Chapter 223

Chapter 223: Rise of a Hero Part 3

Stepping outside the pawnshop, Alton took a longwinded breath of fresh air, having escaped the jaws of the beast for the time being. Even if he was never in any real danger here, he couldn't help but feel scared for his life all the same. Shane glanced at his watch, nodding. "We should still have time. Say, Kurt, what say we head out to our usual spot? You don't have to get back to your roommate, do you?"

"Shouldn't I be off looking for this Oncoming Storm?" Alton questioned, not trusting of the other Syndicate members.

Kira sighed, leaning on Alton's shoulder, letting out a fake yawn. "God, you can be so boring. Father didn't say you have to do it today. The false villain can't skip town, so she'll be forced to hide away until she slips up. Loosen up and have some fun."

"I'd all honestly rather not."

Shane turned to a beeping sound, checking his pager. "Well, now you don't have any choice. Parker has summoned us, and you cannot turn her down."


"Don't say you've forgotten your girlfriend, Kurt… What the hell is wrong with you today?"

Alton rubbed his neck, grumbling, giving a small nod. "I guess you're right… I'll hang out for a bit." 

Kira clapped her hands together, pushing Alton forward. "Groovy, dude. Trust me, you won't beat my high score this time."

"We'll see about that." He challenges remembering to keep in character walking ahead.

Shane leans over to Kira, whispering. "Surely you've noticed yourself now? I can't be the only one suspecting the same thing."

Kira began tapping her foot, grinning. "You read me like a book, Fury. That is, without a doubt, not Kurt Hatching. Father mentioned Alton Brantley. I don't know how but he's most certainly a fake, have Parker look up anyone named Brantley living in this city."

"Yeah, and what are you going to do?"

"We're going to party, right? I'll bring the big guns; we'll see how this Alton Brantley deals with them."


Alton stood rather uncomfortable at the sight he was witnessing, never seeing anything like this. The building was packed with people dressed in brightly coloured clothes and wigs dancing with no care in the world. Staring blankly, he looked around, already feeling the nerves kicking in. "What the hell is this…"

"Wow! The club is sure packed today! I thought we'd never get in!" Kira yelled out.

"You cannot be serious, right? Did you forget your family owns this club, Kira?"

"You really don't get sarcasm, do you, Jasmine? Remind me how you became a lieutenant again?"

Jasmine tilted her head, looking clueless. "Sarcasm? Are you making fun of me again?" Alton stared idly at the girl, not saying a word. She was wearing exaggerated, wearing bright yellow short shorts, a glossy blue jacket and green sunglasses. This was a vase difference compared to her, preferably a plain face and simple down brown hair. Lowering her glasses, she looked at Alton with her neon green eyes. "Are you going to say something, Kurt?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry…"

"Don't mind Kurt today; he just met father. He's still a bit shaken; the sign of his true love must have sent him into overdrive."

Jasmine frowned, slightly nodding. "He scared the ever-loving Christ out of me when I first met him too. Try not to let it get to you; his bark is worse than his bite. Or at least Kira tells me that. I'm sure a song or two will cheer you up."

Alton stared at the dancefloor, lost. "And this is?"

"Is Kurt also using this so-called sarcasm on me, too, Kira? You know what disco is, Alton."

"Yeah, of course." He lied, not hearing of such a past time back in Rhinefield.

"Are you guys seriously going to dance in your school clothes?"

"Of course not. Kurt, dude, go change." Kira insisted, throwing him a small backpack. "You left your clothes here last time."

Alton looked into the bag, sighing walking into the backroom to change. Jasmine took her glasses off, looking troubled. "Who was that?"

"I knew you would realise. You read his mind?"

"I tried, at least. Kurt isn't that hard to read, but just now, I could hardly get a read on him. The bits I did get made no sense."

"What did you see?" Shane asked, bobbing his head to the music.

"A city I hardly recognised. Pain, sorrow and well… Someone who looked very similar to you, Kira."

"Me? Well, that make things even more bizarre right? Anything else?"

"I'm afraid no. Most of his mind was covered in like a blizzard. It was hard seeing anything." She responded. "You brought him here for a reason, right?"

Kira placed a hand on Jasmine, staring at her in the eyes. "Read all about it and play along."

Alton came out in a white suit looking embarrassed. "What the hell is this?"

"Your dancing groove, dude. You look totally radical." Kira stated, striking a pose. "So, let's dance the night away. You still owe me a rematch, Kurt."

"Let's get this over and done with, shall we?" Alton whimpered, dragging himself over to the dancefloor. A high action song began playing as the dance floor was cleared for the dance-off of the century. Kira spun around, flicking her arm in the air, striking another over the top pose, smirking. "Give me a break…"

"No can-do, dude, my dance moves are going to wipe the floor of you."

