more than that…"

"Throughout our little chat, you have said little. What you have said was done so meekly. This sudden outburst is different. Humans get defensive when they tell lies." The Blight Father boomed.

"Humans… You're saying you're not human?" Alton whispered.

"Father is whatever we so desire him to be! A teacher, a father, a leader, a king, a God! Father is more than any of us." Kira roared outspoken in anger at Alton's lack of respect. "You couldn't even imagine the very essence of which he has saved us."

The Blight Father raised his hand, making Kira spit into silence instantly. "That's quite enough, daughter of mine. We are here to help Alton on his journey, but only he can go forth and take the first step. I can grant you your sin; people will know of you. They will see you and roar with hope and inspiration. They will cheer your name and remember you for hundreds of years as a legendary hero. A Super-Hero you shall become."

"Why, you're Syndicate. Why the hell would you breed heroes who could turn against you?"josei

"For the same reason, we do the same for villains. If my reach and love are steady throughout the world, I must gain people's trust. If an Anti-Human wants to be a hero, who are we to stop him. We simply give him the tools and send him out there; if he goes too far, we simply reel him in."

"Like a dog."

"That's one way of saying it. Surely you must understand, though, Alton. I cannot rule a nation with constant threats against me. If I can control them and drip feed them whatever they want, the slave will be forever obedient. Treat your servants well enough, and they won't even realise what they are. That's how I conduct my way of life."

"So, you'll make a hero? You'd do that for me?" Alton questioned, sensing something off about the whole situation. Even if this is just a made-up world, the fact this Blight Father knows everything about Alton spoken and not sends shivers down his spine.

"Of course. That is why I am here. We have been here for years, helping the lost and forgotten to find their closure in life. The Phantom will become a legend, and we will rise to high glory. And you will take us there."

Alton raised his eyebrow finding his courage to speak out once more. "A legend? You hold me at such high regards Father, it's been clear my whole life I'm not but a monster. I couldn't possibly live up to that."

"That's what you want to hear. You hold onto negative thoughts like a blanket to keep you warm. Let go of those old-time words and believe in yourself, Alton. See what I can see in you, and you shall excel to great lengths."

It hit Alton; he knew what this was. To any average person, they would fall for this without a second thought. It was clear the Blight Father was a master at manipulation. There was no doubt about it. He couldn't fall for the false words of praise, but for now, Alton knew he had to play along. Bowing, he whispered. "I understand; thank you, father."

"Have I done well, Father?" Kira asked, looking to her parent for recognition.

"Why, of course, yes. You have served me very well, daughter of mine. I highly appreciate your company."

Grinning from ear-to-ear, Kira bowed once more. "Thank you, Father. Your acknowledgement brings me to hope in my life."

"Now, we understand the playing field of the task."

"The task?"

"The Blight Father will choose when you can go out and play the hero. Only through his tasks will you be allowed to be the Phantom; being a hero whenever you want is strictly forbidden." Shane ran by keeping Alton up to date.

"I see."

The Blight Father sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "It saddens me to inform us that one of our own children has betrayed us. The villain, the oncoming storm, has turned her back on the family and begun her own rampage stealing and killing whoever she pleases. I find this disturbing and hurtful after all the time I spent sharing my love."

Kira kneeled, shouting. "We won't show her any mercy!"

"Good, that is where you come in, Alton. For your first task as Syndicate's Phantom, you will punish this lowly villain and remind the world not to mess with us. You will find her and kill her. That is all."

"You want me to kill her? That's not very hero-like."

"It is now, is there a problem with the task?"

"No." Alton shut down, quickly crossing his arms. "If you want this traitor dead to consider it already done. She won't escape my sight. Her head will be yours."

A small chuckle came from the Blight Father as he clapped slowly. "I knew it was right to have faith in you, Alton… I hope you find the answers to why you were summoned here; good luck. Acceptance's games are nothing to laugh about."

Alton bowed with the others as they were back in the elevator, the atmosphere slightly different than before. As Alton continued to get a good look at his home away from home, he felt the unwary nature of the situation. The Blight Father wasn't to be trusted, but it's like he said he wasn't here to stop him. Only to find the truth behind Acceptance game. Kira looked down at her home, speaking confused. "I've never seen the Blight Father so interested in someone in my life. Summoning, Acceptance. He even called you a completely different name. Alton Brantley."

"Yeah, what's the deal with that? You been keeping secrets from us, Kurt?" Shane said, ganging up on Alton.

Alton shook his head, keeping eye contact with both of them. "Not at all. As long as I'm with you, I'm Kurt Hatching."

"I see, but might I add I was rather thrown off by the fact you'd openly agree to the killing of this villain so quickly. Is there a reason for that?"

"None at all," Alton whispered, staring up with a dead look in his eyes. "I just hate traitors."

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