Alton watched as Kira began pulling off cheesy disco moves letting the music take her over, getting into the full groove. The dance was passed onto Alton as he stared down, going bright red, taking a deep breath. "Just like you taught me, Sam…"

Sliding back, Alton held his arms out, beginning the heated battle with a backflip getting the crowd going. Matching Kira's own moves, he then spilt in his very own inspired from Sam herself. He collapsed to the floor spinning around, jolting out, holding himself together in one hand. Kira stepped back, startled as Alton began breaking down, pulling himself up from a cartwheel. Getting the crowd going, even more, even Shane and Jasmine watched in shock, not expected the moves Alton was pulling off. Shuffling on the spot, Alton pointed at Kira twisting his body into a spin jumping in the air, crouching down, striking his pose.

The crowd erupted with cheers and roars as Kira gave up right there and then stepping back, trembling. She snapped, gripping Alton's collar tightly. "What the hell was that? Gag me with a spoon! When the hell was you a b-boy?!"

Alton looked away, embarrassed. "I can only pull off a few moves. An old friend of mine taught me during our days off."

Kira's face scrunched up as she calmed down entirely, giggling patting Alton down. "I see; you really are something else, aren't you, Alton? There's no doubt in my mind now."

"Excuse me?"

Holding Alton's arm up, she got the crowd cheering again. "Give it up for the winner again! Alton Brantley for a most gnarly performance."

Alton lowered his arm, walking off the dance floor, sitting at the booth Jasmine and Shane both were at. "When were you hiding those aces, Kurt? You blew Kira away."

"Eat my shorts, Shane." Kira hissed, sitting down sulking. "I was practising in the mirror all night…"

"Don't let it get to you, Kira." Jasmine politely stated. "You still looked betty up there."

"Betty?" Alton whispered, lost to all the 80s talk.

"It means an attractive woman Alton, you space cadet." 

Alton just gave up with all the slang admitted defeat taking a sip of his drink. "So what can you guys tell me about this Oncoming Storm?"

"Are we seriously doing this now? Can't you switch off hero mode for one day?" Shane grumbled, ripping open a bag of peanuts.

"What's this?" Jasmine questioned.

"Father tasked Kurt here with taking down the Oncoming Storm, a former member to the family who betrayed us all."

"Very few people turn their backs on Syndicate these days. Only suicidal maniacs or villains who let their power go to their heads. Surely, this villain must have had a reason?"

"Does it matter? She betrayed us, and now she has to be made an example of." Shane shrugged off. "Kurt here seems alright with doing it."

"It's going to be hard if I don't know anything about her."

"What is there to know? She's some low life villain thinking she owns the city doing what she pleases. She's rather sloppy, only going for big jobs like bank heists."

"Meaning it wouldn't be hard to find her, neither will taking her down be much of a problem for someone like the legendary Phantom."

Kira stared at Alton, leaning forward, cupping her head in her hands. "Or the new kid on the block Alton Brantley."

Before Alton could even respond to this, the whole roof to the club collapsed as smoke rushed in, consuming everything in sight. Alton was launched back into the wall coughing as screams were heard blasting out. As the dust settled, Kira and the others had seemly vanished. Staring up, Alton flinched, staring on in complete shock. "This is most certainly the place. The disgusting hideout belonging to that angel of death. It appears they've already fled."

"Brother. I believe one is still here."

Alton stood up, shaking his head. "That isn't possible. How are you? Bargaining!"

"Bargaining? To even associate us with those vermin of the Garden disgusts me. My name is Adam Berry! Oh, you've pissed me off now, Syndicate scum; we've been hunting you down long enough. Where is the Blight Father?"

Alton's eyes pivoted as he was left dazed. "Alic… No. This is 400 years ago, before the fall of Victoria… Alice isn't alive yet. Meaning this is worse than I thought. The last two remaining legendary heroes, the timekeeper and gatekeeper… Adam and Eve Berry…"

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Kira?" Jasmine whispered, hiding under the floor of the club, watching the events play out. "What will the Blight Father think?"

"He doesn't have to know. I just need to see what he'll do given the situation. I won't let anything happen to him. If it comes down to it, I'll step in when needed."

"What is your orders, brother?"

Adam stared on at Alton with a judgemental look tutting. "He looks petrified just to see us. That and he is already well aware of the Garden. I don't know who you are, boy, but it's clear you wish to fight."

Alton glanced down, seeing his fists were clenched. He was full of anger without realising it. Gritting his teeth, he bit his lip. "I'll make you pay Bargaining pay for what you did to Zinnia."

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